First timer indoor triathlon sprint

Im a 23 year old female who's never completed any sporting challenge but i am relatively fit. I want to complete an indoor triathlon sprint (750m swim, 20km cycle, 5km run). My question is where on earth do I start? I am already training 5 times a week, generally doing about 30 minutes spinning and a 15 minute swim. How do I go up a level? Many thanks for any responses and advice :)


  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I just did my first indoor sprint- it was fun! The one I did didn't have set distance though- only a set time for each event.

    To prepare the bike/run portion I did a "brick" once a week- biking for 20 minutes and immediately following that with a 20 minute run. It helps to get the feel of how much like jello your legs will feel after the bike portion!

    For swimming, up your distance each week as you get closer. I started swimming for 10 minutes straight, then 15, by the week of the tri I was up to 30.

    Definitely work on going distances longer than the race to build up endurance!
  • 5Goodyz
    5Goodyz Posts: 10
    Concur with CALake. Brick are good. Consider doing two-a-days. Do a longer swim in the morning, and then a run or bike in the evening. Mix it up. or try a swim, then a spin class and then run.

    As you begin to notice improvements increase your workout about 10% each week. And then just go do it. They sound intimidating but if you are doing all that already - it will be a good time.

    Also a thing that i learned on my first couple tri's - rehearse and practice your transitions. Nothing like do all 3 events with great times and you still have a low overall time because your transitiions (T1, T2) times were terrible.

  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    Good advice from the pp. Also, check your local running/sporting goods stores. Several in my city have training groups for beginners, intermediates, etc that last for 8-16 weeks. There is a small fee to participate, but they offer coaching and training days, plus you can train with others at your level. Good luck!
  • judybrim
    judybrim Posts: 82 Member
    Sorry I've never been in one, but that is one of my goals now that I've dropped weight! Soooo excited for you! Good luck with your training and your big day! Have fun and stay safe! :D