Can someone help me?

j99li Posts: 421 Member
I feel so fat :( I look down and my tummy isn't getting any smaller :( my weight has been up to 193 from my 190 and its not helping :(:( I go to the gym mon and wed for bike and tues and thurs for c25k. My weight has increased up to 193 and its making me really uncomfortable and my belly looks so bloated and big :(

I am getting very discouraged :(:frown:


  • Laura040
    Laura040 Posts: 38 Member
    Make sure your logging EVERYTHING you eat. From a very quick look at your diary, it looks like your over on your carb's most days, and your not getting in a lot of protein. Try increasing your protein intake, and finding foods that aren't filled with carb's. Also make sure you are drinking 1/2 your body weight in water a day. Just keep plugging away :)
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Everyone tells me to watch carbs...why?
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Everyone tells me to watch carbs...why?

    Carbs are stored with water, 1g carb holds 3g of water I believe.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    There is nothing magical about cutting carbs. They just tend to make most people hungrier (particularly refined carbs).

    Increase protein/fiber intake and you will be less hungry.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Heya matey. sounds like you could have hit a plateau maybe? I'm the same but know what I should be doing, just not doing it. Thats moving and doing something different. Your body gets used to what you are doing quite easily. I used to be able to kill 1000 cals in a 90 min bike ride, now the same only gets me 600 cals. change it up, do something different cardio wise. best cal burner can also be weights. Dont do small insignificant weights you can handle hundreds of reps for, do something heavy with less reps until you cant repeat anymore. its not true that women bulk up like men with bigger weights, we can tone and burn extremely well with this. Doing combo movements, 2 in 1 really. Like weights with squats. Moving with the weights is using multiple muscles and burns a lot more than cardio can sometimes! Endless repetative moving is all too easy for your body to get used to and simply becomes easy to do and therefore no cal killer anymore. Hope this helps. chin up, gloves on, go out swinging while telling yourself you are a strong independent and beautiful woman and you are going to kick your butt up a gear to get closer to your goal. Change up time my dear. You can do it and you will get better results. Dont forget, if adding more cals to be burned, you gotta feed your body more energy and what others are saying about protein is the best way. Carbs are slow burners and stick to your body so easily. Protein will get used within the first half hour of exercise and then just go through your body unused. Power it up with the protein might be easier than just cutting carbs. Only my point of view as I have a fair amount of carb meals for a younger family who need them, I just dont eat as big a serve. Best of luck mate! Here with ya!

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I took a quick glance at the past few days of your diary. Most days you eat a lot of carbs but not much fiber. I would suggest less carbs in general and more fiber. Fiber is slow to digest so it keeps you feeling full, and it is not absorbed by the body so it helps with weight loss. Upping your protein a little might also help.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Everyone tells me to watch carbs...why?

    Check out this web site for a good explanation of carbohydrates and how they affect your body.
  • petes287
    petes287 Posts: 11 Member
    Also, what's your daily calorie goal?

    Am I reading right that it's over 2,000 calories? If so, I'm guessing you need to adjust that.
  • missbex24
    missbex24 Posts: 17 Member
    Also... Make sure you are eating enough; keep those daily net calories at 1200 or above!! I've made the mistake of burning too many calories for what I've eaten and all it does is cause damage.

    It's possible that maybe you're losing fat from other places and maybe it's making your belly look bloated? Or you're eating too much sodium? Could be a lot of things... Just keep being healthy, tracking everything, and getting your exercise!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    In addition to the above, don't get hung up on the scale. Make sure to measure yourself in other ways, too. Measure your body fat percentage and things like your waist and hips can show you changes even when the scale doesn't move.

    Also, try adding in some weight lifting/strength training. That will help firm up your core (and all of your muscles), making you look leaner.
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    When you lower your carbohydrates and keep them low. you force your body to burn it's own fat for energy. The L C Diet Book recommends that your goal should be 60 grams of carbs a day or less. That book states that if you eat less than 60 grams of carbohydrates a day you will loose weight.

    I am following the Atkins diet and currently on the induction phase which allows 20 grams of carbohydrates for two weeks. This gives you a jump start into the weight loss issue. After the two weeks, you begin to add back a few carbs each week till you no longer loose weight. This becomes your CCL (Critical Carbohydrate level). You then drop back again by about 5 carbs and begin to loose weight again.

    I hope this helps. Just remember there is way more than one approach to this. And remember to drink all your water.
  • penwithlass
    penwithlass Posts: 3 Member
    i gave up bread and changed to ryvita. Modern ( ie too fast !) supermarket ways of making bread mean that its not allowed to sit and prove for as long as traditional bakers would leave it so the fermentation goes on inside of you instead.
  • shadyj26
    shadyj26 Posts: 102 Member
    You must watch what you are eating. Cut your portion size down and do not eat until fill like you are full. Also, taken in about 1600 calories a day.
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Also, what's your daily calorie goal?

    Am I reading right that it's over 2,000 calories? If so, I'm guessing you need to adjust that.

    With that, I am trying to have a remainder of 500 so that I technically net 1500 calories if that makes sense. Its the "olivia" method that is on here
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I agree with everyone else. Try to meet your numbers every day, make it a game if you need to. You need to meet your protein, fiber, etc and you should meet, but not exceed your carbs, sodium, etc. From what I see, you eat a LOT of bready products, granted I do too, but I try and keep what I buy/consume low carbs. Best wishes!! You can do this!!

    As for the net 1500- My BMR @ 291lbs is your goal is higher than mine. So that confuses me too. Set your goal for a 1lb loss and see where that gets you. You should be @ 1500 gross unless you are getting some killer burns, but even then you could eat back a portion of your workout cals.