Anyone on here in college?



  • bdhoward87
    bdhoward87 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm currently a student at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma. I am majoring in Film and Media Studies. My gym is open until midnight on the weekdays so I usually just go from 10-11p or 11p-12a aka real late.
  • I work full time 12hr days as an LPN and go to college towards BSN. I schedule time for ME in my daily planner (something I've neglected to do for a while now but am getting back in the habit) that way when I check off assignments, projects, etc. I'm always reminded to make time for me and after working out and feeling good it makes it even better to put that finished check mark next to exercise! :-) Good luck with your studies!
  • inked219
    inked219 Posts: 51 Member
    I work and attend Purdue. It's hard trying to balance everyday stress, work, class, and studying. But I try to work out at least twice a week. It's difficult to stay motivated. I try to set reminders on my phone about stuff cause my memory is terrible.
  • dadouglas87
    dadouglas87 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm working on a M.A. in Communication Studies and definitely don't have time to be active. It's much easier to cut what you eat in half (or even 1/4) than to be more active. The hungry feeling diminishes after a week or so.

    Stay semi-hungry and eat as little as possible. Also, don't buy anything that has over 300 calories per serving. It's really easy once you get used to it. :)

    Also, I'm with April on the walking everywhere you go. It works wonders to get you those few extra calories that will get you through your day.
  • aaddair
    aaddair Posts: 9
    I'm a medical assistant student, but I went to a four year college last year. I just tried things like a short ab workout and made sure I walked fast to all of my classes. Also, we had a free gym we could use so I would go there to burn off stress.
  • hellolea_
    hellolea_ Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in college :) Studying BS Biology major in human biology. It's really hard to allot time for workout, especially when I have tons of school works to do. but walking to and from classes is an exercise and that helps a lot. and some sets of sit-ups when I get home. :)
  • xrayk8te
    xrayk8te Posts: 16
    Hey! Im in my last year of placement for Medical Radiation. Its definitely hard to juggle 40hrs of placement with two classes and studying for board exams! I find waking up an hour or so early to get a workout in helps me so much! I have more energy throughout the day and feel great about myself because I know I got in a workout in the morning! Its definitely hard to have a balanced diet in school so I try and make a healthy lunch and have frozen veggies and fruits to save on cost. Feel free to add me it you like!
  • Hi im a student too in tech atm
    Works pilimg up n i dont gdt much time to exercise but once a week i make a point of books down
    Study notes on phone
    Text to speech running N walk for about 11 miles
    Normally my sat morns are filled with it

    New (well old but i need to keep returning as i go off path sitting at 114 today i want to get it down to 101
    And then stick

    Add me <3 XD i need motivation xxx
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    I just finished my undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin in December and am starting my masters and dietetic internship in August! My weight fluctuated a lot during college and I am looking to maintain the healthy lifestyle I've developed after graduation! feel free to add!!
  • Lilith47
    Lilith47 Posts: 52 Member
    I study ethnology & political science at Vienna University in Austria. 25 hrs/week at school, and I have an awesome job - dance! I mainly have to watch what I eat and get some strength training, thats why I joined mfp.
    Add me!! need all the motivation and support ;)
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Law school student... I have to read a lot, so balancing everything is a drag...
  • aprilhebron
    aprilhebron Posts: 4 Member
    Is anyone graduating this year? I am and it's kind of freaking me out! I don't have my next move figured out yet.. BUT I'm about to have my bachelor's in psychology :3
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    I am finishing up my prereqs to get into the Respiratory Care program at Gateway here in Phoenix. My weeks are crazy between school and work and i basically spend any free time either studying or working out. i choose to workout instead of having a social life. hahaha. or i sleep less. definitely isnt easy to do so i feel your pain.
    Amen, I'm the same way. I work, come home and study, spend some time with my fiance, work out with or without him and that's it :)
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I'm currently in graduate school at Pratt Institute. I used to work in the 2D animation field but have moved over to the dark side - 3D animation. Lol.

    Also, instead of making my schedule around school work, I tend to schedule my life around my daily work out. It makes it easier and it's only an hour long.
  • Just finished nursing school last week!!!
  • whoaaxitsxkatiex
    whoaaxitsxkatiex Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a sophomore majoring in Early Childhood and Special Education! I work out an hour a day, but it's soo hard to get any progress with the crappy campus food! Any suggestions?! I know it's the end of the semester, but anything can help!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I am! I'm a Nutrition Science major. I almost feel like eating right and exercising is a part of my major. Got to practice what I preach! MFP has actually been incredibly helpful with my education. It's helped me understand what's in everyday foods. I get a little exercise in each day by biking a couple miles to campus. It's almost as fast as taking the bus. I try to run a mile every other day and make it to the gym to lift a couple times a week, but if I'm too busy its no big.
  • RMuske
    RMuske Posts: 271 Member
    I work full time and go to school part time. It is tough to work out with my hectic schedule but I try to schedule it in like you would work or class or studying and that seems to help.