Thank You MFP

brhythm Posts: 5 Member
In November of 2009, my doctor said "You've really got to get this weight off." I got tired of hearing him say it, so I was ready to change. My wife, also overweight, had been after me to buy a Wii. So I bought us a Wii for Christmas. I was 262.5 on Christmas day, 2009.

My original goal was to get to 220--the weight I was when I graduated high school. Using the Wii, the weight was starting to come off, but not as fast as I'd like. So I started using myfitnesspal. I credit that app, along with my nagging doctor, for my success today.

I hit 220 in January or February of 2011. So I hit my goal in about a year. I decided that I still had more left in me. I could go further. I wanted to be 200 by July 4th, 2011. And It didn't take that long to make it.

So then I thought "Why not lose 10 more pounds as a cushion, to keep me under 200?" As it turns out, those 10 pounds came off fast, and ended up being 20 pounds. So then I was at 180.

And that brings me back to the Wii. Even though I was at 180, and happy about that, the Wii said I'd have a normal BMI at around 175. So I thought "What the heck, what's 5 pounds? My weight fluctuates a pound or two on any given week, so one of these days I'll hit it.

Today I did.

I got on the Wii today, and my BMI was "normal."

Thank you MP, and the makers of the app. I credit you with 87 lbs of weight loss!


  • brhythm
    brhythm Posts: 5 Member
    I'd post pics if I could figure it out! :-) Odd, I used to be a web designer.
  • rhe276
    rhe276 Posts: 46
    you are an inspiration. well done on a brilliant success story. I also use the wii and am in love with it. Must have been great to see your mii character shrink....(mine is really fat)....but one day maybe i will have a story like yours. thanks for the inspiration.
  • brhythm
    brhythm Posts: 5 Member
  • brhythm
    brhythm Posts: 5 Member

    From 18.5" neck to 16". XXL shirt to medium. Waist was 42, now 34. Jacket was 50, now 42.
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    EXCELLENT story! Very inspiring! Great weight loss! You're a rock star! :)
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