Question for all the Success Stories

mrsbastone Posts: 83 Member
Now that you've lost a significant amount of weight... Can you tell us what were some of your struggles and how you overcame them?


  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Great Question! Can't wait to learn from them!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Trying to balance cooking for my husband and myself. The hardest part was trying to find meals that were still tasty but healthy too. I got real creative with spices. When I really craved something I ate it, just not as much as I used to. I still have 50 pounds to go.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Struggles = Self-image issues, self-esteem issues, impatience.

    How I overcame them = still waiting......

    Aren't I helpful? Not that I'm at my goal weight, but I'm pretty confident that I'm going to struggle with the self-image issues no matter what I weigh. Self-esteem is improving as I get older. Impatience? Well, that's just me. I don't think I can change that.
  • airlily
    airlily Posts: 212 Member
    Menu boredom was mine, but I just cruised through the recipe section of the forums to deal with that. Second worse challenge was eating out with friends and family. They would get annoyed when I would not eat because I didn't know the calories. Being made to feel awkward is always bad. So, I'd try to make a huge deficit by working out for two hours, and eat barely anything all day. Now, I just avoid going out more than once a month.

    Hope this helps!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    getting over confident and thinking now that i lost a ton of weight that i could eat a ton of food and gaining a lot back. then losing it again. ha so basically maintaining.

    plus the social events are hard. You just have to find your own way of overcoming that. I just try to say no to a lot of food, but it's hard because people always tell you to eat so much more because you are skinny, so that sucks too.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    One of my biggest was (is) eating with other people. Not just at things like holidays when there is a lot of food around. It is super hard to sit down to dinner with the family, watch everyone eat things that you like but are trying not to eat. I still eat normal foods but for example when we have burritos I will leave out the tortilla and have more of a salad instead. It still tastes good but darn it is hard watching everyone eat their burritos. There are other things but that's the main one I can think of right now.
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    people who try to make you feel bad because you are losing was a biggee...

    "you don't look like you've lost that much"
    "Have a bite of cake, it won't hut you"
    "You don't eat like that ALL the time do you?"
    "How can you eat vegetables"
    "Well, I heard THAT diet doesn't work (takes another bite of their big mac)"
    "That diet is dangerous" -Really? you should see my blood work, that is done monthly...
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    Struggles = Self-image issues, self-esteem issues, impatience.

    How I overcame them = still waiting......

    ^^^^^^this big time...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Losing weight does not guarantee that your self esteem will return to normal. I've learned that it takes work and patience for it to return to its former self.

    I admit that I sometimes envy people who don't have to think about what they eat, the calorie content in it, etc. I no longer walk to a cupboard, get something and NOT think about the nutritional value, calorie content, etc. Sometimes I wish I could turn that part of my brain off.
  • jhefti13
    jhefti13 Posts: 24
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Struggles = Self-image issues, self-esteem issues, impatience.

    How I overcame them = still waiting......

    Aren't I helpful? Not that I'm at my goal weight, but I'm pretty confident that I'm going to struggle with the self-image issues no matter what I weigh. Self-esteem is improving as I get older. Impatience? Well, that's just me. I don't think I can change that.

    Yep, that about sums it up for me.

    Losing weight hasn't "fixed me" yet...and it never will.

    Also, the issue of using food to cope with stress hasn't magically resolved itself. My son had his second seizure in a week a couple of days ago and I totally binged on carbs. (I've been a low carber for a year)
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member

    - Wishing I could go back to how I was eating before and not gain any weight back. Unhealthy food is SO tasty!
    - Sometimes I still compare myself to others....wish I was thinner/prettier/had a smaller @ss, etc. need to stop doing that.
    - CAMPING. This is a HUGE struggle I will have over the next 6 months. We camp nearly every weekend and I tend to eat like crap when camping, even did last summer (but still lost weight, just a lot slower)
    - Balancing time for myself vs. time with my family. Sometimes I know I have to skip a workout if one of my kids is feeling like they haven't had quality time with mom. I know that skipping a workout here and there won't derail me, and spending time with my kids is important and rewarding.
    - FEAR that I will gain the weight back.....again. Need to focus on the fact that I'm here NOW, and use the tools I have to stay here.
    - Finding tall pants has always been a struggle :smile:

    How I've overcome it? I haven't. I don't know that I ever will or ever want to because then I feel like I would get lazy and go back to my old the struggles are what is keeping me in check.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    getting in exercise while chasing a 3 year old. you have to either do it during there nap if they take one, wait to significant other gets home(i work out at home)or incorporate your exercise with the family. go for a walk around the park. ride a bike, etc. i do zumba and the 3 year old tries to do it with me. food wise, im a stay at home mom who also works weekends. my hardest was of course staying home. you have to make sure theres something always available for you to do if you are not truely hungry. get some water first. go outside and take a walk. get away from the food. keep some low calorie snacks around. watch a movie, take a nap. dont finish your childrens food. if able to, put it away in the fridge, if not, throw it away. rather waste the food than it end up around your waist. remember that you cant hit your goal weight and thats it. you have to do this the rest of my life. i have hit my goal weight 1 year ago this month and still keep going. i still exercise, of course taking rest days. if you really cant resist a food you love, dont buy it, cant eat it if its not in the house. you can also buy tupperware and whatever the meal serving is, split it into those containers. most important part, always have encouragers around. if somebody doesnt, like hubby didnt in the beginning, find out why. you are lucky if nobody is negative, but thats why this site has helped me. been on since december 2010. i have had some horrible days and through talking it through with some awesome people, i got through the situation. most importantly, dont look at it as, i have x amount of weight to lose, look at is at i want to go down a size, i want to lose this 5 pounds, i want to exercise 30 minutes. come up with goals like that. never weigh more than 1 time a week. i became obsessed with it. every day. measure in inches not weight. i have gained a couple of pounds gaining muscle but i lost 3 inches around my waste. thats why people say, are you sure your you're that weight. i said yes, they say i dont look like it. good luck.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    For me, it has been the hardest in social settings and my nightime snacking. What I started doing was bringing fruit and veggie trays to social gatherings so that I KNEW there was something I would not feel bad about eating, and keeping lots of fresh fruits and veggies in the house for evenings. The Philly Swirls popsicles fixed my sweet tooth. Taste like fruit and cream, but only 14 calories. Also, learning that it is ok to eat some of the stuff I like, just make it myself mostly, and make healthier versions. I have had a lot of fun making up new healthy-ish "treat" meals. Tonight, I am making a philly cheesesteak thin crust pizza. Find fun things and don't think of what you are missing, think of what you are discovering!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I used to have a really hard time with eating out, including eating at friends/family's homes. I am a lot more easy going now. I just log it as best I can and move on. But to be completely honest, there is still at least a tinge of anxiety when I know I have to eat out.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    99.99% of my struggles are mental - trying to get my brain to catch up with the body - I still look in the mirror and see a nearly 300-pound blob of fat sometimes, although I'm working on it.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I'm not a success story yet. Still have a bit to go. But in the meantime...

    Biggest issue was, and still is, the fact that I see myself every day. Even though the number on the scale drops, or measurements change, I still at times feel like I look the same as when I started.

    I am a hell of a lot more active now, so I feel a lot better, but the brain-mirror connection takes a while to catch up.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    "Have a bite of cake, it won't hut you"

    HATE that one!!!!
  • Idabellec
    Idabellec Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same struggle, balancing helathy filling food with what my guy is craving (usually meat, grease, and sugar).

    I found a lot of great "comfort food" type recipes in the Hungry girl cookbooks. The one I have the best luck with is 300 recipes under 300 calories.
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