Looking for Fitness Pals to share in this journey!

I am 28 years old and I feel that I have reached a point in my life where I do not want to weigh this much anymore and I want to just be healthier. I workout quite a bit. My husband and I operate a martial arts school and I also have a gym membership. I like to run (although I'm pretty slow), and last year I ran the "Warrior Dash". Exercise isn't a problem for me... it's food that is my major weakness! I feel like I workout enough to have one of those cut/toned bodies I see pictures of, but the way I eat will never let that happen. So, I am in the process of changing my eating habits and getting that body that I want so badly. No more wasting my hard work outs by using the calories I burned on junk! My goal is to lose at least 40 lbs.

I can certainly use all the motivation I can get, and I would love to also help motivate you as we share in this weight loss journey. Feel free to add me to your friends.


  • LeniceH
    LeniceH Posts: 17
    Welcome NHelcher!

    I am pretty new to the community as well, I'll send you a friend request.....we can encourage each other!
  • cellokitty91
    cellokitty91 Posts: 127 Member
    I've got a sweet tooth so I know how you feel! Feel free to add me too :)
  • newclothes67
    newclothes67 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey There! feel the same way in terms of working out just not eating quite right. I would love to have a few friends on here to keep me from quitting and feel more accountable. I 'll send you a friend request ;)

    I'm really ready to do this!:smile:
  • Shannonlastname
    Shannonlastname Posts: 48 Member
    Ugh, the dreaded sweet tooth. Cadbury egg season is my downfall every year.