
To anybody that does zumba, what do you log it as, because it's not in the database? I do the wii Zumba fitness game. And roughly how many calories an hour does zumba burn?


  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    Hi my boyfriend bought me zumba for the wii not too long ago. Ive only done it once but i logged it under dancing and did 45mins and burned 460cals. I wear a hrm so its pretty accurate
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I used to add it under 'slimnastics, jazzercise' as that seemed about right for calories burnt, now I have a HRM and my calories vary from 450 - 650 an hour - all depends on what songs the instructor does and how fast they are!
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    I do a class twice a week and its really high intensity, so I log it under aerobics - high intensity. works out about 580 calories for an hour.
  • Icedancer94
    Icedancer94 Posts: 108
    Thanks everyone :)
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    You can also make your own Zumba if you have an HRM you can enter what it says its under exercise it says my exercises right under exercise at the top then create exercise put in what your HRM says or if you dont have an HRM you can check out zumbacalories.com at the bottom it has a calculator. I would say to use half of what the website says.