Dukan Diet

Hi, just wondering if anyone has tried the Dukan Diet or similar and what results you had. Also what side effects if any that you experienced
Trying to come up with some ideas to kick start my weight loss again :)


  • janey1dee
    i did it for about a wk. i stuck to it and lost 4lb but after that i just couldnt do it, it is very restrictive esp on protein days (did you watch day break this morning??? dr Dukan was on it)
    My sister is currently doing the dukan diet and has done since just after christmas and has lost 19lb so far. She looks fab but has said herself that she's bored of it and finds it hard some days.

    i know you get bad breath and i think you can become tired too. I know sometimes when we've been to the gym my sister has had to come home and go to bed, as its knocked her sick but she put that down to having no carbs to burn off. So make sure you eat at least something before you go or exercise.

    Personally it is good if you can stick to it as it does work but i found it to be similar to the atkins....
    but after trying weight watchers, slimming world and dukan i think just sticking to my kcals on fitness pal works best as there arent any limits to the types of food you can eat as long as your under your kcal goal for the day. there arent any points/syns to add or bad breath or restrictions to what you can eat on what days.

    Hope this has helped x
  • bekahl
    bekahl Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I didn't watch Day Break but it was on at my childminders when I was dropping my little boy off and I just caught a tiny mention of it so thought I'd try and find out a bit more about it. It does sound pretty restrictive on the protein only days but it says that after a while you will be back on a normal diet, so I wasn't sure if it was any good. 4lb in a week is good but then you probably put all that back on as soon as you return to a normal diet. I did Atkins years ago for 2 weeks prior to a special occasion and lost half a stone but I couldn't stick to the diet as I just didn't know how to make a meal without carbs! lol
  • sisdunbar
    sisdunbar Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there! My name is Christine and I have just joined up to MFP, today in fact.
    I was stuck at more or less the same weight for the last couple of years after following WeightWatchers for the last five years. Initially it was great, I dropped from a size 14 to a 10 but still wanted to lose more but couldn't. So then I heard about the Dukan Diet which I have been following since September. I love it and was so pleased to lose a stone in just a month (which was my target weight).
    I do recommend this diet if you willpower but hate exercising because I did this without any exercise whatsoever! However, now I want to get fit and although I've been told not to lose anymore, I would like to lose a few more pounds just as a safety net really!!
    This diet does get a lot of criticism because you cut out fruit and carbs, but what people do not realise, if you do it properly, eventually everything is reintroduced! You can even have the really bad things you like twice a week!
    Anything you want to know about this diet, I'm sure I can help!
    As long as you drink plenty of water there is no reason why you should get bad breath and to be honest, I didn't get any bad symptoms from this diet.
    I love it!
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    I'm actually on this diet and have lost 33lbs so far. It's going really well. It was hard at first but you learn to be creative after a while and I feel a lot better. I'm close to my goal weight so will be re-introducing carbs slowly soon. Its nice to know there is an after plan to not just gain all the weight back. I went from a UK 16 to about a UK 10 so far. Goal is a UK 8-10.
  • serhanilker
    Cutting out Fruit and Carbs!!! I don't like that!!!!
  • sisdunbar
    sisdunbar Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, I must admit it was a killer at first. I stayed on the Attack Phase (just pure protein) for 3 days, then the next phase I was allowed to alternate the days from Pure Protein to Protein and veg (which I craved sooo much!) This was until I reached my goal weight (which luckily was only a stone) and only took a month. The next phase I reintroduced starchy food and fruit and was allowed 2 celebration meals (anything you like, starter,main and dessert) and this went on for about two months. I am now on the stabilisation Phase which means, in theory, you can eat as like as long as you save Thursday as a Pure Protein day and stick to it. I have to say it does work. I went a bit mad on the celebration meals to get it out of my sytem and thankfully I've not regained the weight! However, now I take what I learnt on the third phase and space out my starchy intake and treats.
  • serhanilker
    Obviously you don't let your body to adapt the new situation, so how about your GI level?. No extreme hunger for dessert, or any food? How about your psychology during these days? because sounds like very though diet!!!
  • sisdunbar
    sisdunbar Posts: 36 Member
    It is at first but by the end of it, you've retrained how you eat thngs. I know if I've had a starchy meal at lunch time say, I won't include it in my main meal in the evening.You're right it's tricking your body into not knowing or adapting to your food routine. So later I might have a steak say with salad but no chips or potatoes. I can basically eat anything I like but it's a case of spacing things out properly. From the reports I've been doing on MFP, my protein, fat, carbs and calories are all within goal. Not over, not under. I'm quite disciplined, probably because I know I'm allowed to splurge on two occasions (which tie into the weekend) and this works out just fine.

    As you know, Easter Day I was way over my calories but seeings it was classed as a celebration meal I wasn't worried.

    Oh you said about dessert? I usually have a bowl of strawberries (the frozen ones in a little syrup) with a Weight Watchers vanilla yogurt after dinner.On celebration meal days I don't always have a naughty dessert (unless I'm at a restaurant which is nearly every weekend!) because I don't always fancy eating the bad things just because I can!

    Thursdays can be tough, but I find that because I'm busier that day, I don't have to worry so much about fancing things. Thank goodness it's just once a week though!

    I think, as long as you are having the right amount from the GI it's ok. It's also understanding where to get good carbs from instead of the obvious choices. Do you agree?