Need support!

I have been using this app for about a week now. I could really use some friends to help keep me motivated.

A little about me so I am not a total stranger; I am a 23 year old graduate student who is working full time and trying to lose the post honeymoon weight I put on after getting married.

Add me and I will add and support you back


  • melissafranks90
    I will add you, you have my full support!
  • CannySlammy
    Hi Ladies! I'm Kat from California. I just started too and I love love love this app! I'm addicted to entering calories in almost as much as I am addicted to eating them. Haha :)
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    Hey. I also gained weight after my wedding, life and death got in the way.

    I'm also looking for more friends to give and receive etc support.
  • mari6923
    mari6923 Posts: 21
    We can be friends, we all need all the support we can get. ;)
  • backtrack211
    Hi im Backtrack and iv been trying to loose weight since hi school. Im 55 years old and a lot of health issues. Im in the process of getting Baratic surgery at the Cleveland Clinic. Im realy looking forward to it . Hopefully this will be the trick for me to loose all my weight that i have to loose. I allso have a pacemaker and defibulator which i hope to get rid of. Thanks for listening. Hope someone can respond.:cry: