New Challenge!

Ok, here's the deal. I am ALWAYS late in joining a challenge. I always want to be able to start from the beginning, so I am going to start one ;-) So here it is.

To have a chance to see how well or not so well we did during the week, we are going to weigh in on Fridays. And then to see how we did over the weekend, as it is so hard for most of us, we will weigh in on Mondays. When you post please put in your starting weight (the weight from the beginning of the challenge) You current weight, how much you lost, and how much to lose. This will be a pretty relaxed challenge, if you don't weigh in every week, we will miss you, but don't feel like you can't come back. Just jump back in and give us your stats! K guys, let's have fun with this!


  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    Starting weight 215.8 4/6/12
    Current weight: 215.8 4/6/12 Friday
    Weight lost; 0
    Weight to lose: 9.8 lbs

    Keep your goals small, they are more reachable that way!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    Sounds fun.

    SW; 187
    CW: 187
    GW: Not to gain. AGAIN.

  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    Sounds fun.

    SW; 187
    CW: 187
    GW: Not to gain. AGAIN.


    weekends are tough. but I have faith that you can achieve your goal :)
  • iamkateiam
    iamkateiam Posts: 22 Member
    Sounds like just what I need!
    Starting weight 207.0 4/6/12
    Current weight: 207.0 4/6/12 Friday
    Weight lost; 0
    Weight to lose: 8 lbs (so I am below 200 again!)
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 236 Member
    This sounds easy enough!!! :smile:
    Starting weight 295.6 4/6/12
    Current weight: 295.6 4/6/12 Friday
    Weight lost; 0
    Weight to lose 6 lbs. To get out of the 290's
    My first longer term goal is to get below 264 so I won't be considered morbidly obese anymore.
    PAFMP Posts: 15
    I needed this challenge. Great idea to "bookend" the weekend by weighing in on Friday and Monday.

    My personal goal is "30 LBS IN 15 WEEKS"

    Here goes:

    SW - 241 (Friday)

    Weight Loss To Date (WLTD) 0
  • iamkateiam
    iamkateiam Posts: 22 Member
    This sounds easy enough!!! :smile:
    Starting weight 295.6 4/6/12
    Current weight: 295.6 4/6/12 Friday
    Weight lost; 0
    Weight to lose 6 lbs. To get out of the 290's
    My first longer term goal is to get below 264 so I won't be considered morbidly obese anymore.

    That's a great goal!! You can do it (c:
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    awesome! I am looking forward to seeing everyone's success!
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    I needed this challenge. Great idea to "bookend" the weekend by weighing in on Friday and Monday.

    My personal goal is "30 LBS IN 15 WEEKS"

    Here goes:

    SW - 241 (Friday)

    Weight Loss To Date (WLTD) 0

    That's a pretty good goal. The key is to not get discouraged. Stay motivated, we got your back!
  • rhe276
    rhe276 Posts: 46
    i love this!!!!

    Starting weight 267 4/6/12
    Current weight: 267 4/6/12 Friday
    Weight lost; 0
    Weight to lose 17 lbs. want to hit 250
    PAFMP Posts: 15
    A little bit about me . . . I'm 62 years old and really want to/need to lose weight. It's just a matter of time before I start to have physical consequences from carrying all this extra weight. I quit drinking (another story for another time) and ate to replace the drink. I gained 50 pounds on top of the 50 pounds I was already overweight. My ultimate long term goal is to lose all 100 pounds but I'm starting with the 30 in 15 mantra. Then, I want to get out of the 200's and back into one-derland.

    Anyone want to commit to the next 15 weeks with me - I'll race ya!

    It's spring, it's time . . .
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    Just what I need to keep me focused!!!

    Starting weight 193.6 4/6/12
    Current weight: 193.6 4/6/12 Friday
    Weight lost; 0
    Weight to lose: 4lbs (so I am below 190)
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you!! :smile:
  • Sherri1210
    Sherri1210 Posts: 6 Member
    Love it! :happy:

    I am in.

    SW: 133 (4/6)
    CW: 133 (4/6
    Goal: 120 - 13 to go!

    In eight weeks I have lost 14 lbs.
  • nikpic
    nikpic Posts: 2
    I'm in!

    Starting weight: 154
    Current Weight: 154

    Goal Weight: 145
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    I am so excited about all the interest! This is going to be fun, don't stress just enjoy life!
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you! I was just thinking about starting a challenge since like you I am always late to join..

    I am in!!!
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 133 Member
    SW: 277
    CW: 227
    NTL: 100
  • shushour
    shushour Posts: 16 Member
    Ill give it a shot need a challenge to keep me going....want to be down 11 lbs by end of may!

    Sw- 181.3
    Weight lost-0
  • shushour
    shushour Posts: 16 Member
    I will weigh in Monday but probably wont be good with the holiday weekend:( so ill shot for a loss for next Friday!