For Those on the Body By Vi bandwagon



  • HIITTheChallenge
    HIITTheChallenge Posts: 25 Member
    It is true that eating 100% fruits, veggies, no gluten, no sugar, no white bread, no white rice etc as claimed by this man and is blog is better, but the fact of the matter is 95% of the population have busy active lifestyles and simply do not have time to eat like this. Visalus is a great answer to the avid fitness person who needs a shake after a hard workout to repair their muscles and restore their glycogen. A lot of people do not like vegetables and what a great way to get good solid nutrition fast. A lot of people are overweight due to lack of nutritional quality so why not add some to your diet. It is also way better than 98% of the other protein shakes on the market today. I promote Visalus but do not in anyway promote starvation. Most of my shakes range at the 200 calorie mark by the time you prepare them. I use them pre and post workout and occasionally for breakfast/lunch if I am in a hurry

    Also, the claims he states this doctor makes are inaccurate about soy. Soy is safe. I see a world renowned digestive doctor and he says the product is great and he practices from here to Switzerland. I also have a nursing baby allergic to milk along with a ton of other food allergies and he drinks this stuff too and has no problems in fact the antioxidants are helping.

    Soy is used in Japan solely they do not even have regular milk there. In fact I was concerned about using soy when my doc told me I had to switch and he assured me he lived in Japan and had to use it as he had no choice and claimed it was healthier. My digestive issues highly improved after switching. The people in Japan are of the healthiest in the world.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Sooooo many of my Facebook friends are selling, preaching and living by this!! And I can't seem to understand it! What good is skinny if you aren't healthy?! Excellent article! Thanks for sharing!

    My FB friends are on this and the Advocare. I've been close to trying it but I'm not sure that losing 5lbs in a week is healthy and besides that, if you're doing it the 'right' way you're (probably) going to keep off the weight anyway AND get fit, if you're working out. I'm afraid that I'd try these out and end up gaining it all back when I quit. My husband always says "the commercials say w/ diet and exercise. if you diet and exercise you're going to get healthy and lose weight anyway , so why waste your money on a gimmick?"
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member
  • flbutler
    flbutler Posts: 26
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    I did some comparing online before I got sold into the BBV bandwagon, I decided to use GNC's meal replacement shakes. It works for me and taste good also way affordable. It suppresses my hunger just enough so I can make it to my snacks and dinner, which I think is good because ur body needs fuel. Im not hating on BBV cuz I dont use it but I think its got way too much hype for what it is.. a meal replacement shake, there are tons of them on the market.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    I have a friend who was trying to get me to buy into it but I can't imagine paying soooooooooo much for it like she is....she quoted me 99.99 for 60 thank you I will keep doing what I am doing for FREE (ya know, outside of my normal groceries)....crazy....

    So yes to answer your question...I am cheap! :) LOL!
  • kungfu84
    kungfu84 Posts: 7
    In my opinion (from the education I have received as an advanced certified personal trainer and my certificate in nutrition), any product out there that tells you, you can lose weight fast is a load of crap. It is extremely hard to keep weight off if you are losing more than 1% of your body weight each week, the average sized person should only be losing 1-2 lbs per week. Also there is no reason to put all these chemicals in your body. If you work out regularly and eat a fresh, healthy diet (no processed food) you will see the results. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and I have for the first time lost some weight, maintained it, and gained lean tissue with no supplements whatsoever. My advice to anyone on the fence about your money and use that money to buy some good organic, fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats.
  • spinn477
    spinn477 Posts: 8 Member
    I looked into it briefly to use as a meal replacement shake in the morning. I am not a big breakfast person and after looking into it, it seemed pretty costly for what it is. I decided to go with the GNC meal replacement shake and I am really happy I did after all the stuff I have heard about Vi.

    I definitely prefer to use my $$ for healthy foods and to make the lifestyle change the right way and not for a quick fix.
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    It is true that eating 100% fruits, veggies, no gluten, no sugar, no white bread, no white rice etc as claimed by this man and is blog is better, but the fact of the matter is 95% of the population have busy active lifestyles and simply do not have time to eat like this. Visalus is a great answer to the avid fitness person who needs a shake after a hard workout to repair their muscles and restore their glycogen. A lot of people do not like vegetables and what a great way to get good solid nutrition fast. A lot of people are overweight due to lack of nutritional quality so why not add some to your diet. It is also way better than 98% of the other protein shakes on the market today. I promote Visalus but do not in anyway promote starvation. Most of my shakes range at the 200 calorie mark by the time you prepare them. I use them pre and post workout and occasionally for breakfast/lunch if I am in a hurry

    Also, the claims he states this doctor makes are inaccurate about soy. Soy is safe. I see a world renowned digestive doctor and he says the product is great and he practices from here to Switzerland. I also have a nursing baby allergic to milk along with a ton of other food allergies and he drinks this stuff too and has no problems in fact the antioxidants are helping.

