Day by Day Support


Last month I joined in a Day by Day Challenge. The idea was to set small goals for yourself every day and log-in each day to confirm if you met them or not. It seems a little simple but helped me immensely.

First, I logged in much more than I used to which really made me aware of just how often I go over calories. Second, it also made me aware of my lack of exercise. Most of all, it made me aware that I'm not alone and meeting small goals each day is a lot easier than always looking at the bigger picture of losing a certain amount of lbs.

I'd like to keep this going and be much better at meeting my daily goals.

So.... please join me.! :)


  • Goals for 4/2/12:

    1.) Very little carbs today....try to be WAY under the MFP setting.
    2.) LOTS of water. (I'm very good at this during the week and bad on the weekends.)
    3.) Kick boxing class tonight!
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I was apart of this day by day challenge for over a year and it did wonders for me. I left mfp for a long time and I was happy to see that it was still going strong. One of the original members were still creating a new thread each month.
    Roxy, thank you for keeping this thread going. I remember when PSgirl (i think that's her name, her real name is Nicole) started this thread. But she has been so busy and I know she would be grateful to know that this thread had such an impact on so many people.
    So here are my 3 goals for today : (4/4)
    1. drink atleast 10 glasses of water.
    2. complete my personal push up challenge.
    3. only liquids after 8 pm.
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Roxy, I will link this thread to the end of march's board so everyone can find you! :)
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member

    So here are my 3 goals for today : (4/4)
    1. drink atleast 10 glasses of water. YES
    2. complete my personal push up challenge. YAY!
    3. only liquids after 8 pm. CHECK

    4/5 GOALS:
    1. complete push up challenge
    2. go to zumba in the evening
    3. run atleast 3 miles.

    non-fitness goal:
    1. start writing paper.

    I will give a better introduction of myself at a later time. I just really haven't had much time.
  • Hi Lee Bee!

    Thanks for posting on this. No one did, so I just gave up on it. I joined on another "challenge" thread but I need daily goals to keep on track.

    My goal for today:
    1.) exercise after work
    2.) Tidy up
    3.) Stay within calories.
  • Dianesprings
    Dianesprings Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new at this - today is my first day to track my foods, so I'm thrilled to see your "day to day support" post.

    My goals today are: ONLY 1200 calories today and very few carbs
    Walk tonight for at least 30 minutes
    Drink 8 glasses of water

    I really, really need to be successful at this!

    Thanks for all your help!

  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi Diane! Welcome.

    Roxy, no problem. We had a small group in the past and it is good to have others to help use stay accountable.

    4/5 GOALS:
    1. complete push up challenge YES
    2. go to zumba in the evening YES
    3. run atleast 3 miles. ONLY RAN 2, WAS TIRED AFTER ZUMBA!

    non-fitness goal:
    1. start writing paper. BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE

    I will give a better introduction of myself at a later time. I just really haven't had much time.

    This are my goals for the weekend, as I am unsure if I will be able to check back in with the holiday.
    1. avoid Easter candy like the plague :)
    2. stay under calories all weekend.
    3. Rest my knee on Friday, try to run on Saturday.
    4. continue to chug water all day
    5. keep up with push up challenge.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. clean out my trunk (I know that sounds weird, but I've been putting it off for a long time)
    2. clean the basement
    3. plant flowers with my daughter.
    4. finish my paper (its a long way from being complete)

    I usually have tons of goals, but its okay if you only have one or two major ones. A lot of mine are pretty much the same day to day. But we usually shoot for 3 daily because it is more feasible to accomplish!
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I have avoided Easter candy, I am so happy for that. I was able to see a loss on the scale this week and I think that's the reason why. I tried to stay under my calories all weekend, I haven't been logging faithfully and that is something else that I need to work on day to day. I am still chugging water. I am trying to limit my soda intake to just one can of diet pepsi per day. Sometimes I'm up to two.
    The push up challenge is coming along good. My knee feels good too. We threw around the frisbee for over an hour yesterday and my knee feels better.

    The trunk is almost clean, the basement is still a mess. We will plant flowers on Tuesday. And my paper is finally finished!!!
    This are my goals for the weekend, as I am unsure if I will be able to check back in with the holiday.
    1. avoid Easter candy like the plague :)
    2. stay under calories all weekend.
    3. Rest my knee on Friday, try to run on Saturday.
    4. continue to chug water all day
    5. keep up with push up challenge.

    non-fitness goals:
    1. clean out my trunk (I know that sounds weird, but I've been putting it off for a long time)
    2. clean the basement
    3. plant flowers with my daughter.
    4. finish my paper (its a long way from being complete)

    I usually have tons of goals, but its okay if you only have one or two major ones. A lot of mine are pretty much the same day to day. But we usually shoot for 3 daily because it is more feasible to accomplish!
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm a little bummed about the lack of participation of the thread. But I am going to continue to log in on a daily basis so I can keep myself accountable. I would hope that others could join me regularly, also. I know the holiday may have set a lot of people back, but now that its over, its time to rock and roll !

    4/9 Goals:
    1. drink 10 glasses of water.
    2. eat only my preplanned meals.
    3. zumba this evening.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Okay Ladies! HI!!!!!

    I hope to stick with it this time... Thanks Leela for giving me the heads up, I can always use a push.

    4/10/12 TUESDAY GOAL

    1) No Carbs until dinner & only Whole grain or healthy
    2) Excercise....... Morning WALK at least 1 hour
    3) weight lift 30 minutes

    DAY OFF tomorrow, So NO excuses.
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    All goals met! Woot!

    4/9 Goals:
    1. drink 10 glasses of water.
    2. eat only my preplanned meals.
    3. zumba this evening.

    4/10 goals
    push up challenge/run/zumba
    10 cups of water/liquids after 8/eat my preset meal plan

    Terri, Thanks for joining us. It was getting pretty lonely around here. With my carbs, I try to eat 80percent of them before 3 pm instead of waiting until the end of the night. But that's just what works for me.

    Have an awesome day!
  • minita
    minita Posts: 30 Member
    It's late for me today, but the afternoon is still missing so:
    1) Exercise today no matter how long
    2) Sleep early
    3) Finish two issues of my work

    I will be glad to have this done, no big goals, just trying softly to return to trail.
  • bump
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    4/10/12 TUESDAY GOAL

    1) No Carbs until dinner & only Whole grain or healthy...... BAD!!! first thing was pancakes out with mom for breakfast
    2) Excercise....... Morning WALK at least 1 hour...........BAD went straight over to Mom's
    3) weight lift 30 minutes.................................................NO..... totally forgot
    4) stay UNDER CALORIE ALLOWANCE....................Didn't log because I know I went over

    DAY OFF tomorrow, So NO excuses.


    1) Exercised WALK.............YES!!!!!
    2) NO CARBS ALL DAY ;-)........... Breakfast good so far.....
    3) stay under calorie allowance

    Thanks Leela.... But for me once I start to eat carbs, I'm all over it for the rest of the day. Stuffing my face with it until my belly feels like the good year blimp. :bigsmile:
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I completely almost all my goals.I ate a light snack at about 8:30 as I get home late from zumba on Tuesday nights.

    4/10 goals
    push up challenge/run/zumba
    10 cups of water/liquids after 8/eat my preset meal plan

    4/11 goals:
    only push up challenge. no time to get to the gym on wednesdays as its my super long day.
    stick to my eating plan closely. Don't snack, it will be very tempting as I am going to be on the go a lot today.
    Keep up with my assignmentsm (don't wait until the last minute to finish them.)

    Terri, I know what you mean about eating carbs and going nuts over them. That's why I still haven't opened the robin eggs yet.
    I'm so glad that you decided to come back on. Lord knows I need the motivation :)
  • LeeBee2012
    LeeBee2012 Posts: 94 Member
    It's late for me today, but the afternoon is still missing so:
    1) Exercise today no matter how long
    2) Sleep early
    3) Finish two issues of my work

    I will be glad to have this done, no big goals, just trying softly to return to trail.

    I know what you mean about getting back on track. Some of them may seem lofty, but its all about baby steps.
  • Dianesprings
    Dianesprings Posts: 9 Member

    Day 7 and I've kept my calories under 1300 everyday but one and on that day I walked two miles so got those covered. I go tonight to my local TOPS group to weigh and I can't wait!

    I am loving this site - and am being very honest in putting everything I put in my mouth on my diary page.

    I'm even walking the dog and SHE IS loving that!

    I'll let you know how much I lose!

  • Dianesprings
    Dianesprings Posts: 9 Member
    Will try to remember to post to this site daily....

    goals for tomorrow: MUST walk for 30 minutes
    Stay under 1300 calories
    No sweets

    Week-end is coming. That's always the worst time of the week!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    ok, i'll try this. need a little something to push me over the edge.

    wednesday 4/11:

    1. either 15 minutes on elliptical or 30 minutes on treadmill
    2. drink a gallon of water
    3. eat a salad with dinner