cutting down my friends list

So I am seriously thinking about thinning out my friends list. There is only a small percentage of people on there who are truly supportive. I feel bad about it. I never wanted to cut anyone out, but this is so frustrating. I try to be as supportive of as many people I can, because I know that is how I found success in the beginning, there are people routing for me that I don't want to let down. Well that has become less and less. I even posted questions that didn't get answered by ANYONE! I get ignored enough at home, I don't need to get ignored here too. So I will be thinning out my list. If you want to be a buddy on here, (and not just make your friends list really long) I am a supportive friend, and I am looking for the same. Thanks!

By the way, I am not an attention starved drama queen. It just is what it is, I don't like a friends list of 60 that really is empty. :ohwell:


  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    I'm not sure why the forum thread though?

    Are you hoping the people you delete will see this and it'll be an explanation why they got deleted? why not just send them a short message.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    i did this the other day, i had over 130 'friends' most of whom hadnt logged on for over a month so i did a friend cull and am down to about 60 but i think i need more a clear out.

    i have certain friends on here who always comment and give advice and motivation and i try to do the same back, as for the others.... well some people are only in it for themselves so good for them but i need buddys to help me on my journey x
  • Iceylyons
    Iceylyons Posts: 86 Member
    ((HUGS)) I totally feel ya on feeling ignored. I have almost stopped using my FB because I'm not an attention-w***e but I want to feel like someone cares about me too. =) Don't feel bad...just keep the ones that actually are supportive and motivating :smile:
  • fyfi_fendir
    fyfi_fendir Posts: 64 Member
    nothing wrong with that... I cut people regularly just because they are not on MFP anymore or not enough. Some come 3 days, then not for 2 months, then 3 days... They can do whatever they want, but I want to be surrounded with people that are motivated to change. Whether they comment on my page or not has less impact, people get busy sometimes... And I have remove people that talk offensively even if it is not to me. I don't need judgmental, inconsiderate people or people that comments about everything but fitness... Facebook is for that... I think that is life. Even if virtual, you choose your friend and sometimes it's just not a good fit. Do whatever works for you.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I did the same thing this morning. A lot of my 'friends' hadn't logged in for quite a while with no evident reason as to why i.e. holiday and others simply weren't supportive. I looked back through their profiles to check when they last commented on anything I posted and in a few, I couldn't see anything.

    I am now down to 15 friends but looking for more that are supportive etc.

    I'm here to change my lifestyle and in order to do that I need support etc and don't feel it's right for me to be working my butt of helping others and getting nothing in return.
  • MILICA1986
    MILICA1986 Posts: 172
    I understand you. :smile:
    I always get the same "wtg', 'great work" even though I log 150g of M&M or some other rubbish. Or when I eat to few calories.....
    Then I know they didn't take a look at my food diary. It's OK, I don't expect from anyone to follow my every move and bite of course :happy: , but I'd appreciate some help from people who are actually interested in others' diet.
    I always look through diaries when they are available and comment. I'd like that in return :smile:
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    I'm not sure why the forum thread though?

    Are you hoping the people you delete will see this and it'll be an explanation why they got deleted? why not just send them a short message.

    I posted here becaise I was hoping to find more friends who thought the same way I did. And it worked!
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Yeah, I did exactly the same. I looked at my 30+ friends and once I'd removed the people who hadnt logged in for weeks and then those who hadnt actually written anything on my profile, I had it down to 8. I'm happy with those 8 as they are supportive people who get my sarcasm and who I dont feel drained supporting in return. Trouble with "loads" of friends is you either make commenting on them all a full time job or you just dont bother.

    Oh and as Milica said, I've lost count of the amount of times I saw people saying "way to go" on someone's posts about over eating. Had one even say "Happy Valentines" on a friend's wall the day after she was in tears as her partner had left her.

    Anyways, good luck and feel free to add me... and I'll try and at least read what you put.. though I tend not to read diaries that much as I'm trying to put on weight. :)