Loose Belly Skin after Baby

I wasn't sure where to post this topic (sorry if it's in the wrong spot). I have had two children. After I gained 50lbs with my daughter and I lost most of the weight and the skin stayed sort of wrinkly/loose looking for a little while but got better. When she turned 2yrs old I became pregnant with my son. I gained 40lbs with him but the way I carried him I looked huge and was asked everyday (including the day I delivered by a random nurse) if I was carrying twins. He's 10mo old now and I have lost most of the weight but my skin is soooo wrinkly looking, especially around my belly button. I am trying to lose the last 10lbs of baby weight and tone up my stomach. Has anyone else had the wrinkly/prune skin and was able to firm it up? Everything I read online says a tummy tuck is the only way to get rid of it. But I know there are a lot of mom's on here and I am really hoping some of you ladies have had luck with getting rid of it (or at least having it look much better). It's really depressing to look at...


  • 223730
    223730 Posts: 55
    I hope to see some positive responses here! I have also had two kids, my second one leaving me with this weird wrinkled mess on my belly, especially around the belly button. As I have been losing weight, the skin is getting a little better, but not bikini-ready, no sir! Tightening your ab muscles will also help the skin to keep from sagging, which will make it less wrinkled looking. My husband mentioned that my skin was looking tighter. I have been focused mainly on cardio to burn the fat, but starting in May I am really going to turn up the juice to start toning in addition to losing. I'll post pics if it works!!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I sure hope to hear something too. I've had 4 pregnancies and lost 88 pounds so far...my belly looks like crepe paper. *sigh*
  • Candida1983
    Candida1983 Posts: 188
    I have 3 kids, so I'm hoping that someone can answer this as well. :bigsmile:
  • patriciaannbibo
    patriciaannbibo Posts: 130 Member
    Need Help in this area .After 5 kids my abs are gone .Carry all my extra weight in my stomach.
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    Unfortunately we will always have a slight crepey look to our tummy's but just do lots of ab work to reduce it! Mine is horrendous but it's slowly improving and my girls are 12 & 10 x
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I HAVE seen pictures on here of moms with 6 kids, moms with twins...there's hope!

    I'm 1 year post partum from twins and it's "slowly" coming back. Don't freak out if your stomach starts to look worse, it gets better. My stomach started to look more wrinkly when I was losing weight in my hips/waist. More saggy... :noway:

    Keep tone while losing the weight.
  • JenniLisette
    hi!!! well i had my 4th daughter 10 months ago, but after my third one i did pilates and it toned my tummy and i also watched what i ate, certain foods make it worst. it's def possible but it takes time and patients...lotion is a must too!! i'm 15 lbs away from my goal weight but my tummy is shrinking a little bit everyday...

    best of luck to all :flowerforyou:
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    I call it my skin apron, that's how bad. I'm loosing weight, but the "apron" just gets worse (sags) :-( It's been well over 15 years since I've had kiddos. Heard it had to do with the elasticity of your skin (varies with people). I was skinny and really got huge in my 2nd pregnancy and never got my body back. Still hoping and trying.
  • candj2009
    candj2009 Posts: 36 Member
    I have a 9 year old - gained 100 lbs with him. And a 1 year old - gained 40 lbs with her. Both were well over 9 lbs at birth and I've had 2 c-sections. The more you lose the better it starts to look. I thought after my last pregnancy I was going to need a tummy tuck but since I've done the 30DS 2 times now, I'm thinking that it will be okay. I too have seen pictures of women who have had 6 kids, or back to back twin pregnancies and they look fabulous.
  • katied812
    katied812 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just had twins this past summer - in July - and I have the same thing! I carried the babies until almost 39 weeks, so by the last few weeks of my pregnancy, my skin was so stretched that it looked like it was going to burst. Now the skin on my belly (mostly around the belly button) is so loose and wrinkly. I have also looked online for rememdies, and found that most people say a tummy tuck is the only way to truly get rid of it. My dr said the same thing - and then harshly told me that "my bikini days are over"! :) I am not going to be getting a tummy tuck, so I also looked online for other suggestions and I found that Vitamin E oil is a good way to moisturinze the skin and help with elasticity. Of course, it seems that the best way to use this is BEFORE your skin becomes overly wrinkly, but since that is obviously not the case for me, I am trying it anyway! I have been putting it on my belly skin every night before bed for about 4 months or so now, and I do see a little improvement. I think that over a long period of time, if I continue to use it every day, it is going to help the overall look of my skin.
    I also found that skin massage is supposed to help circulation, so the practice of putting the vitamin e oil on every night gives me the opportunity to give the skin a little massage for a few minutes each night.
    As a few other people have said, I have also been working on mostly cardio at the gym since I started exercising again, but now I am going to really target those ABS!!!
    Good luck everyone - I was so happy to see this post because it makes me feel better to see you guys talking about it too! :)
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    :raises hand: ME TOO!!! I gained 90 lbs with my son!! After 2 pregnancies, my stomach is a wrinkled mess. I have seen improvement with a bit of time, my youngest is 16 months. I lather up with coco butter, as I did while pregnant.

    I have heard that it does get better with time. A friend said it took her 3 years to really feel that her stomach looks really good (2 kids). It is hard to work sooooo hard and feel like I'll never look like I did. It helps that others are in the same boat with me. We mommy's rock!!

    I've decided... I don't give a rip....I'm wearing a bikini this year. Fat/wrinkles look better tan :)
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    :raises hand: ME TOO!!! I gained 90 lbs with my son!! After 2 pregnancies, my stomach is a wrinkled mess. I have seen improvement with a bit of time, my youngest is 16 months. I lather up with coco butter, as I did while pregnant.

    I have heard that it does get better with time. A friend said it took her 3 years to really feel that her stomach looks really good (2 kids). It is hard to work sooooo hard and feel like I'll never look like I did. It helps that others are in the same boat with me. We mommy's rock!!

    I've decided... I don't give a rip....I'm wearing a bikini this year. Fat/wrinkles look better tan :)

    Go girl! I'm rocking mine this summer!
  • LindaRumrill
    Hey ladies.. I have not tried it yet but I have heard great things about "nuskin" also on the website therr are b4 and after pics..I am going to try it after I loose more weight! Also its expensive :/ but not as much as a tummy tuck!
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    I drink lots of water and use lots of lotion to keep my skin supple and with the hopes of increasing skin elasticity. I had 3 back-to-back pregnancies, with the last one being twins, and then I gained loads of weight over the subsequent years. Now I've lost over 100 pounds, and one of my concerns is loose skin. You can build your ab muscles up so as fat goes away, you've got definition underneath, but you can't target reduce the fat, and your skin is going to bounce back on its own schedule and based on your genetics more than anything else. I do what I can to maintain/increase elasticity (the good water and such), try to keep my weight loss slow and steady, and otherwise, just don't let myself worry about it.

    Stretchmarks won't ever totally go away most of the time, but that's okay...our bodies were shaped by our experiences, and our battle scars just make us more attractive even when we hate them! :)

    Oh, and all those 'miracle' products for getting rid of them -- I don't think any of them work. Diet, exercise, water, genetics, time....and not worrying about it!
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member

    I have a 16 month old, and I keep waiting to "snap back" like all the other women promise. Totally BOGUS, but I kinda knew that anyway. I have loose wrinkly skin around my belly button and a sad, droopy pooch, but I'm sure I see it as WAY worse than it actually is. Whatever. You win some, you lose some.