As a teacher....

Do I put sedentary or lightly active?

I spend about 5h hours standing up or walking in the class or writting on the black board....

Thanks :)


  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    The point is to find what calorie intake level works for you. Try sedentary and see how the weight loss goes. If you feel too starved you can always try more active. But if you start active and have to cut back you are more likely to feel deprived
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    You might want to put sedentary then wear a fitbit.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    sedentary- its not like we're walking all day at our job- standing still doesn't burn calories
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    I have mine as lightly active. I teach 6th grade and am constantly on the go. Granted, some days are less active than others, but I wear a fitbit to log my walking calories burned. I also have a pretty big school, so going from place to place is quite the walk, and I have outside recess duty every other day.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I'd put sedentary, because I'd rather underestimate than overestimate my activity level.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    If you are overweight you do burn more calories while standing than a fit person..

    How Many Calories Do You Burn Standing All Day?

    Standing on your feet all day doesn't constitute a workout, but it does burn calories. Hopefully, that's some consolation to those who feel tired and drained after standing all day at work.
    Additional Factors

    How many calories you burn while standing all day depends on how actively you use the rest of your body. Also, those who weigh more will burn more calories while standing because greater energy is necessary to support their greater mass.
    5 Foods to never eat: Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 foods.
    Sponsored Links
    130-lb. Person

    A 130-lb. person expends about 570 calories while standing idly for 8 hours, only about 100 more calories than she would spend if she were sitting idly all day. Most people who stand for 8 hours end up engaged in further activity using their hands, arms and upper body. This additional activity helps to burn further calories, increasing calories consumed up to 943 calories during an 8-hour shift, according to A Calorie Counter.
    180-lb. Person

    A 180-lb. person expends about 784 calories if standing idly for 8 hours and up to 1,306 calories if he is active with the upper body.
    230-lb. Person

    A 230-lb. person expends 1,002 calories standing idly and about 1,670 calories standing while using the upper body for miscellaneous activity.

    Read more:
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I teach 5th and I said lightly active b/c I rarely sit down. Wish I could sit down some! I am constantly moving from group to group or up and down to the SmartBoard, walking around at recess, up and down the halls for the restroom break, back and forth at the end of the day walking the students to the buses. My room is far from the cafeteria and front office. Plus, at the beginning of recess all students must walk one lap around the outside track before playing.
  • Animalprincess
    actually standing can burn up to 200 calories an hour...........
  • Animalprincess
    sedentary- its not like we're walking all day at our job- standing still doesn't burn calories

  • ler2665
    ler2665 Posts: 22 Member
    I had mine at lightly active but moved it down to sedentary a couple of weeks ago after hitting a plateau. I teach at a very small school so I don't do as much walking. I am probably standing for about 1/2 the day.
  • mickeyluvchocolat
    Thank you, that's what I did, I put sedentary at first so i'll stay there :)