    Soy is used in Japan solely they do not even have regular milk there. In fact I was concerned about using soy when my doc told me I had to switch and he assured me he lived in Japan and had to use it as he had no choice and claimed it was healthier. My digestive issues highly improved after switching. The people in Japan are of the healthiest in the world.

    I work in clinical research and we have actually performed clinical studies that found estrogen in both men and women to be elevated from ingesting soy on a regular basis. An increased or decreased amount of hormones for a long period of time can be devastating to your body- not to mention the reproductive system. And as a full time employee, a full time psychology student, AND a full time mother (who makes my family's food all from scratch), I don't see much of a difference between grabbing an overly processed protein powder and putting it in the blender, vs something that only has whey protein and adding fruits and vegetables into a blender. For arguments sake I say we agree to disagree.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    BBV, Advocare, Shakeology


    Is this how you can see yourself living forever? If not- it's a scam.

    Now, do I drink protein shakes? Yep. But not as a meal replacement. And not at the cost those folks are paying!! It's my in between meal protein bump. And it comes from Sam's Club and is inexpensive. Mix with some fruit or sugar free syrups (mmmm... sugar free brown sugar/ cinnamon!!) and Voila.
  • jamiem1010
    I too have been on these shakes for over a month, i am down 27 lbs and counting and i am healthier than ever! My doctor says there is nothing in these shakes that would make anyone healthy! I am healthier and more fit than i have ever been. i think before posting an article like this people really need to do their research!:smile:
  • jamiem1010
    anyone unhealthy i ment! This shake is PACKED with nutrition essential to live a healthy lifestyle
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    It's not always about what works.

    If you're pumping your body with synthetic chemicals and proteins and the like, that's your own business. Just because it works, doesn't mean it's healthy. That's all.

    I agree 100%. I hate this crap and am doing everything in my power to put our local distributors out of business. Just took away another one of their customers in my office 10 minutes ago. No sale from her and her husband now
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    It is true that eating 100% fruits, veggies, no gluten, no sugar, no white bread, no white rice etc as claimed by this man and is blog is better, but the fact of the matter is 95% of the population have busy active lifestyles and simply do not have time to eat like this. Visalus is a great answer to the avid fitness person who needs a shake after a hard workout to repair their muscles and restore their glycogen. A lot of people do not like vegetables and what a great way to get good solid nutrition fast. A lot of people are overweight due to lack of nutritional quality so why not add some to your diet. It is also way better than 98% of the other protein shakes on the market today. I promote Visalus but do not in anyway promote starvation. Most of my shakes range at the 200 calorie mark by the time you prepare them. I use them pre and post workout and occasionally for breakfast/lunch if I am in a hurry

    Also, the claims he states this doctor makes are inaccurate about soy. Soy is safe. I see a world renowned digestive doctor and he says the product is great and he practices from here to Switzerland. I also have a nursing baby allergic to milk along with a ton of other food allergies and he drinks this stuff too and has no problems in fact the antioxidants are helping.

    Soy is used in Japan solely they do not even have regular milk there. In fact I was concerned about using soy when my doc told me I had to switch and he assured me he lived in Japan and had to use it as he had no choice and claimed it was healthier. My digestive issues highly improved after switching. The people in Japan are of the healthiest in the world.

    Okay, let's just say that soy doesn't have any negative side effects. What about all of the other chemicals found in this product? And not to mention the artificial sweetener in it.

