New w/ 75+ lbs to lose

I signed up back in February but never officially introduced myself.

I'm 22 and have been overweight my entire life. At the beginning of this year, I just decided I wanted better for myself. I do strength training and cardio five days a week, sometimes six. I do fairly well with eating right, even though sometimes I struggle not to go over my limits (usually sodium and/or protein). I've lost about 15 lbs. so far.

Anyway, I realize there are people out there, like myself, who are trying to lose a significant amount of weight: 50 lbs, 75 lbs, 100 lbs or more. It can be really discouraging not to have support. I just wanted to say hello to those people (especially the ones in their 20's like me) who are just starting to eat right and exercise. It's difficult now, but the results after sticking with it are SO worth it. Good luck. :-)
