
mcohan Posts: 116 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
i am an early 20something i am sorry ot say that i love alcohol! it is part of my social life and i enjoy the taste (not to say i drink an obscene amount). is it bad to factor it into my daily calorie intake? as long as i am within my limit is that ok? i lay off the sweets and do not really eat "junk food" other than that.

also, does the scale lie? sometimes i feel skinnier than others but the scale does not seem to move much....more than a pound in either direction. should i trust it?



  • awinmac
    awinmac Posts: 30
    Yeah you should factor alcohol into your daily calorie intake. I'm sure you know about good alcohol (ha ha)like red wine, organic ales and beers and white alcohols ie: gin and vodka rather than the dirty stuff (like whiskey and all blended alcohols). Drinking is a lifestyle choice so no one can tell you not to. It does however kind of add to the pounds because it becomes glucose in your system and can add to that cycle of sugar crashing and cravings. Also that nice muzzy feeling you get is a shortage of oxygen to the brain...
    The best thing you can do if you are going to drink is drink a glass of water for every drink you consume and don't go over board. Yeah, I know you will have to spend some time in the bathroom!

    I don't think the scale lies per say but sometimes we perceive ourselves as feeling skinnier or looking thinner for whatever reason.

    good luck
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Alcohol is empty calories, so you definitely shouldn't be counting that towards your caloric intake too often.


    The scale can and does lie. Our weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds or more at any given time due to fluid retention, having undigested food in our systems, etc.
  • Yes you should count every drink in you total calorie intake. A calorie is a calorie no matter where it comes from.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i can not tell you how much damage i have done to my body from drinking, NOT WORTH IT! you have gotta factor it into your cals
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