much needed HAIR advice....

flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
I guess this is an appropriate forum to post this question lol

I have naturally very very thick curly hair. I'm 1/2 Ukrainian 1/2 afro-brazilian so my hair is a strange mix between the two.

I haven't put any chemicals in my hair (dye or relaxer) for about 3-4 yrs. So my hair has grown soo much and I'm actually rocking my natural hair color- which is a SUPER light brown lol :sick:

anyways, I'm thinking of getting a relaxer again... but I'm dreading the whole process (the chemicals, the heat, touch ups, the greasy products)
I don't want to damage my hair but I'm really ready to retire these curls. I also personally believe I look my best with straight hair

I have SO much hair. top fo the line straightening irons work... but my roots and everything are still curly.

Are there any other options besides slapping on a relaxer? :grumble:


  • WillWorkout4Food
    WillWorkout4Food Posts: 94 Member
    Thankfully, natural is coming back strong because I am over slapping chemicals in my hair. I am White (German) and Black (American); I have course curls that have a hint of a spiral thanks to my mother's thin and stringy hair. I use Carol's daughter for now and I am considering using the brand Mixed Chicks once I finish up this bottle moisturizer. I also count on leave-in conditioners—the brand Motions being one of my favorites because there is no potent scent and it is not greasy at all. I am a member of a Facebook group that gives suggestions and accounts on how to keep hair manageable, healthy and stylish-- Hope that helps. Don't go back to the hair "crack". Buy a good straighter or hit the salon when you want it straight and let your hair be itself, if you can, I know it's hard. ;)
  • MrsKAddy
    MrsKAddy Posts: 52 Member
    have you thought of getting a keratin treatment? Check out the pros and cons from WebMD
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I have super curly hair too when I don't straighten's lovely/gorgeous/etc, but I know what you are going through, sometimes it can be a bit much.

    I have my stylist thin mine- they just use a funny sissors that cuts some of the extra hair out so it isn't horse-tail thick. It makes it more manageable and it doesn't take light years to straighten it. Love it because it doesn't damage your hair and it always grows back!
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    From an absolutely TOO white chick with thin straight hair.....I am soooooooooo jealous right now. : (. I would trade hair with you for awhile if I could! I don't have any advice for you...know nothing on the subject but..... Seriously, your curls look AMAZING!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
  • Browny43
    Browny43 Posts: 124 Member
    Bump, I'm hispanic and have a love hate relationship with my hair. I'd love to read all the responses.
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    Try a ceramic root straightener or get a Dominican blowout.
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    I have a love/hate/hate/hate relationship with the creature that is my hair. I have tried everything - I am Polish/Scottish and I have 3 distinct hair types on my one head - frizzy spirals in the bang area, large smooth spirals at the back, and wavy, no curls at all around the temples. I have recently re-embraced my curls - mostly because I have little time to straighten it.

    I love the CDC products my stylist imports.
    No heaviness. No grease. And, best of all, they smell like ice cream.
  • HuntingArpegius
    HuntingArpegius Posts: 41 Member
    I'm white (German) and black (African American, Native American) and have those spiral curls too. All the way to the small of back which can be a real pain sometimes try to tame it. :grumble: I also use Carol's daughter which by far is the best curl control product I've used. I've never relaxed my hair just from seeing what its done to my mom's hair. Personally, if I were you, I'd go to a salon where the people know how to handle mixed hair. :flowerforyou:
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    Sounds like your my hair twin...I am Afro-latina with very thick 3b/3c curls who shaved off all my hair (like Amber Rose) almost two years ago in order to grow my hair out without a relaxer. Right now I do a lot of protective styling while working out like bunning and Kim K. phony works for me. I definitely do not suggest going back to a relaxer because you will be putting unnecessary stress on your hair and to be honest if it is really curly like mines it will still revert. Just get professional blowouts when you want to wear your hair straight and accept the fact that it cannot be worn like that all the time if you intend to work out.
  • lulu_1
    lulu_1 Posts: 100
    I have super curly hair too when I don't straighten's lovely/gorgeous/etc, but I know what you are going through, sometimes it can be a bit much.

    I have my stylist thin mine- they just use a funny sissors that cuts some of the extra hair out so it isn't horse-tail thick. It makes it more manageable and it doesn't take light years to straighten it. Love it because it doesn't damage your hair and it always grows back!

    Thinning was done to my hair 5-6 years ago and it hasn't grown back so if you like your hair thick then don't do this. once your hair thins trust me you will miss it's thickness.
  • KxK0509
    KxK0509 Posts: 28 Member
    I've been getting keratin treatments for a few years now and I love it. My hair is healthy (which it wasn't when I was using traditional relaxers), and it still has body and, when I want them, loose curls.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I second or 3rd the keratin treatment.
    Also a really good flat iron and look up the 'chase method'. This way we get to keep our curls and go straight when we want to.
  • persian1981
    persian1981 Posts: 33 Member
    I also have very thick, curly, frizzy hair and i got a Brazilian Blow Out and it honestly changed my life....For the first time ever, i showered, and may hair air dried straight down my back....such a great feeling!! I recommend it to EVERYONE!!!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    I have super curly hair too when I don't straighten's lovely/gorgeous/etc, but I know what you are going through, sometimes it can be a bit much.

    I have my stylist thin mine- they just use a funny sissors that cuts some of the extra hair out so it isn't horse-tail thick. It makes it more manageable and it doesn't take light years to straighten it. Love it because it doesn't damage your hair and it always grows back!

    Thinning was done to my hair 5-6 years ago and it hasn't grown back so if you like your hair thick then don't do this. once your hair thins trust me you will miss it's thickness.

    Your hair probably thinned on its own, this happens to many people as they age. It doesn't make sense that thinning it did this, as far as your hair knows you just cut it shorter. So if that were true, every time you cut your hair it would get thinner and thinner until you went bald.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I'm black and dominican. I have very thick curly hair as well.. Two things: keratin treatment & hot oil treatments with extra virgin olive oil. I live in Florida, its been in the 80's for almost 2 months straight.. I straighten my hair maybe twice a week, and that's just to touch it up.
  • jordgirl
    jordgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I have naturally thick, curly hair and just did a keratin treatment and have loved it. I was able to blow dry my hair straight for the first time in my life (normally I have to spend a good half an hour straightening it!)...not completely perfect, but sooo much easier than before!
  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 371 Member
    Not sure, but I think you're hair is gorgeous.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    i have very thick, curly hair. My hair dresser does a cut where she cuts little short pieces and kind of hides them so you can't tell. It took out so much of the poofyness of my hair. Keritain treatments are also amazing! I have not had one but a Brazilian blow out is really popular.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Mine is curly but extremely thin. I'd love to swap with you lol. I don't know how to keep it straight. I use GHDs and it still curls! If its hot or humid forget it! Its hard work! X