1200 calories a day

Would someone be willing to post a typical 1200 calorie day? I'm finding I run out of calories before I run out of day! Thanks in advance!


  • vipergts223
    vipergts223 Posts: 114 Member
    My diary is public, check it out is you want!
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    Mine is as well, please feel free to look. :-)
  • how about you increase your calories? that might work.
  • sara1923
    sara1923 Posts: 53
    my diary is public.. i try to stick to around 1200
  • Hazeleys
    Hazeleys Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you - how do I view someone's public diary? Sorry - new to this...
  • Click on their photo, then View Diary at the top of their page.
  • Hazeleys
    Hazeleys Posts: 23 Member
    Figured it out!
  • michelehedges
    michelehedges Posts: 14 Member
    I just started, been doing this a week but you can see my journal @ agrmom. I'm certainly not perfect but I trying!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 176 Member
    I normally eat for breakfast: a lite english muffin with 1 teaspoon of natural peanut butter and fruit
    for lunch: low sodium turkey breast lunch meat on sandwhich rounds and fruit
    for dinner: chicken breast with veggies and some carb side dish. I try to make from scratch to watch sodium.
    For snacks I eat popcorn, ritz four cheeze cracker and granola bars. And every night I eat 2 mini snickers for a treat.
    Good luck
  • you can view mine as well if you like. I try to space my meals out and eat less towards the beginning of the day and more at the end
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    View my diary too if you want, been on 1200 a day since jan.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    My day yesterday:

    Coffee + Flax Milk
    Banana + Protein Powder + Flax Milk + PB2 smoothie with cereal on top for crunch

    Lentils, peppers, V8
    Roasted chickpeas

    Clif Z Bar

    Lentils & Peppers in a mustard sauce
    Kevita Probiotic Drink

    Not hungry at all.
  • sj1229
    sj1229 Posts: 2
    Many of you mention that we can view your daily calorie intake but where can we find it.? sorry I am new at this. Thanks
  • Hello!!
    I will suggest you to get advice from a fitness trainer. They will suggest you how to deal with 1200 a day.
  • CRVDiva
    CRVDiva Posts: 98
    I'm seeing a weight loss doctor and a dietician and basically I have been told to have a 300 cal breakfast, 400 cal lunch and 500 calorie dinner. I can have two 100 calorie snacks but I would have to add exercise to earn those extra calories. To see my food diary you can add me as a friend.
    Would someone be willing to post a typical 1200 calorie day? I'm finding I run out of calories before I run out of day! Thanks in advance!
  • 19danno77
    19danno77 Posts: 84
    Breakfast 290
    -Builders Bar--Clif
    -coffee creamer-- 2t powder coffeemate

    Lunch 235
    -8 slices hillshire farm club sandwich variety cold cuts
    -1T garden veggie cream cheese
    -arnold sandwich thins, multigrain

    Dinner 375
    -Crumbled blue cheese 1/8 cup
    -Hidden valley light ranch 1T
    -110 calorie soft taco shell Reser's baja cafe
    -Red hot buffalo wing sauce 5T
    -Boneless skinless chicken breast 6 oz

    Snacks 314
    -baby ruth mini 1 bar
    -Smirnoff vanilla vodka 1.75 oz 107 calories (mixed into coke zero)
    -Fun sized kit kat bar
    -banana 100 grams

    Variety. High intensity flavors. Pile on veggies like spinach, peppers, onions, celery, lettuce wherever you can. I don't score those because even if you pig out and and choke down an obscene amount you're still only looking at 20 of the world's healthiest calories! Make room for indulgences and I feel the need to leave room for booze. At this day I was 2.5 months in and about 185 lbs, down 20 from my start and losing 2.25/week. Notice this total is 1214 calories with ZERO exercise to offset. And my office/science job is mostly sedentary so that's featured in my profile. 1200 calories is tough, but even for a food loving big guy like me it was doable, and with the pounds dropping off I had all the motivation I needed to tough it out. Bear in mind though that at some point your adipose reserves will drop to a point where it's no longer easy for your body to balance its dietary needs with it and you may need to readjust your weight loss rate goals to maintain your sanity. I found my brain/mood let me know when I actually needed to up the calories...felt shaky/weak and very grumpy. In your profile you can not only let the app set your caloric goals but you can manually enter it in. eg when I would change my goal from 2 lbs/wk to 1.5 lbs/wk I felt it gave back too many calories so I left the weight loss at 2/wk and manually entered a calorie number BETWEEN its suggested values for 2 & 1.5. Gave me just a little extra and it was like an oasis in the desert. GOOD LUCK! Those low targets require a TON of discipline!
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    My diary isn't viewable but if you like raw vegetables and salads, I find them to be a tremendous asset when reducing my calories. My lunches always include raw veggies and I usually have a humungous salad at dinner time. (Easy on the salad dressing). I also often add a couple of hard boiled eggs or small amounts of chicken, fish or cheese for extra protein and flavour.
  • I've only been here for one week but, I've done my best to consume 1200. Feel free to look @ my diary
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    view mine as well!