Weight gain

I'm new to this and last week had a brilliant result by losing 4 lbs!
This week however i have stuck to my calorie intake limit each day but have put on 3 lbs! Any ideas why that could be?? I'm gutted :(

Thanks for any help


  • EmmaRoberts82
    Hi Amy

    I'm gutted for you as it can really get you down. Have you measured yourself like waist etc because you may have lost there rather than actual weight. Or in the first week you may have been more active which for me always makes the difference. Don't forget that drinks hold calories which is annoying but true so be careful there. Don't lose heart though if you want to lose weight you will have good and bad weeks that is just how it goes!
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    I gained 3 pounds this week but lost a further half inch off my waist, I guess the 3 pounds is fuel for a well oiled machine (I was told) :happy:
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Don't worry, just keep doing what you're doing. Weight loss is not linear, it can fluctuate a lot on a daily basis. If you've kept to your calorie limit (make sure you're counting everything, and measuring accurately) then you won't have put on 3 lbs in fat. The chances are it's water retention. You can retain water from starting an exercise regime, or from eating too much sodium (are you tracking that in your diary?), or as part of your menstrual cycle. Lots of women find they put on a few pounds in the days before their period. I know it's really annoying to see it on the scale, but water weight will come off again quickly.

    Just keep at it and you'll see results over the long term. Taking measurements is a great idea - the inches might come off slower than the pounds, but they give you a clearer picture of what's happening. I know it must be frustrating so soon after starting, but with 77lb to lose, it's going to be a marathon, not a sprint. Take it slow and steady and try not to let the scale fluctuations get you down!
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Hi Amy,

    I just want to say to you not to get discouraged by what the scales say. if you stick with it then you will feel the difference in yourself - and that is more satisfying. What the scale says is just a number and too many people get discouraged by it - my philosophy is that I have embarked on a life long journey - firstly to better health, and secondly to being thinner.

    I wish you well on your own lifetime journey and hope having this thought will perhaps help you too. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. :smile:
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Water fluctuation can be a real pain when you're trying to measure exactly how much you're losing. Some people just weigh in once every two weeks or so, but you could also weigh yourself multiple times each day then enter the numbers into some graphs and look at the trends if you want to get your nerd on. If you stick to a consistent exercise and eating routine it can be pretty accurate over time.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I don't know the science behind it but many people don't loose or gain the second week. Re biggest loser. Maybe your body goes into shock? Also as someone else says could be your muscles holding weight from exercise. You'd have to over ate by 10,500 calories for it to be fat, and you haven't so keep going what ever it is it will drop again! X
  • ebenso1
    ebenso1 Posts: 39 Member
    I just recently had the same thing happen. I gained 3 pounds back and have finally lost it again. I find that to be a pattern really. I will lose 2 gain 1 and then lose it again before it's finally off. I highly recommend taking your measurements. I didn't at first and wish I would have because I could see the difference the scale wasn't showing me. I took them after losing the first 15 pounds and now I can't wait to check them again next week! Don't get discouraged, I know how hard this is. Try not to weigh every day. Keep eating healthy and exercising and the weight has no choice but to fall off! Whenever I work out and I am sweating like mad I just tell myself that my fat is crying! Keep it up!