Would like to find friends to go on this long journey with m

mcdlrs Posts: 1 Member
Hi, I am a 38 year old female in NC. I just started my new healthy lifestyle on Monday and Joined myfitnesspal on Tuesday. I have made a long-term goal of losing 100 pounds in one year and would love to share inspirations, meal ideas, and the ups and downs of this journey with as many people as would like to friend me, but especially those that need to lose 100 pounds or more. :smile: All are welcome and appreciated though!


  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Hi! My name is Anna and I too have made a commitment to loose 100 pounds in a year! Feel free to add me. I can always use new friends
  • Shimmerrzz
    Shimmerrzz Posts: 32 Member
    Well, I started in January....I'm 42 and my original goal was I think over 100 lbs...you can friend me if you want...I've been "lurking" around the message boards but haven't been brave enough to really make friends yet!
  • Reddak98
    Reddak98 Posts: 58 Member
    Well, I started in January....I'm 42 and my original goal was I think over 100 lbs...you can friend me if you want...I've been "lurking" around the message boards but haven't been brave enough to really make friends yet!

    Glad you decided to come into the groups and join the movement. You will find a lot of help here.
  • Ridumcowgirl
    Ridumcowgirl Posts: 115 Member
    Feel free to add me! Im just starting to add friends myself. Youll find its MUCH more motivating that way! Best of luck on your journey you SO can do it!
  • Sent you a friend request. Support will help us all. You can do it !
  • Axels91
    Axels91 Posts: 213
    hi i also just joined u can add me if you want!i will need support as i am a chronic quitter!
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm in the midst of losing 175 pounds, and I would love to link with others who have 100+ to lose. I'll definitely send you a frined request :-)
  • mrskaren0
    mrskaren0 Posts: 31 Member
    You are shooting for my magic number so, please feel free to add me as this journey is a lot easier with like minded individuals.
  • gsrader
    gsrader Posts: 13 Member
    All right ya'll...if you're going to do this thing, I'd like to be included. 100 pounds sounds like a wonderful amount to lose, and I desperately need to do that. If I can join in, I'd love to!
  • MidnightRadio
    MidnightRadio Posts: 56 Member
    I am desperately trying to lose 100 pounds. I joined MFP one year ago, lost my motivation a few months in and am starting over again. Would love to develop a support system of people with similar goals. Everyone on this thread please feel to add me.
  • I just joined this week as well. I have a goal of 50 lbs to lose. I know it's not the same as yourself or others that responded but I'd love to be your friend in fitness just the same. :-)
  • Kryssy1
    Kryssy1 Posts: 2
    Ive added you. x
  • I am 37 lbs total into my journey started feb. 2nd the day my son was born. However I still have about 80 lbs more to lose. You can be friends with me.
  • JoAsh2
    JoAsh2 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello MFP friends, I like to read what others have to say but not much on saying something myself, well here goes, I am 49 and I need to lose 115 lbs. I would love to have support and be supportive of others. I joined in June of last year an then I lost my motivation. I came back in late January or early Feb of this year, and I must say I have been pretty good about logging in what I ate but not so good at staying within my calorie limits. Right now I cant do much exercising, I have a stress fracture in my knee and a broken toe. I have also had 3 knee surgerys in the past couple years, between a torn ACL and 2 miniscus tears. I use to be very active but I haven't been able too for a long while an I really miss it. I still have pain in my knees alot, so I was thinking maybe if I could get some of this weight off it would make a big difference (not to mention all the other benefits). Please feel free to friend me and we can encourage one another along this journey :-)
  • Imajicat
    Imajicat Posts: 114 Member
    I'm working on dropping 230. only 198 to go!

    Feel free to add me if you like :smile: