Is there a point when exercise no longer has a calorie burni

I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but between temptations and cravings I've been having weeks of 2000+ calorie days. I try to adjust my exercise accordingly to burn the additional calories, but I was wondering at some point does the calories burned from a workout no longer count toward the calories I've eaten?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think I understand what you're saying... and I think the answer is that you can't out-exercise a bad diet.
    This doesn't mean don't exercise, it just means that eating junk then exercising for four hours to burn it off is not going to be a very good strategy for the long term.

    If you are always craving/hungry then it is probably time to have a look at your calorie goals, maybe you aren't eating enough. It looks as though you don't have very much to lose so you should probably have your goals set at "lose 1/2 pounds a week" and you should be eating your exercise cals too.
    2000 cals is an "average" intake according to most things I've read, so it may be that you aren't really eating too much, you might just have unrealistic goals.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    2000+ net? or just intake?

    when i realized i was binging on carbs (not sugar) every other day, and then noticed running suddenly was easier (i felt like i just could not get going), i had a little lightbulb go on over my head... i had cut out most carbs, but not enough to change my body's handling of nutrients - i just needed that extra/different fuel . maybe you do too.
    don't stress yourself out over it, ask yourself how realistic your goal is, and just try to go for healthy snacks. see if cutting down on the frenzied exercise lowers your cravings, chances are you need to eat more (and better) anyways.
  • TrainersRoom
    I try to each back some but not all of the calories I burn from exercise. My target is typically 1/2. But sometimes its more, sometimes less. I do know that if I net below 1200 calories for a couple of days, I end up feeling sick. So I try to net 1200 calories regardless of how much I exercise.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    exercise will ALWAYS burn calories, however as you lose weight you will burn LESS calories. This is due to the fact it doesnt take as much energy to get your body to run around. so for example if you weighed 13 stone and then dropped to 12 stone, you would burn less calories doing the same exercise for the same length of time when you are lighter.
  • nikijohnson8
    nikijohnson8 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks! I've got myself set at eating 1480 every day. I also exercise a minimum of 30 minutes each day (usually more). I always eat my exercise calories. I'm not losing, but (knock on wood) I haven't been gaining. I'm just addicted to snacking on sweets in the evening and after lunch lately... and Easter with all its chocolate isn't helping! :p