Need weight loss buddies. Female, 5'8, 22 yo,139lbs .. 19 to

Anyone want to partner up with similar stats. I was 120 lbs a couple years ago and I am hoping to make it back there by the end of June, middle of July. Support is always helpful, but I've always found it extremely helpful to have someone with similar goals and stats to motivate you. Thanks in Advance everyone! Feel free to add me.


  • sfoxy219
    sfoxy219 Posts: 103
    OMG I'm 5'8 22yrs currently 150 pounds. I would love to be 120-130. Not sure on end goal yet. Right now It's set for 130. I'll see when I get there.
  • B_Steppuhn
    B_Steppuhn Posts: 44 Member
    Your about a foot taller but I'm working for the same goal but just more to loose
  • I'm also 5'8, and 22 years old :)

    I'm currently about 155lbs and would like to be 135 ish. I'd like to gain some muscle so we'll see if I actually get that low.

    I was just about to make a post looking for some buddies with similar goals. I have added a few friends on MFP but none of them really personally motivate me. I need someone who's going to cheer me on for doing well but also give me crap for slacking off. If that's what you're looking for too, feel free to add me!
  • im 5'4 and 23 Im currently 135 would like to get back to 120 whats hard for me is ppl say oh your not fat u dont have to worrie here eat this. I know Im not "fat" but Im also not in the shape I wanna be in and although my son is 4 i still have that little extra in the middle that I could do without! feel free to add me if u like! I could use ppl to tell me to get off my butt!
  • Well my highest was 162 when I was working as a temp for an elections office. In 4 months I gained 32 lbs. It was all the sitting around and eating. All anyone ever did in that office was bring in food. My hubby was overseas jan-july last year and in that time period I took off 20 lbs. When he got back I took off another 10 and was at 132. Then I fell off the wagon and I'm back at 139 so I'm really hoping to get things under control and drop the last 19. I start nursing classes soon so I hope that they will keep my mind busy and away from thoughts of food. lol
  • im 5'4 and 23 Im currently 135 would like to get back to 120 whats hard for me is ppl say oh your not fat u dont have to worrie here eat this. I know Im not "fat" but Im also not in the shape I wanna be in and although my son is 4 i still have that little extra in the middle that I could do without! feel free to add me if u like! I could use ppl to tell me to get off my butt!

    This. I hate when people say "you aren't fat"!! I never said I was, but who is anyone to tell me at what weight I should be happy? lol
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    im 5'4 and 23 Im currently 135 would like to get back to 120 whats hard for me is ppl say oh your not fat u dont have to worrie here eat this. I know Im not "fat" but Im also not in the shape I wanna be in and although my son is 4 i still have that little extra in the middle that I could do without! feel free to add me if u like! I could use ppl to tell me to get off my butt!

    This. I hate when people say "you aren't fat"!! I never said I was, but who is anyone to tell me at what weight I should be happy? lol
    I agree! It's so irritating.
  • Samysalsa
    Samysalsa Posts: 45
    I'm 22, 5'7, around 144 and hoping to get back to 130 or below!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • kellog24
    kellog24 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm WAY older than you :) but similar stats. I'm 29 yo, 129lbs, working to lose just a few more and then do some major toning. Feel free to add me!
  • khagador
    khagador Posts: 175 Member
    CW- 134
    GW- 124
    SW- 142

    Add me if you want another friend.
  • shelbym87
    shelbym87 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm 24 y/o, 5'6 and 121lbs. Want to be about 112lbs. Need friends with similar goals as well!
  • my hieght and weight is not the same as yours but the more friends the better. =) sent you a request =)
  • teelynn35
    teelynn35 Posts: 239 Member
    well I'm twice your age, but also 5'8 and currently 138. I started my journey at 178. My bone structure is to large to weigh 120 lbs, but I'm all about being a "size" healthy. I will give you "atta girls" when you earn them and *kitten* when you need it:) Feel free to add me.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    im 5'4 and 23 Im currently 135 would like to get back to 120 whats hard for me is ppl say oh your not fat u dont have to worrie here eat this. I know Im not "fat" but Im also not in the shape I wanna be in and although my son is 4 i still have that little extra in the middle that I could do without! feel free to add me if u like! I could use ppl to tell me to get off my butt!

    This. I hate when people say "you aren't fat"!! I never said I was, but who is anyone to tell me at what weight I should be happy? lol
    I agree! It's so irritating.

    Maybe to you it's irritating, but those of us that have a ton to lose would kill to have someone, ANYONE tell us we are perfect the way we are and that we don't need to lose anymore. So be grateful! SHEESH!!!!:mad:
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 22, 5'6", hovering around 138..goal's set at 135 but i'd love 130 eventually!
    feel free to add me!!
  • Babybirdganz
    Babybirdganz Posts: 107 Member
    Hello :)
    I'm 5'6 (and a half) yes the half matters lol
    I started this site at about 170lbs, and now I'm down to 127 :)
    Feel free to add for support! :)
  • I am 5'8 and 155. My goal weight is 130 :)
  • MistyBlu88
    MistyBlu88 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'4 currently 138. I started at about 145 & my goal is 127. Feel free to add me.
  • laratonacoco
    laratonacoco Posts: 22 Member
    I am 19 years old:

    Weight is 138 lbs
    Height is 5'9
    Goal Weight is 120 lbs


    Chest is 24"
    Waist is 27"
    Hips is 36"
  • zzk0485
    zzk0485 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't have the same numbers as you, I am 5"7 and 275 lbs but could use some great motivational friends!! Good luck to you, add me if you'd like!