Appetite about to go out of control - Suggestions

Hello, I'm a first time topic starter, long time topic stalker....

I've been with MFP for about two weeks (next Monday) and my body is currently in "this crap can't last long so we will entertain her" mode and I'm doing fine on my calories and exercising, buuuuuut in the next week or two my body is going to go "W.T.F. - she is still doing this!" and my appetite is going to go on a rampage. I know this from historical weight loss and gains and my body's reaction to it.

So I'm asking for help on ideas to keep ahead of this and not let my appetite get out of control. What have some of you tried that has worked to keep yourself on an even keel with your appetite?

Appreciate the help in advance!


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Be sure to have low cal snacks on hand at all times. Portion controlled baggies of stuff helps me. I am a habitual 'quitter'... or at least I was!!! MFP has helped me to keep on keeping on for 8 months!!! I had previously never made it beyond 8 WEEKS...seriously! :heart:
  • Bor2
    Bor2 Posts: 6 Member
    Try to eat five times daily with no more than three hours between meals/snacks. Also limit carbohydrate intake to those from natural food sources, drink plenty of water and make sure each meal/snack contains plenty of protein as this will naturally satisfy your hunger.
  • franwriter40
    I need help with this too. I've been trying to lose for forever now. Yesterday I was doing great, until the kids went to bed and I started to do my "Ahh, it's the weekened binge". I only have 600 calories left for the day, and I'm worried I'm going to run out before I go to bed.

    I have a few veggies in the fridge, I'll try sticking to those. I also might need to hide out in my bedroom after dinner (or in the garden this afternoon) to stay away from the fridge. My habit is to wander in there and listen to the "it's okay" voice in my head which gives me permission to eat when I don't have any more calories left. Then I'm off track again. :(

    Oh ya, I can also do some more exercise to collect extra calories for later. :)
  • teripendleton
    Try to eat as soon as you can in the morning to get your metabolism going and then have a 100-150 calorie snack in the morning and another in between lunch and dinner. Don't keep things that aren't on your diet at home or work. That way if you really feel like you need it, you will have to go get in the car and go get it. Even if you have kids. Try to keep fruit , 100 calorie popcorn and things like that handy or even in a small cooler in your car or at work. If you feel a serious craving, give it 20 minutes before you give in to it. By then you may have gotten busy and forgotten about it. Good Luck.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Protein, Fiber and Water are my best friends when I feel like I could eat a house.

    Meat, Wasa crispbread and 2% cheese or hummus, giant bowls of steamed or roasted veg, Chili (watch out for the sodium though), peanut butter, large glasses of iced tea with lemon, leafy greens with real olive oil and vinegar dressing, homemade red cabbage slaw, apples, popcorn, Fiber One Brownies, Skinny Cow ice creams - anything that you love to eat that is high in fiber and/or protein.
  • Patty_Petz
    Thanks for the suggestions...I'll add some of these ideas to my weekend shopping list!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Increase your protein intake and plenty of water. Protein keeps me fuller longer, if I eat heavy carbs I am hungry within an hour. Low carb/high protein snacks on hand like nuts, and cheese help.
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    I get that alot still. I honestly don't know what I would do without baby carrots and grape tomatos. I just keep them in my book bag and take them out when I feel the urge to just got beastly on food. What really works for me is having alternatives around. Low cal snacks, greek yogurt, 100 cal bread, peanut butter ect. Hope that helps! Just remember its mind over matter, your body doesn't "need" to have those things, its your fat cells messing up your hormones that tell your brain you may need them later;) Good Luck!
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    Those little laughing cow cheeses work great especially with melba toast rounds or something high fiber.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Keep lots of fruit, veggies, and low calorie snacks in the house and get rid of all the bad stuff. You can do
    it. Good luck.
  • lizzzylou
    lizzzylou Posts: 325
    Hello, I'm a first time topic starter, long time topic stalker....

    ^^^^ bahahahahahahaha......this is so me. ROFL!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Track your sugar... these days there is LOTS and LOTS of sugars in things that are presented as "REAL FOOD" or "HEALTHY OPTIONS" Sugar

    I have a sweet tooth, but prefer to eliminate as much as possible from my "real foods" so that I can enjoy a sweet treat now and then.

    I get greater enjoyment and satisfaction from a treat than I do from hidden sources of sugar (BTW Sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your appetite so food manufacturers love it more>want more>eat more>want more.)

    Once I started tracking here I found out that "trader joe's chocolatey cats cookies for people" had 9g of sugar for 15 cookies and that the jarred tomato sauce I was using had 9g of sugar per 1/2c serving. I went back to buying plain old canned tomato sauce at 1g of sugar and adding my own spices.

    BUT on my last shopping trip I noticed that the sugar had increased on that as well... check the ingredients (previously just tomatoes) now listed corn syrup also.... grrrrr!
  • Kkwalker88
    Kkwalker88 Posts: 35 Member
    Omgoodness sounds just like me. I do really good for a week or so then I get cravings terribly. I find eating a small meal every 2-3 hours. The thing is to not let yourself hungry! So keep a lot of healthy small snack around you at all times.
  • Patty_Petz
    Track your sugar... these days there is LOTS and LOTS of sugars in things that are presented as "REAL FOOD" or "HEALTHY OPTIONS" Sugar

    I have a sweet tooth, but prefer to eliminate as much as possible from my "real foods" so that I can enjoy a sweet treat now and then.

    I get greater enjoyment and satisfaction from a treat than I do from hidden sources of sugar (BTW Sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your appetite so food manufacturers love it more>want more>eat more>want more.)

    Once I started tracking here I found out that "trader joe's chocolatey cats cookies for people" had 9g of sugar for 15 cookies and that the jarred tomato sauce I was using had 9g of sugar per 1/2c serving. I went back to buying plain old canned tomato sauce at 1g of sugar and adding my own spices.

    BUT on my last shopping trip I noticed that the sugar had increased on that as well... check the ingredients (previously just tomatoes) now listed corn syrup also.... grrrrr!

    I hadn't made the sugar connection, but have to admit that my food cravings are less since I gave up diet soda for lent. Hmmm will have to monitor it as I'm eating throughout the day. Great idea to track sugars!
  • franwriter40
    I really noticed that I had to work on changing the things I kept saying to myself. I have been telling myself the same old things, that let me keep the weight on. Last week I started to look at those things and I started to write different things down to help me deal with the cravings, and other bad food choices.