New with 25kgs to lose

Hi all! After gaining 10kgs in 6 months in 2010, I've since been bouncing around between 89-93kgs - it's ridiculous! However I saw 87.8 this morning, the lowest since early 2010 so decided I needed a community for some support along the way.

I've got a hip/back injury at the moment and am not allowed to do much in the way of exercise - walking/elliptical/some upper body weights - something I'm struggling with as I find walking sooooo boring and just want to get back into some more high impact stuff!

Anyway, looking forward to finding my way around the place :)


  • Kiwi1980
    Kiwi1980 Posts: 8
    Hi!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!! I am new to MFP as well and I joined for support from others!! Feel free to add me if you like!!
  • Fipsie
    Fipsie Posts: 50
    Hello, and thanks for the add - great to meet another Aussie!

    All the best and welcome to the site, it really is a very useful tool.