which food just grosses you out?



  • cassmonster
    cassmonster Posts: 58 Member
    EGGS.......any type.....*gag*
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    pickles or anything pickled. like if my burger or sandwich is touched by a damn pickle I wont eat it

    EXACTLY!!! Green, cold and slimy. And how did Chik Filet ever decide that pickles go with fried chicken sandwiches??????
  • catlady76
    catlady76 Posts: 5 Member
    tomatoes are NASTY....but i love ketchup :)
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    BANANAS (but strangely banana flavored candy is DELICIOUS).
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Olives will make me vomit speedy fast.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Undercooked onions so they're warm but still have that "crunch"...ugh makes me want to vom right now.

    p.s. raw and completely cooked are both ok.
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    Bananas or anything banana related. I hate everything about them. The smell nauseates me, and I'd rather eat dog food than taste a banana. And don't even get me started on how disgusting the sound when my boss eats them. I've never heard a soft food be so LOUD!
    agreed!!! everything about them makes me gag.. I hate the smell, the taste, the texture in fact just talking about them makes me want to hurl!

    Ewwww....banana smacking noises!
  • Ociases
    Ociases Posts: 28 Member
    Mayo and green olives.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Mussels, Oysters, Sardines, Okra, Sauerkraut, Blue Cheese, the list could go on and on!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    egg salad

    any kind of fish sandwich

    any vegetable in a can

    over cooked pasta

    VELVEETA? what is wrong with you woman???????? lol love velveeta

    a grilled velveeta cheese is awesome. tomato soup, made with milk, must be on the side. and mix half velveeta with half salsa, and you have a killer dip for your chips.

    (also, it makes good trout bait.)

    pickles or anything pickled. like if my burger or sandwich is touched by a damn pickle I wont eat it

    agreed, when it comes to burgers and sammies. like mustard, you can't simply remove the pickle. it leaves it's nasty little juice behind.

    I do love those little sweet pickles, though.
    yes and mustard too~ ugh i hate when i get something and they leave that on there also~ cant scrape it off for anything hate mustard unless its in something like deviled eggs or egg salad

    yes. I think we are food twins.
  • JoanneStone
    JoanneStone Posts: 135 Member
    Anything "furry" peaches, green beans...you know what I'm talkin' about...
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Artificial banana flavor and BEETS!!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Olives, I loathe the things, although I am ok with olive oil used lightly in cooking.
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    I LOVE corn flavored candy and ice cream. I'm not sure why we don't do that in the US (GENIUS)!
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    baba ganoush (roasted garlic and eggplant spread/dip) it offends the senses. and liver, revolting.
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    Peaches!! That fuzz just gives me the heebie-jeebies...I can't even eat a peeled peach because I know at one time it had that hair on it! LOL :flowerforyou:
  • mercina22
    mercina22 Posts: 446 Member
    Mayo. UGH it's always creeped me out. :(

    UGHH me too!!!
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member

    This, plus watermelon.


    MUSHROOMS, ahh, their texture!

    I'll second the cake batter ice cream. Cake-flavored anything that's not cake.

    Tapioca and rice pudding, yogurt with stringy fruit in it - I'm a texture person and these are yucky to me.

    Seafood that smells overly fishy, like scallops. Baaarf.

    The idea of snapping into a crustacean creeps me right out, too.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I HATE onions. They are disgusting. Don't like the way they taste, smell or biting into one when I am eating. Sickening!
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    MIRACLE WHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a miracle i don't puke if it comes near me! I'm gagging now thinking about it. :sick: