Anyone else rarely ever stretch?



  • Fit_and_Healthy
    I don't stretch unless something feels tight. I have been meaning to add stretching to my routine though to increase my flexibility.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I click my back and joints that feel tight before a workout if that counts, but I never stretch and I've been lifting for about two years without any injury. Doesn't really feel necessary to me.
  • ajp913
    ajp913 Posts: 100 Member
    I stretch every workout... i warm up before stretching though. I'll bike five minutes, then do a really good stretch. I've found that i perform better after stretching. But, as you can see from the fact that I start every sentence with "I," this is just me. everyone's different. I just know that if I don't stretch before I run, calf cramps and hip stiffness will derail me before I get far.
  • amymaria91
    amymaria91 Posts: 202
    Exactly the same as you. I don't stretch before and only stretch afterwards if something feels tight. In the rare occasions I am sore the next day, I always find more exercise helps
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I am also guilty of this. I do vinyasa yoga about once a week, which helps with flexibility. I will stretch if I am sore or having cramps. However, I am not religious about doing it after runs and hikes. Hopefully I don't regret this too much later.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I never stretch before hand, I warm up with light cardio. I do always stretch afterward for 10 minutes though. I feel I need to.
  • bondavbriwil
    bondavbriwil Posts: 62 Member
    I do a dynamic warmup before pretty much any kind of exercise and stretch after. I love stretching and like to take advantage of having my muscles warmed up.


    The research I have read supports the practice of a warmup or dynamic stretching before and after. So thats what I do.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I always do a good stretch and warm up sets before I lift. I'm a male, 190 lbs 5'8 and can almost touch my forehead to my knees when I do a hamstring stretch standing. My OPINION is having this kind of flexibility gives a larger range of motion for my strength training, which means a better workout.

    My stomach still gets in the way :laugh: but I get some funny looks when I touch my toes and then get my palms flat on the ground.
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    I am now 42.. Went to doc.. You have plantars fasciitis and tarsal tunnel in your ankle..Me: huh!! Why!! Doctor: O it's probably been building for years, do you stretch your feet before walking or jogging? The ligament that runs under your foot has been tightening and tightening, as you get older that gets less resilient and begins to pull away from the bone.. and also creates mini tears and could get bad enough to require surgery.. me.. 6 month of severe limping pain.. sleeping in a boot..

    Me.. Dr. My shoulder is killing me!! Dr... You have torn rotator cuff, how much weight do you lift and are you spending any time warming up or stretching out those muscles before or after???

    Me: Dr.. My knees... (short version) meniscus tear in both.. 3 Different doctors.. 2 knee surgeries, 2 torn rotator cuffs, plantars fasciitis and tarsal tunnel.. a partridge in a pear tree..

    Food for thought.. some surgeries have an only 1% death rate.. problem is,, someone has to make up that 1%.. Why not do things that may lesson your chance of bieng in that 1%... I will now stretch... Who needs a study when you get older and the reality of the bad habits you founded when young come back to slap you in the face...
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    I practice yoga almost daily but I don't really stretch right before/after a workout. But the yoga definitely helps a lot of the pain either way.
  • shesajoy
    shesajoy Posts: 11 Member
    I used to be that way - I practice yoga now, so I get plenty of stretching, but even with that, there are some muscles that yoga does not get. It is never a big deal until you hurt yourself, and the older you are, the more likely that is to happen. I turned 40 last year and tore a calf muscle, doing nothing unusual. Crutches, physical therapy, and 20 lbs later, here I am, lol! Warm up beforehand, but I would encourage you to do at least minimal stretching of your major muscles after each workout. People don't "like' to stretch because it is uncomfortable; the more you do it, the less uncomfortable it is, and the better it feels. ;)
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    Honestly I use to stretch before and after a workout and my runs.....slowly over time...I ran out of time and stopped stretching all together...and I haven't noticed a huge difference either way not in flexibility or injury...What I have noticed since not stretching is I don't get knots and rarely get sore anymore..I have knee issues and a herniated disc...and neither have plagued me a great deal since I stopped stretching....I customize my workouts around my weak points and take an extra rest day if one or the other (knee or back) is bothering me...
  • spinitoff
    spinitoff Posts: 33
    Well that's reassuring! I do tend to warm up a little first: a short walk before a long run, or some low MPH spinning for 5-10min before taking off. Works for me!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I don't find the point. I use to stretch before volleyball games, but I actually stretched TOO much that I pulled a hamstring. I sadly couldn't play for a while. I stopped stretching. I mean, now I just stretch my arms lightly if they get tight.

    This is a great thing to point out. Many people tear muscles or tendons *from stretching*. I tore calf muscles in both legs (20 years apart) and both times it was while I was stretching. I wasn't doing anything extreme, just a little calf stretch, and POP! so it certainly does have its dangers.
  • knowkeys
    knowkeys Posts: 28 Member
    I rarely strecth before a run or cycle unless it is a race or more competiive. I will then do a warm up and some stretching.
    I stretch during a run when the muscle feels tight and only a few extensions. I sometimes stretch on completion of a long run (over 5km) but only for a few minutes.

    I should do more, I am not flexible and can just about touch my toes with bent knee. Stomach is in the way, LOL.

    I need to stretch more, however, I am rarely injured (touch wood) so will need to build my stretching and flexibility.

    Whatever works for you, I suppose.