Looking for some buddies! 30 yr old female

kvigo821 Posts: 13 Member
Looking for some motivational friends with similar goals and stuff. 30 yr old woman, 5'4 with 25-30 lbs to lose.

Anyone in the same boat and want some support?!


  • cwil2008
    cwil2008 Posts: 2
    You can add me. I am lookin to lose 20 lbs and am 26 years old
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    33 y.o. female here, down almost 15 with another 20 or so to go!
  • stephie_renae
    stephie_renae Posts: 18 Member
    I'm with you!! Same age, more to lose! LOL! Lets do this!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I'm turning 30 this year...my goal is to go into my 30's fabulous. I don't have much left to lose but I have been where you are :) when I started I had 25 lbs to lose. :) You can add me if you like. :)
  • Figment14300
    :drinker: I am in about the same boat looking to loose 50-60lbs but also 5 4 and going to be 30 in June
  • kgbr1602
    kgbr1602 Posts: 43
    I am a female, about to turn 32 years old. I have a lot more to lose than you do (about 80lbs total, 74 more to go), and always welcome more friends :-)
  • Tara1090
    Tara1090 Posts: 199 Member
    28 y/o - 5'4 with about 10lbs left to lose. Always welcome new friends that help motivate me, and vice versa.
  • MammaSki2Boys
    27 going on 28 this year - 5'4 with about 10lbs left to lose. feel free to add
  • paradise311
    You can add me too! I'm a 25 year old. I'm 5'6'' with 28 pounds to go.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    34 here! 5'5 and looking to lose about 30lbs maybe more. Just started today so could always use to motivating friends :drinker:
  • Briszler75
    Briszler75 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm looking for more MFP buddies too! I'm 36 with 32 pounds to lose. xxxx.
  • Nastasha915
    Nastasha915 Posts: 124 Member
    Looking for MFP friends too. I'm 24 trying to lose about 20 (9 more to go!!!!)
  • ANDREA0108
    add me. supprt is a big thing here
  • chevere94501
    You can add me. I am ready to look good.
  • g33kg0ddess
    g33kg0ddess Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 31 and i need to lose 31 lbs. I lost 16lbs using MFP before but ate it all back during the holidays and I started losing motivation. :(

    Feel free to add me if you want :) Let's help each other out :)
  • jessicafk11
    jessicafk11 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me too, if you'd like!
  • Butterfly83sp
    Butterfly83sp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm about in the same boat, I wouldn't mind having a buddy to help me in the battle. I'm 28, Female looking to loose about 25-30 pounds. My number one enemy - sugary food.
  • natashamcn
    natashamcn Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 23, not much to lose but always looking for new supportive friends :)
  • maxiechild
    maxiechild Posts: 30 Member
    30 this year and about 30lbs to lose...the support would be awesome
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    You can add me.

    I'm 24 with 25 pounds left to lose. :-) I love motivation. haha.