Morning or Afternoon Workouts - Is there a difference?

Hey MFP Friends,

I was wondering if there is really a difference in workout times. Is it better to work out in the mornings? Or evenings? My sister-in-law are doing the P90X between 7pm-11pm - depending on our work and activity schedules. She is working full-time and a student at a local Junior College, I work full-time, and have full-time ministry throughout the week. The only time we can fit into our schedules are between the 7pm-11pm schedules.

We both confess we are not morning people, so 5am is tough - but not impossible if it is better. Anyone know the difference in workout times, if there is any?

Thanks in advance for your advice!!


  • DBell28
    DBell28 Posts: 45
    they usually say its better in the AM - I've been going before work at 5 AM and I feel so much better- Im ready for bed at 9 LOL but its nice to come home after work and not have to deal with it. Plus studies show that AM workouts cause you to burn more calories throughout the day. I definately feel better after working out in the AM.
  • coopersmom2006
    Honestly I think whenever you can find time to workout is the best time! I personally workout early in the morning before my husband goes to work. That's the only time I KNOW I will find the time. I'm also not a fan of night workouts because they energize me and keep me awake. Each person is different really. Keep up with what is working for you! :)
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Good question. I was thinking the same thing this morning. I work in the AM most times, but if I don't get up early enough, I just get it in before midnight.

    In my past experience, I lost weight more consistently when I exercised in the morning (based on the same dietary intake on average). When I exercised at night, but consumed the same foods, my weight loss stalled.

    I think in the end, it's average net calories that really makes the difference. I know I went to bed earlier when I didn't work out at night, so maybe it was the sleep factor. Who knows?
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    The important thing is to do them. I doubt that it makes all that much difference whether it's AM or PM - but there's definitely a difference between doing them and not doing them. The best way is what works for you.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The best time to workout is whatever fits your schedule best as you're more likely to stick with it.

    I like to run at 5:00AM, most normal people are still sound asleep at that time.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I say whatever fits into your life. I prefer early mornings. Usually start 30 DS about 630 after eating a bowl of cereal with fresh fruit. That's what works for me. Plus I love getting it over for the day. If i let it go til later I always find an excuse not to do it.
  • happypath101
    I'm NOT a morning person. My favourite time to workout is at lunch. But, I just can't do that everyday. Recently I have been working out at night. I thought, for sure I'd have trouble sleeping. But, no way. And, while it's hard to get into my workout wear and begin something in the evening, for me, it's WAY easier than trying to do it first thing. I know morning people just love their routine and will go on and on about the virtues of working out in the morning. But, if it's not for you - don't sweat it. Just workout when you can.
  • Zalissa
    Zalissa Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a morning person. There. I said it. I can't imagine working out after I put in a full day at work. I briefly did that before I figured out mornings were better for me and the gym was packed at those times too. It's not so bad in the morning.
  • leahnoelle31
    leahnoelle31 Posts: 79 Member
    I am also a 5am exerciser. I'm a working mom so that is the only time I get all day to do something 100%for me. I also LOVE running just before sunrise. I love the quiet and the fresh smell of morning :)
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I wish I could find the article again but I just read something about weight loss myths and it said evening is better. I remember feeling very happy about that because there's no way I'm getting up any earlier than I absolutely have to.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
  • JoanneStone
    JoanneStone Posts: 135 Member
    Depends on the day for me. I work Monday to Friday, so those days I work out around 6pm or so. On weekends, I like to do it first thing in the morning. Either way it generally gets done!
  • bkandisjj29
    bkandisjj29 Posts: 172
    I don't think it really matters. Just a matter of personal preference. But for me, in the mornings after I have my coffee I am like "woo hoo let's go let's do this!!!!" but at night I am like "I am not gonna live through this maybe I will just do ten mins instead of thirty". LOL
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I know I prefer to do it in the morning and get it out of the way.. especially if it's cardio. I do, however, attend Bootcamp classes in the evening d/t scheduling issues. As far as my fitness level goes, time of day doesn't matter, but if there's a particularly unsavory cardio workout I have to get done, I'd rather do it in the morning and get it over with. Plus when I workout first thing, the rest of the day just seems more organized and I get more done.