1650 calories per day for make...is this enough? Don't seem

Hi there,

I'm trying to net 1650 calories per day over the week but weight is not coming off , is this too low for a male.



  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm trying to net 1650 calories per day over the week but weight is not coming off , is this too low for a male.


    depends on your height, weight, BMR, TDEE etc.

  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    That is a really good amount to start off with esp as the avg male should have 2500 cal intake anyway.

    you need to have a 2500 cal deficeit to lose 1lb of weight, so yours should be a good, slow, healthly way of losing weight.

    You've only done it for the past week so I would stick to it, also check WHAT you're eating as well because over 1650 cals of lean meat and veg is better than 1650 from processed food, salt, fat and sugar.

    hope this helps :)
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
  • Hmmm, it seems too
    Ittle. I am on the shorter side With not much weight to lose and my allocation is 1500 calories a day. I think 1650 calories is going to leave you quite hungry and very restricted in your choices, especially over the weekends!
  • Alan_from_Wales
    Alan_from_Wales Posts: 19 Member
    Diary open
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    you seem to be mainly eating within your limits, there is alot of processed stuff and 'healthly' bas ( although I do enjoy the atkins they are really good!)

    you don't have your sugar intake on there either so it could be that you are going over on that alot and so that is being stored as fat and so slowing your loss down.
  • Alan_from_Wales
    Alan_from_Wales Posts: 19 Member
    Put on the sugar and I'm going over the limit each day with all the fruit I eat. Does this make a difference if I'm within calorie count?
  • yes.....take your weight muliply by 12, that should b ur max calories, less ur 1650 should put u under henc e loss
  • fruit equals sugar period,,,,,,i dint eat it except for green apples per my weight trn coach an dhse is lean super lean
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Yeah I've found t makes a big difference with me anyway, if I have a good clean week with mainly veg and mayb one or 2 bits of fruit fo the whole week then I will lose weight but if i have a high amount of fruit or have bad food then I won't lose as much.

    When I did my really strict diet which I managed to do for 30days I lost a stone easily in that and within that time I was averaging between 10-30gs of sugar a day which isn't that much and that was coming from fruit/veg/atkins bars.

    I follow a meal plan that is set out by a PT on his site fit2fat2fit.com its really good and even has excersises....although I havent been following the plan as strictly since xmas I rreally need a push to get back on it. hah hope this helps
  • Alan_from_Wales
    Alan_from_Wales Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for you advice, will look into the sugar etc...
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member

    you need to have a 2500 cal deficeit to lose 1lb of weight, so yours should be a good, slow, healthly way of losing weight.

  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member

    you need to have a 2500 cal deficeit to lose 1lb of weight, so yours should be a good, slow, healthly way of losing weight.


    Oh sorry for the mistake, Thank you for correcting :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Don't stress over fruit sugars. There's too much goodness in them to exclude them and besides, they'll put you on the toilet long before they'll make you gain weight. Anyway, MFP set me at 1650 to start with which I followed for a month - lost 4lbs the first two weeks and then nada. Since then, I've been upping my calories to a more sustainable level and have seen physical changes in a shrinking waist line, neck line and increased muscle definition, but haven't weighed myself for months. Research your BMR and TDEE and then eat at a 10% to 20% deficit to your TDEE to lose weight at a sensible pace whilst maintaining as much lean body mass as you can.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Took a quick look at your diary. 2 things jumped out at me. Your carbs are high and your sugars are high (they go hand in hand). Research has indicated that higher blood glucose (from the intake of carbs and / or sugars) slows down or stops lipolysis (fat loss). You might want to consider lowering your carbs down to 150 grams or below and lowering your sugar to 50 to 75 grams per day. Your fats are low. Consider increasing them with healthy fats, butter, oilive oil, cocnut oil, nut butters (you get some protein from nut butters also). Fats don't make you fat and they don't interfere with lipolysis as lond as your maintain a deficit.

    If you mentioned it I didn't see it but what are you getting for exercise weekly? 1650 doesn't seem bad but I don't know how tall or how much you weigh so it's hard to say. Someone earlier gave you the link to calc your BMR and TDEE. If you plugged your data in here at MFP, it should be reasonably accurate at 1650. What did you set your activity level to and how much are you set to lose per week?

    I don't know what your exercise program is but the real goal is not nessesarily to lose weight but to lose fat. For about 3 weeks or so, I have upped my calories to a slight deficit but am following a program of strength training and cardio in the form of HIIT and biking and my weight hasn't changed but my body fat has gone down. Just food for thougth.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    fruit equals sugar period,,,,,,i dint eat it except for green apples per my weight trn coach an dhse is lean super lean

    I essentially agree with this. Whatever sugars I get are in the form of fruit as fruit has health benefits but I limit them. I'm going to make my diary public so feel free to take a look.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm a 139 pound female and my net goal is 1650. It's probably too low for you.
  • acresfield
    acresfield Posts: 122 Member
    Don't stress over fruit sugars. There's too much goodness in them to exclude them and besides, they'll put you on the toilet long before they'll make you gain weight. Anyway, MFP set me at 1650 to start with which I followed for a month - lost 4lbs the first two weeks and then nada. Since then, I've been upping my calories to a more sustainable level and have seen physical changes in a shrinking waist line, neck line and increased muscle definition, but haven't weighed myself for months. Research your BMR and TDEE and then eat at a 10% to 20% deficit to your TDEE to lose weight at a sensible pace whilst maintaining as much lean body mass as you can.

    ^^^^^ this is my experience exactly. My scales are in the attic and I just go on how my clothes fit and how I feel in general.
    For me, upping my net calories to 2200 ( I.e eating back my workouts) has been key for me.
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm a 139 pound female and my net goal is 1650. It's probably too low for you.

    Ditto. I'm a 5'5, 137lb female, and my totally sedentary, no adding exercise calories or factoring daily activities goal would be a little over 1600 calories, and I am losing weight, slowly but also seeing physical changes like definition in my arms and some movement in my stomach. I guess it depends how quickly you want to lose weight and how concerned you are about retaining your lean muscle mass.
  • Alan_from_Wales
    Alan_from_Wales Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for all the great feedback....really apprecaite you all taking the time to write your thoughts