mommy on a mission! help!

Hi everyone! i've been on myfitnesspal for about a week now. i've been dieting here a month now. i recently had my son in january where i weighed in a womping 196.2 lbs at 5'1. i got down to 174 but again gained weight by just eating whatever was around or take out. I weighed in at 180.2 and that was my last straw. my last weigh in a week ago was 176.2, tomorrow i weigh in. i created a FB group made up entirely of women trying to loose weight as well.

after i had my daughter two years ago i lost 50 lbs and my lowest was 130. now my goal weight is 120 and i'm pretty excited to be on this journey. i'm pretty new to this and i don't get on the computer to often so feel free to add me please! just looking for some motivation and support!


  • kbee0
    kbee0 Posts: 10
    Welcome! I added you. We're about the same age looking to lose about the same amount. Good luck, I hope we can help encourage one another! :)
  • jaynepickle
    jaynepickle Posts: 47 Member
    Hello! I am also a mommy of two (3.5 years and 18 months) and am tired of carrying around a spare tire and saddle bags. Sending you an add!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm looking for more friends, so I added you! I'm a mommy of 7, and I'm trying to get down to 130. Just weighed in today at 157, which is bumming me out because a week ago I was 155. :(
  • danisaurus_REX
    danisaurus_REX Posts: 9 Member
    thanks for the add :)
  • kb2408
    kb2408 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat - trying to get weight back on track after 2 non-sleeping kids in 4 years. They finally sleep so I must STOP eating biscuits. Only just started but nice to know other mums with tums trying hard! I live in Scotland - and dream of the kind of weather you have in Anerica, so don't make me jealous!
  • Hi ! I am adding you! I am trying to lose my baby weight also! I am fed up with my weight and ready to make great changes!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Right there with you, same height and all just a bit older. :happy:
  • jdeking1
    jdeking1 Posts: 31
    All of you can feel free to add me! I just had a lil one not to long ago myself!!! The more support the better!
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Please feel free to add me! Mommy of a 3 year old and almost 5 month old. Been on for about six weeks, down 10 lbs and training for my first 5k. Anyone in the thread can add me that would like to. I am very serious about getting healthy to be a better role model to my girls.
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    Not all places in america are sunny all year. Where I am from, we get lots of snow. Lots of snow!
  • lilgreenmonster
    lilgreenmonster Posts: 9 Member
    Hiya. Im also a mum. My daughters almost 2. Im trying to lose the pounds. I have a facebook page for anyone to join that wants to lose weight it be awesome if everyone could join and share your progress etc. Heres the link
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    just added you :) im finding having friends makes this easier! im 5'1 also and my highest weight was 177.2 and my goal is 120 .. well for now im trying to get down to 136 (my pre excessive weight gain weight!) congrats on your new baby :) my baby is 9 now LOL. anyways, thought our stuff seemed pretty similiar!
  • Hi there, I'm also VERY new to MFP so I'm looking for friends too. I have two little people (3 and 6) and I'm trying to loose extra pounds too (30 of them ;-). I weighed in at 194 this morning and should be around 160. I know that I can do it; it's just nice to have support. Good luck to everyone! :-)
  • danisaurus_REX
    danisaurus_REX Posts: 9 Member
    bumping. i rarely get online so add me! help each other! :)