    And where did you get your statistics about the percentage of people not being able to eat healthy because of a busy lifestyle? I am a college Nursing student and have class, clinicals, studying, and actual work and still make time to eat healthy and exercise.
  • chatterboxpa
    chatterboxpa Posts: 7 Member
    Let me just say - you do NOT need to buy these shakes to accomplish the same results. Many of my friends have taken up the Body by Vi challenge and let me say that in my own personal 90 day challenge I have lost more weight and inches than ANYONE I know on Body by Vi and I have done it the healthy way by eating (yes eating) the right foods and exercising!
  • DatRipped
    DatRipped Posts: 12 Member
    I use the body by Vi product and this article has a lot of misinformation. Also, contrary to what this article suggests this is a great protein to use post work outs to repair your muscles. They have stacks available for all fitness goals which is why my friends who work at as trainers here in Boise use this protein as well. They are not allowed to promote it, because of their contract there but they purchase and use it. I have done a ton of research and used a lot of other products before switching to it and here is why:

    A low sugar protein.
    A lot of protein out there has a lot of sugar between 15-30 grams. If you want to burn FAT not just lose weight, (losing weight comes sometimes from losing water/muscle) then you have to minimize the sugar you consume, because any time you ingest sugar your body has to use energy/fuel to burn through the sugar first before it can get to the fat and even begin to burn the fat. Most of the time our bodies run out of energy before we can even get to the fat burning mode.

    A very clean pure protein

    A low sodium protein

    A protein without a lot of fillers:
    If you read the labels on a lot of protein on the market today you will find that a lot of proteins use gelatin to spike the protein content. Gelatin is great for beautiful skin and hair but does not aid in building muscle.

    A lot of proteins also use milk protein or milk powder which is great for building strong bones but also does not aid in building muscle.

    An easy digestible protein:
    A protein that is lactose free, gluten free, wheat free, are all a plus for me.

    A protein blend that is absorbable:
    High protein content is not always better, because unless that protein is actually absorbed into a cell and penetrating the cell membrane then it does nothing for you, you can ingest it all day long and you are basically going to just pee it out. You end up not getting the benefits you think you are getting. A lot of protein powders contain whey that is not absorbable in fact only 75-80% of most whey proteins are absorbale.

    Here is what I found works:

    A Trisorb protein blend: A unique blend of highly absorbable proteins.
    Whey Protein Concentrate + Whey Protein Hydrolysate + Non-Gmo Soy

    I know the first question I am going to get asked is WHY SOY?
    First of all the soy I am talking about is Non Genetically Modified Soy (Non-GMO) that has been processed to remove isoflavones that can impact estrogen, which causes this protein to work great for people who usually can't do soy. Soy is also a complete protein and it is easily digestible, it is great at reducing cholesterol and c-reactive protein. In scientific studies Soy has been proven to build muscle just as good and in some cases even better than whey proteins.

    Why Whey I thought whey was not absorbable?

    The whey I am talking bout are very pure clean sources of Whey protein in the form of whey protein concentrate and the newest technology in whey protein hydrolysate. This is the most concentrated and "clean" "pure" protein on the market today and it is very expensive. This protein is clinically proven to build lean muscle. The FDA also allows it to be called a "fat loss accelerant". This is the only protein on the market that the FDA allows to use that claim. This protein is specially formulated to remove fat, lactose, and carbohydrates.

    A protein that adds in Aminogen:
    Aminogen is a patented and clinically tested amino acid and digestive enzyme, that is proven to aide in protein absorption and digestion. Aminogen is very important to athletes and bodybuilders, and now you don't have to go else where to buy it, because it is already included.

    They then combine these three sources of pure clean protein and add in Aminogen that work together synergistically and are scientifically proven to work together to penetrate your cells, so you are literally absorbing every single gram of protein you are ingesting and it is burning lean muscle while burning fat. There is nothing else on the market that does that.

    Maybe you are wondering why building muscle is important?
    It is important to build muscle because muscle burns fat, as people age they think their metabolism is slowing down which it is, but it is really only slowing down because people no longer have the muscle they need to continue burning the calories they used to burn when they were younger. Did you know that for each pound of lean muscle we have you will burn an extra 35 calories a day while at rest. Muscle is what burns fat in your body. You can reignite your metabolism at any age by just building some lean muscle.

    Maybe you are thinking you can just go to the gym and build muscle... let me reassure you your diet plays a huge role in the way you look, you can work out a ton but if you continue to make bad food choices you will never be able to burn through that sugar to get to that fat and you will stay the same. Working out will only change your body 30% while diet will change it by 70%, which is why this protein causes so many changes for people who don't exercise.

    A protein with a patented fiber blend so you can feel full and also works not just as a protein shake to aide in your post workout recovery, but also works as a whole meal replacement, so it will save you money and costs only $1.85/meal.

