New to MFP and Jillian Michaels

I started MFP about a week ago and I started Jillian Michaels Total Body Revolution 3 weeks ago and I have only lost one stinking pound! lol

I don't have that much to lose, I just want to lose my belly fat and firm up, and I know that since I don't have that much to lose it won't come off as fast. I am also not being fanatical about it as I am only exercising 5 days a week instead of 6, and I am not sticking as hard to the diet due to the fact that as a single working mom of 2 picky eaters I have to make food that we all will eat. I set my goal to lose 1/2 pound a week and I am able to stay under my calories. I feel like I am eating way less than before and often feel hungry even though I am making better food choices. People keep telling me muscle weighs more than fat but there is no way that I have replaced one with the other because I have not lost any inches. I know I will never have that flat stomach because I never have, and after having 2 kids in 14 months the elasticity is shot but this is rediculous! I will continue the program because I paid for it and it is too early to give up and I am too damn cheap. Ha!

If anyone else is doing Jillian Michaels or if anyone else is only trying to lose a small amount of weight (my goal is 7 pounds and to get in better shape) I would like to invite you to be friends. Bonus points if you live in NorCal :)


  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    Hello, well Im on week 3 of RI 30 and I've gained 3 pounds and I was trying to lose 5! What I have heard about people like us, is that it takes longer for us and we really have to watch every single morsel that goes into our mouth. I haven't lost any inches either but even though I gained my clothes still fit (loose actually) and my body does look more lean and toned especially my legs. Jillian really focuses on working out using ones own body strength and I'm beginning to understand that will make you gain muscle quickly. Don't give up! We have to learn to look for other factors as signs for improvement than solely the scale.