Body fat . . .

Quick question - I have lost 10 pounds since the beginning of the year. Between February and January my body fat went down for 24% to 23%. At that time I had only lost 4 pounds. Now I've lost 10, but my body fat has gone up to 24% - I'm not sure the guy at the gym who tested it for me was absolutely accurate, but is it possible to lose weight and gain body fat even though I'm lifting weights and gaining muscle? I'm not SERIOUSLY concerned about it, but I am trying to get my last 5 pounds off. Any advice between the body fat thing and how to battle this last 5 and K.O. it once and for all would be much appreciated. Rock on!


  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    chances are calculations are off...I wouldn't worry about what your % is at this point if your body is getting leaner and clothes are fitting better...
  • stephen_jones
    do your body fat from the guy at gym,body fat on scales and body fat from calliers then get your average,another ti is use the same bloke from gym
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    Body fat measurement is problematic. Even fancy scanners are pretty inconsistent. My opinion is currently that a BodPod is going to be the most useful measurement. The calipers and electrode things aren't going to be very consistent or useful.
  • jamesbiz
    jamesbiz Posts: 22 Member
    I'm glad someone brings up body fat. Yes, it's absolutely possible to lose weight and gain body fat. It's called losing muscle. Or, your bowels being a little cleaner. Or, losing water weight.

    Losing WEIGHT, as myfitnesspal seems to be so proud of, really doesn't mean very much. Weight can be anything. You can lose body fat, and not lose a pound, for months. And, people look at their scale and think " omg.... I haven't lost a pound, this isn't working for me". Or, they give up because they can't see the magical number on the scale go down.

    You'd think, instead of these " i've lost 25 lbs", there would be " I've lost 1% body fat". Because, honestly, one number means nothing, and the other does.

    PS, yes, the people doing your body analysis could be not very accurate. So, don't be discouraged.