I need support anyone over 300lbs?

I have fallen off of the bandwagon after losing over 60lbs i put 4 lbs back on. I am struggling to get the scale to move back down.. i've been trying but to no avail scale is not moving. I haven't been the best support buddy at times as i am always busy with life, work, etc. But it seems my friends no longer post to anything i post. It's been over a week and i have 66 friends NOT ONE said a thing to me. I think i chased them away because i don't always post as much as i should. Looking for new friends and support. I really need guidance through this i am struggling =/


  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I'm sorry I haven't said anything to you. I'm still here though. I don't say much to quite a few on my list. :( I've been struggling too since I've been unable to really workout over the last month.

    What were you doing previously that you aren't doing now? For me, I'm having a hard time staying under my calorie goal & no exercise.

    Hopefully we can get back on track!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I'm sorry I haven't said anything to you. I'm still here though. I don't say much to quite a few on my list. :( I've been struggling too since I've been unable to really workout over the last month.

    What were you doing previously that you aren't doing now? For me, I'm having a hard time staying under my calorie goal & no exercise.

    Hopefully we can get back on track!

    Exercise and i am back to junk food eating... but i usually still try to stay within my calories but late at night i sometimes eat and don't log it. It's understandable i am just shocked how many people don't comment on anything i say anymore. I know i am not perfect either but wow. Exercise has been limited too but i did start working 6 months ago and some days i am on my feet for 8 hours! So i thought that would count right? How are you managing? I am so mad at myself.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I just try to do better every day. Some days I'm successful & other days I'm not. In the past I would have given up a LONG time ago. I'm in it for life this time because I'm tired of just existing instead of actually living! Yes, I still slip up... Frequently! (yesterday I aye half of an entire KFC chocolate cake. 900 calories of CAKE!) Today I had Jello for 10 calories. May have some more later...
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I just try to do better every day. Some days I'm successful & other days I'm not. In the past I would have given up a LONG time ago. I'm in it for life this time because I'm tired of just existing instead of actually living! Yes, I still slip up... Frequently! (yesterday I aye half of an entire KFC chocolate cake. 900 calories of CAKE!) Today I had Jello for 10 calories. May have some more later...

    Yeah yesterday i did well at work ALL DAY had a grilled chicken caesar salad for lunch with yogurt. Then i had to grab the strawberries and cream ritter candy 210 calories per serving 45g of saturated fat. I left 5 small squares before i felt guilty and threw it away knowing if i ate the whole thing i would have eaten 630 calorie candy bar. The thought of that and the fact i could have had a whole meal plus a healthy snack made me sick to my stomach... we just need to get back on track. My biggest problem is i get hungry late at night and then i crave junk food!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Are you eating your minimum? Are you getting enough nutrition? Not doing that can cause cravings.
    Are you drinking enough?
    Try to figure out what kinds of cravings you're getting. Does protein help -- like some almonds or a tablespoon of peanut butter?
    Do you have a sweet tooth - chocolate covered almonds -- just a few.
    Sometimes, for me, nothing put chocolate will do, and I'll eat until I have some, but it doesn't have to be much. The more I can recognize the difference, the better (and faster) I can meet a particular need and stop eating. Your mileage may vary.
    Don't beat yourself up too much. You've done great. Consider it a short break or vacation. Now if you want to lose weight, you have to come back from your "vacation".
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Are you eating your minimum? Are you getting enough nutrition? Not doing that can cause cravings.
    Are you drinking enough?
    Try to figure out what kinds of cravings you're getting. Does protein help -- like some almonds or a tablespoon of peanut butter?
    Do you have a sweet tooth - chocolate covered almonds -- just a few.
    Sometimes, for me, nothing put chocolate will do, and I'll eat until I have some, but it doesn't have to be much. The more I can recognize the difference, the better (and faster) I can meet a particular need and stop eating. Your mileage may vary.
    Don't beat yourself up too much. You've done great. Consider it a short break or vacation. Now if you want to lose weight, you have to come back from your "vacation".

