Am new and have absolutely no will!!!

ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
Hey all i've been a yo-yo dieter for a long time. The reason i fall off my dieting is the same reason each time. I have absolutely zero willpower. Does anyone have any adivice?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,334 Member
    Start saying no to food. It's just that simple.
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    its about changing your lifestyle, not going on a diet! build support networks, get pictures of how you want to look/photos you hate of yourself and stick them on your fridge or anywhere else you might snack!!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    I started adding friends on here - having the motivation of others & being able to motivate them, totally helped. I have a hard time saying no to food too sometimes but now that i have been eating better, less processed foods, its a lot easier to say no to the junk i dont need. hang in there - you can do this :)
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Well you better get some! Would you walk into traffic? No! It's dangerous! Well pigging out all the time and never exercise kills too. Just slower! Tell yourself you are worth it, and that you love yourself, get off your butt and get to it! We will be here for you! Add me as a friend if you wish!
  • I know what you mean ShanR77. I find though that if I don't deny myself anything but instead give myself the choice, I feel a lot more in control. So if I want a piece of cake I can have one - but I often just think about my choice. Do I really want a piece of cake - have I exercised enough to make that okay? After all, I know I want to be healthy so it's a choice of whether I value the cake now more my health now and in the future.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    1. STOP saying you have no willpower. It's a cop out and not true.

    2. When your willpower (you DO have it) fails, don't say "I have no willpower" and throw in the towel. Just shake it off and get back on track. It WILL happen. You CAN get back on track after it does.
  • yherrman
    yherrman Posts: 19
    I am beginning by logging every single thing I put in my mouth. I was amazed at how I could mindlessly eat so many calories. I'll still have junk, like cake at my dad's birthday, but make sure I excersise as well. No matter how few calories I eat, I found I don't lose unless I excersise (I have hypothyroid). But I have found the excersise to be an essential thing for me. Keep coming here everyday, and read the success stories. It's the people who motivate more than anything else.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    That's the problem. Saying no is hard. I love food. But i have been doing a lil better. But's still not that easy
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    its about changing your lifestyle, not going on a diet! build support networks, get pictures of how you want to look/photos you hate of yourself and stick them on your fridge or anywhere else you might snack!!

    Thanks i think i may try that.
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    Well you better get some! Would you walk into traffic? No! It's dangerous! Well pigging out all the time and never exercise kills too. Just slower! Tell yourself you are worth it, and that you love yourself, get off your butt and get to it! We will be here for you! Add me as a friend if you wish!

    Thanks and you're right. I am worth it. I looked into the C25K plan and am going to start it on Sunday and do it on my days off. Wish me luck :wink:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    That's the problem. Saying no is hard. I love food. But i have been doing a lil better. But's still not that easy

    Change is rarely easy. But it really does get easier. Try new healthy recipes to find new food to love. I love food too and there are a few junk foods that I still eat on occasion because I don't believe life is meant to be lived without treats. But I've learned to love a lot of healthy food too so I don't ever feel deprived. I never eat food I don't like because I don't want to waste calories that I could use for something I love.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    You have to get it from somewhere doll and it won't come from anywhere else but yourself. Set your mind. Make a decision. Make a commitment and stick to the plan. Don't beat yourself if you have a setback then start again.
  • dschavers
    dschavers Posts: 55 Member
    1. Make friends here for help and support.
    2. Change your food choices to healthier ones (a little at the time). You would be surprised at the hugh amount of food you can eat in a day if it is healthy food.
    3. Get up and move.
    4. Believe in yourself. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • what helps me when I am tempted to give in is to get away from food. Read the Bible, a good book, take a walk, work in the yard; anything that takes you away from food. My will power is none, "nada". If I give in, I know what I will look like in a very short period of time. It's much easier for me to diet and exercise if I have a buddy so ask a friend to help keep you on track. Good luck and God bless.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Maybe you are not ready? As harsh as this sounds if you were ready to do something this important for you the will power would be there. I have dieted MANY time in the past to loose 6 lbs and give up. I finally said this is it I am ready and I stuck to my guns. Even exercising in ways I haven't in years. I don't think it is a sign of weakness that you have no will power I think it is a sign that mentally you are not prepared and have yet to commit to the life style change. Honestly with this site it makes life very easy set your calorie goal make little changes start with portions and how much water you drink. Little goals for you once you feel good about those set a new set. I thought my husband was absolutely cruel when he said "if you want it bad enough you will do it for yourself" He gave me no support just that line. I now understand he wasn't being mean he was being honest. I am the only one who could change me. You are the only one who can change you. You can have support and people to say GO YOU! but in the long run it has to be you to make the change for you. Good luck!!!!!!
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    I think we all have willpower but what we eat or don't eat is a CHOICE. All day, every day we make decisions and choose. It also depends on how much you want it - slim healthy body or just more and more bingeing and gaining more weight and feeling lousy physically, always tired, no energy? Sorry. Don't mean to sound harsh but this sort of thinking helps me every day to make the right choices and I'm only human, sometimes those choices are not the right ones! The other night for example, I ate an Easter egg, couldn't resist! But now I'm working doubly hard to pay for that egg lol.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    strategy is stronger than willpower

    make a plan for the food you'll eat each day, post in in your food diary and stick to the plan. accept absolutely no deviation from the plan no matter how benign or how kind the person is who is offering you the food.

    :flowerforyou: the reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    find a plan for rewarding yourself and entertaining yourself that does not include food

    and read what everyone else has responded to you and take it to heart.
  • That's the problem. Saying no is hard. I love food. But i have been doing a lil better. But's still not that easy

    Change is rarely easy. But it really does get easier. Try new healthy recipes to find new food to love. I love food too and there are a few junk foods that I still eat on occasion because I don't believe life is meant to be lived without treats. But I've learned to love a lot of healthy food too so I don't ever feel deprived. I never eat food I don't like because I don't want to waste calories that I could use for something I love.

    I totally agree with this! I had such a hard time saying no at first, but now I've found healthier options that I love and get really excited about! Lunch used to be McDonalds but now its a yummy chicken caesar salad! It's absolutely insane that I get cravings for SALAD. The world's biggest salad hater now likes salad. And instead of peanut Reese's butter cups (my all-time favorite), I found these awesome peanut butter protein bars from my doctor. And they don't taste like weird diet food at all! Just experiment and find stuff you like. There's so many things out there, you just have to find them! I'm finding new stuff every week. Don't give up! You'll figure out what works best for you! Good luck!
  • feel free to add me. support is a big factor
  • ShanR77
    ShanR77 Posts: 287 Member
    strategy is stronger than willpower

    make a plan for the food you'll eat each day, post in in your food diary and stick to the plan. accept absolutely no deviation from the plan no matter how benign or how kind the person is who is offering you the food.

    :flowerforyou: the reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    find a plan for rewarding yourself and entertaining yourself that does not include food

    and read what everyone else has responded to you and take it to heart.

    Thanks so much for the advice. I've always wrote my food journal as i went instead of planning it out.