Message received LOUD AND CLEAR

It's turning into one of those days. I'm tired, I hurt, my 2 yr old son has been driving me batty, and I'm hungry, hungry, hungry.
So, I caved. I ate half of my sons chocolate chip cookie. Then I went in for more. And as I'm eating the chocolate cake that's been sitting in the fridge (never gave it a second thought until today), I get a phone call.
As I'm stuffing a piece of cake in my mouth, I'm also checking the voice mail. It was the gym that I was a member of, calling to let me know they were having a promotion this week.

The rest of the cake is now in the trash.

Thank you Weight Loss Gods, I really needed that smack in the head!


  • CannySlammy
    Awesome, I will keep you in my prayers in hopes that you will keep getting these little reminders from God!
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I really understand! Thank goodness you got the call. It's hard dealing with a 2 year old. Ours are at that age that if it can be annoying, they can find it. Know that I'm thinking of you while my 2 year old is beating me to pieces. You're doing so well.
  • Baybbee123
    Baybbee123 Posts: 57 Member
    How frustrating! Nothing is worse than having a bad day and having a piece of cake stare you in the face :sad: Some days I just want to scream when that happens. BUT good for you for throwing it away after that phone call. I'm proud of you!!!! You did great! Here's hoping for a better tomorrow for you! Happy Easter hun! :smile: