
One day I step on the scale and it states. 155 lbs,..ok fine.
A few days later I step on the scale and it's 3 lbs lighter. Great!
Oh, but wait. I stepped on this morning and it was back at 155!
Why is this? Do you think it's simply water weight I was gaining and losing OR a bad scale?


  • luvmy1908
    One day I step on the scale and it states. 155 lbs,..ok fine.
    A few days later I step on the scale and it's 3 lbs lighter. Great!
    Oh, but wait. I stepped on this morning and it was back at 155!
    Why is this? Do you think it's simply water weight I was gaining and losing OR a bad scale?
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    water weight, and daily fluctuation,

    for various reasons, the body can go up or down daily as much as 5 pounds.

    the only thing you can do to ensure accuracy is to weigh yourself multiple times
    a day, multiple days in a row, add up all the totals and divide by the number
    of times you have weighed yourself (should be atleast 5 times to get an accurate number).
    that number should be within 3 pounds of your true weight.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    It could be water weight and it could be the scales. It all depends on what you ate and the salt content and how old your scales are and what kind they are. I have what was a really good bathroom scale and now they have decided to go squirrelly on me. I can step on them then 2 minutes later step on them again and they are a few ounces to over a pound different in my weight.
    It could also be how much rest you got the night before. If I don’t get enough rest I will weigh more.
    Sorry I can’t be of more help then that. Just keep doing what you know is right and you will see results in how your clothes fit if not on your scales…..they do go squirrelly on us…..mine sure have.
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Just a thought, I have used a body fat scale combo for years. I am more concerned with decreasing my bodyfat than my weight. Anyway, I just replaced it with one from Walmart (Taylor Scale, about $40) that also measures hydration. 1. I know if my weight gain/loss if from water, 2. I know if I'm staying hydrated. I love it! If you're going to replace your scale, I suggest this one!
  • Furpaws
    Furpaws Posts: 36
    I weigh-in and measure once a week - on Sunday morning before I eat or drink anything. I used to check in every day and it drove me nuts to the point that I finally gave up. Once a week works better for me because it keeps me in line during the week. When I used to weigh every day I felt like I earned an extra snack if I saw any weight loss. Not good. And I pretty much ignore the "bonus" calories I earn for exercise.
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    Thanks for the info about the scales. I do need new ones. This business of not knowing from day to day is the pits. I do have our chapter scales here but those things are over $300.00. I don’t want to take the chance of something happening to them so I leave them packed up until our meetings each Friday. Every now and then I will get them out and us them. I need my own to weigh on every day morning, noon and night. Maybe some day I will bit the bullet and by my own set like out chapter uses but over $300.00 is too much for me to be spending on them right now. The $40.00 ones are more in my price range at the moment.
    Thanks again.
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Always weigh yourself in the morning, after going to the bathroom and before eating.

    And do it naked.... clothes add a few ounces =)
  • time2wrk
    time2wrk Posts: 773 Member
    I have kind of a routine where the alarm goes off. The dog freaks out - but I make him be patient. I go potty and strip down to my skivies (Ok, I know, TMI) and then I flick the toilet light on (the scale is out in the bath area so I don't fry my eyeballs when I flick the light on). THEN, I step on the scale for the morning.
  • tdroseler
    tdroseler Posts: 165
    LOL just describes my morning routine, except the scale part.

    *looks over her shoulder to see if anyone is looking back

    Have to admit, i chucked my scale a long time ago. I actually go to see my community Public Health nurse, to be weighed once a week. Luckily she doesn't mind, and find that being accountable to another person really helps me. Besides she has been really helpfull in setting me up with different people along the way.
    She always has a smile of encouragement. Last week, i had gained back 2 of the 2.5 lbs i lost.since starting this adventure..I started to cry. She reminded me that it is normal to go up and down like that, especially for women, because of our hormones. (besides mine are way outta whack)...and sure enough a look at the calendar, and i knew the reason why. There are a whole lot of reasons why a person's weight goes up and down like that...I for one just need to learn to be patient. (a line i forgot to stand in when they were handing out virtues, lol)
    No matter what the scale is the effort we are making that makes the most difference.