    Well said! Thank you!
  • jenniferplan
    jenniferplan Posts: 1 Member
    try having something less damaging. maybe a dark chocolate hersey kiss. :) I don't know I am just getting started again.
  • Feel free to add me :) I am fairly new at MFP. I started my journey on March 2nd, 2012. I weighed 318.5 LBS. I now weigh 307.4 LBS so I've lost a little over 11 total. I am 5 feet 11. Always looking for new pals! :-)
  • Raivynsblood
    Raivynsblood Posts: 68 Member
    u can add me too! i joined mfp jan 19th at 370 lbs.. so far have lost 54.
  • Droope2
    Droope2 Posts: 82
    I am not over 300 pounds, but I started very close to there, I am scheduled for gastric bypass in the fall but my nutritionist suggested I use this site to get me started and I love it, I don't always post as much as others but I will always support my MFP friends I have made, so if you would like to add me, feel free and good luck :)
  • vmb46
    vmb46 Posts: 27
    While I am currently not over 300lbs I once was and it is difficult not to give into cravings. However, deprivation is not the answer but moderation is. Try cooking when you are not hungry. This way when you get hungry your meals are already prepared and it takes the urge out of eating fast food and junk food. Also, you may want to consider eating more frequently to prevent you from getting hungry and overeating. I LOVE chocolate, I sent you a friend request and you will have the ability to see my food diary. I eat chocolate almost every day and I still come in under my caloric goal. Mainly because the meals I eat are high in protein low in fat and calories. Gaining weight is easy losing it is tough but with support we will get to our goal weight losing it one pound at a time. I love MFP and I'm on daily we can motivate each other and lose the weight!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Would love to have you join me. I Started at 320 on Sept 1at and am at 260 right now.
  • austindog2
    austindog2 Posts: 128
    I'm not over 300 pounds, but I try to give as much motivation as possible so feel free to add me :) I think that everyone deserves to have supportive, motivating friends on this journey - it makes is so much easier to stay on track!!
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    Thanks everyone i added a bunch of you. So glad to have good friends on here =)
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I used to be 336. I can support you! :) I know it's hard when people don't notice. I still have people that won't say anything at all! I think they're just afraid to offend, or feel awkward making a remark.

    Start boasting about it! If they won't compliment you, compliment YOURSELF! Say things like "Wow, time to buy some new pants!" and show off how your pants don't fit anymore. They'll take the hint, and if they don't they're just jealous.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    feel free to add me .. as of yesterday i am 298.8 (heighest 312)
    i am here every day, i do try to post to my friends, when i see they are posting on my wall/news feed?

    i have been here every single day since March 2nd :bigsmile:
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. My wife (dle329) and I started our MFP journey just last week. I started my journey at 363 and am only going to weigh in once a week (I refuse to drive myself crazy waiting for the needle to move) so I will not have my first update for everyone until Tuesday.

    My biggest struggle at the moment seems to be getting my sodium down.. despite the fact I don't salt my foods and have cut out things like pickles, olives, etc.

    I don't have alot of friends on here, but the ones I do have get commented on, even if it is just a quick "WTG!" at the end of the day.
  • lovinmamaxo
    lovinmamaxo Posts: 368 Member
    I used to be 336. I can support you! :) I know it's hard when people don't notice. I still have people that won't say anything at all! I think they're just afraid to offend, or feel awkward making a remark.

    Start boasting about it! If they won't compliment you, compliment YOURSELF! Say things like "Wow, time to buy some new pants!" and show off how your pants don't fit anymore. They'll take the hint, and if they don't they're just jealous.

    My friends do take notice and say i look great my back rolls are getting smaller lol
    My husband says i need to buy new pants because the ones i have are way to big...

    So little things make me feel better but i know i could do a whole lot more.
  • wingsandgills
    wingsandgills Posts: 48 Member
    Woah woah woah... I have to point something out here: "I have fallen off of the bandwagon after losing over 60lbs i put 4 lbs back on."

    So what I get from that statement is that today on your weight loss journey you have a net loss of 56 pounds?! That's amazing! No, really, it is... you just don't feel like it is, because you're focusing on other aspects of your weight loss that make you feel bad.

    Putting on 4 pounds is NOT falling off any bandwagon! Gawd, 4 pounds could be water retention, a fluke of the scale, or anything!

    So instead, let me revise your statement for you. ;P "As of today I am at a net loss of 56 pounds! Now I'm looking for more people with similar weight loss goals to share with so that we can motivate each other."

    How you perceive your achievements and yourself is sooo important to your mood and your continued success. You're doing an amazing job, so please give yourself the credit you deserve!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    There is a 300+ group and you (and anyone else) would be more than welcome to join! GL with your weight loss!