Don't give up! It really works -5lbs in one week :)

I started my weight loss journey about a 5 weeks ago. I decided to go with a low carb high protein diet and of course exercise. I was amazed by my first week results lost 6lbs in one week. However, I was stuck for 3 looong weeks... :( I almost gave up. I couldn't understand why? I was eating no more than 20-30 carbs good amount of protein plus gym @least 3 times a week. However my calorie intake was always low. Last week I downloaded MFP and after reading so much about how important calories are I decided to give it a try. Here I am a week later 5lbs less :) Now I understand how bad my body needed FUEL(calories) and I'm enjoying eating things that I couldn't really eat while on a low carb diet.

:smile: TRY IT & DON'T GIVE UP :):smile:


  • This is pretty inspirational :) I'm on my 3rd day and feel better already, I hope to have as much progress as you!