Not Going To Give In Anymore, Im Going To Fight This!

When I first started on MyFitnessPal I was all "I got this", didnt really think of what I was doing, just did it. Set up the account SW 195.5lbs hated admitting that number, and then I put my goal weigh 140lbs dont even remember being that weight. So my big drop was 55.5 lbs and I kept looking at my ticker thinking, OMG MOVEEEE. Tick Tock Tick Tock.... 47lbs to go..... The numbers where getting smaller but seeming BIGGER. I felt like I was obsessing over the WHOLE Goal weight instead of working towards being healthier.

Today I went and changed my goal weight to 175lbs. I like the number and thats what I want to see right now, and I know eating right and exercise will get me there... So instead of seeing this 47lbs to go, I see 12lbs to go. And its almost like im playing mind games with myself. But hey im ok with it, as long as im eating heathy, im really going to try my hardest not to eat bad, as in fast food, crazy amounts of carbs and sweets. Its going to be really hard for me since I live at home with my parents and younger siblings, they dont make eating heathly easy for me. But Im not gonna give in anymore, this is my life and im gonna fight for it.

I wasnt gonna go back to the gym, but ive decided to go to the gym a few times a week while doing my 30DS, I figure I can do my cardio at the gym, and "ST" at home.. Where I feel comfortable.

Im scared, but I know im strong.

Ok, done blabbing =)


  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 184 Member
    You ARE strong, you got this! It's always easier to make smaller goals. And if 175 feels healthy for you cool. If you want to make a new goal after that, that's good too. I think we all get caught up in the numbers sometimes. The important thing to remember is that if we start treating ourselves well by eating right and being active...the body we want WILL follow. It won't happen over night, but it WILL happen.