    Unbelievable nutrition
    In order to get all the nutrition in one protein meal you would have to eat the following:
    1.5 Cups of chopped broccoli
    13 whole eggs
    5 medium peaches
    2.5 chicken breasts
    1.5 C frozen yogurt
    1.5 C bran flakes
    18oz tomato juice
    1.5 C shredded romaine lettuce
    5oz cooked lima beans
    15 slices whole wheat bread
    20 spears of asparagus
    1c brown rice
    2c sliced mushrooms
    30 apples
    5c chopped celery (10 whole stalks)
    3.5 medium tomatoes
    3 pineapples
    30 prunes
    Where to get this protein:
    Choose Visalus as your meal replacement or recovery protein:
    The visalus meal replacement shakes work because they help you to build lean muscle so you can ignite that furnace in your body and burn through more fat throughout the entire day. That is why you want to have as much lean muscle as possible.

    You may be thinking why not just eat real chicken, veggies etc. First of all it would be very expensive and you would have to eat a lot of food to get the nutrition found in one replacement and you can't find it an any garden around, and 95% of the population today have fast paced busy life styles, on the go and do not have the time or sometimes even the energy to make healthy food choices, so having convenient, healthy clean, pure, protein available to them anytime and anywhere makes a huge difference to their health and fitness success not to mention all the benefits you get from it!

    This protein is safe for pregos, nursing moms, people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetics alike and will even help reverse health issues!

    I use this protein and I still eat my 1800 calories a day and I have lost 17 lbs in 2 months.

    A ton of my personal trainer friends use this and my body building friends like I said it is a pure protein. Yes it does use splenda but splenda is the safest on the market with all the controversy and it is in very minimal amounts even my friends at cook with splenda and so do I!

    Everyone, PLEASE disregard EVERYTHING this woman has posted/will post in the future. She is extremely misleading and is-- quite obviously, I might add after looking at her picture--only attempting to sell/gain revenue for these shakes. I am a lifelong bodybuilder, and for 4 years now have been studying nutrition, biology, and human growth/muscle development. Every claim this woman has made absolutely disregards any kind of basic knowledge someone in my field would have after their first year of education. Whey protein is one of the most EASILY digestible proteins available, and is one of the first choices of anyone with any kind of legitimate knowledge of protein synthesis (after ANY type of protein from whole foods, milk protein is especially good due to its slow digesting "casein protein" content).

    Soy protein, on the other hand, would be similar to the description she has provided for whey, however with even LESS absorption and HORRIBLE side effects. As other users have said, soy protein promotes ESTROGEN growth and limits testosterone. This SLOWS the metabolism of fat and is unfortunately detrimental to the fat burning process and muscle building process alike. In layman's terms, any weight you lose on a diet of these shakes is hardly desirable since you are losing only the muscle mass your body contains--the stuff you want to KEEP--because you are not consuming enough calories to support the body.

    My advice to anyone on these shakes right now would be to do your research; figure out your "bmi" and amount of calories required to sustain the body/muscle you already have and lower that by roughly 200 calories while still eating enough protein (meats, eggs, milk, even "protein shakes" if you don't enjoy eating large amounts of the listed foods) and stay FAR away from "Body By Vi" or any other "fad diets" not for 90 days, but for the better portion of your life.

    Please message me with ANY questions whatsoever and I would be extremely happy to assist you with reaching whatever goals you have set/would like to set for yourself in the future. I lost over 35lbs while putting on roughly 15lbs of lean mass in less than one year of JUST BEING INFORMED about these things. I might add that you can trust you will not be told to purchase anything whatsoever. (why on earth would anyone that genuinely wants to help people CHARGE for their services or expensive products?)

    For health!

    -Richard J
  • ylolablvr
    ylolablvr Posts: 8
    I have a friend who was trying to get me to buy into it but I can't imagine paying soooooooooo much for it like she is....she quoted me 99.99 for 60 thank you I will keep doing what I am doing for FREE (ya know, outside of my normal groceries)....crazy....

    So yes to answer your question...I am cheap! :) LOL!

    Tell me where else you can get 60 meals for $100, oh and I have gotten my last two orders for FREE! I have been on the shakes for about two months. I have tried other diets but up until now I have never felt this good.I have tons of energy and no more headaches, or stomach aches. I can't say enough about Body by Vi. There is always someone somewhere talking trash about something. SO to each his own. I love it and it has done nothing but good for me!
  • cateyjo
    cateyjo Posts: 108
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    blah blah blah .. same fight same agruements in fact same people....

    sooo over it