Eating back calories when burning tons of calories

Ok, so I totally get eating back my calories and I'm loving feeling satisfied and getting plenty to eat. I've fully embraced this new lifestyle and have set up many daily opportunities to burn lots of calories. I've been working in our huge yard and have currently been burning way more than I can possibly eat. I do eat avocados, peanuts, peanut butter, etc. and when I pushed myself to eat most of my exercise calories, I felt stuffed. That doesn't seem like it would be good to feel stuffed most of the time. So I'm wondering if I need to cut back my activity to be able to eat my exercise calories. Also, am I going to go into starvation mode when eating that much if I burn more?

My stats: 49 yo, 5'9” and Currently 200 lbs. I've lost 25 lbs. in about 3 ½ months. Eating up to 2000 calories when the burn allows.


  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Just me personally, I say listen to your body. If you are full, you are full, and I wouldn't eat anymore.:) Also, people say MFP overestimated calories burned... who knows?
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks Emily. I forgot to mention in the original post that I do track my calories burned with an HRM and fitbit to get as close to the actual as possible.
  • kerry1962
    I could never eat the amount of calories they say I earned for exercising. I follow the 1200 calorie a day limit and there are days I struggle trying to eat that amount....I could never eat the extra 630 calories I earned for exercise today. I agree, you have to go with what your body is telling you...if you are full, you're full!: smile:
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    When I do my huge calorie burns (usually once a week when I do my long rides) it's hard for me to eat back all those calories. I've settled on eating back about half of them. It seems to work, and that way on the next day--which is often a rest day so I don't burn more than a couple hundred extra--if I am hungry I can eat a little extra without feeling guilty.

    You're doing great! Sounds like you're to the point where you're not eating mindlessly or for entertainment, so if you listen to your body you should be fine.