Any women that have done Stronglifts 5x5?

kopmom Posts: 491 Member
I am planning to join the gym starting next week when the kids go back to school just to do the program. Any women had good success with it?
I like that the program is basic moves and should take me no longer then an hour (ideal with kids). I also run and plan to do strong lifts 3x a week and run the other 3 days.


  • AlisaRN
    AlisaRN Posts: 65 Member
    I have tried starting this. I don't know how much weight training you have done before, but I started with absolutely no experience. The bar was even too heavy for me to do squats with. Right now I am trying to work up to the bar and going from there. So far I love the format though. I would love to hear the responses!
  • CyanideCyster
    My profile pic is of the difference 4 weeks of stronglifts made. I haven't made much more progress as I have maxed my weights out so need to but some more urgently but it's been great for me so far. My thighs are rock hard as opposed to squishy!! Oh and not bulky either ha!
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    My profile pic is of the difference 4 weeks of stronglifts made. I haven't made much more progress as I have maxed my weights out so need to but some more urgently but it's been great for me so far. My thighs are rock hard as opposed to squishy!! Oh and not bulky either ha!

    Great progress for only four weeks !
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I just did my fourth workout today. I like it, but the workouts are super short in the beginning. Definitely making progress though.