What would you try if you knew you wouldn't fail?



  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    Becoming a writer :frown:

    This is my answer too. I feel like I'm stuck with permanent writers block, because I'm so terrified of being told my writing is crap.

    Same here. I have two first drafts to two different novels under my belt and I won't even re-read them to edit for this exact reason :(
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Learn to play the saxophone and piano well.

    Do the various treks, particularly everest, desert treks, north/south poles. Really though, it's money stopped me, more than fear of failure!
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Hang gliding.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Triple axel!
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Purchasing a gorgeous house (that's been on the market for nearly 3 years) in the historic district of the town I live in & turning it into my photography studio. It would require a HUGE investment & the only thing stopping me is my fear of failure. Fear of not being approved for a loan, fear of not being able to turn a profit, fear of my business failing...but if I knew those failures weren't a possibility - that would dream would become a reality. :)

    I think you should do it :wink:
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    masters degree

    cocaine? only joking :p haha
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I'd submit my writing to someone, somewhere. (It's fantastic, you know.)
  • Hailei
    Hailei Posts: 86 Member
    As some other MFP fellows mentioned above, I would try to make my way into the writers world.
    I would also become an actor, there's nothing I'd love more then to being an actress.
    And something more accessible: I'd become a psychologist
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I have always wanted to be a radio DJ. But now it's all mass corporate feeds and not like it was when I was a kid with DJ's talking, spinning records, etc. But I can't do phonetics.... my sister and I get it from our Dad. We can't sound things out to save our lives and butcher so many words and names. So I would end up being more like Les Nessman on WKRP! Granted I'm not as bad as my Dad, I can learn how to correctly say things ... he would keep saying them wrong no matter how many times you corrected him! My car was a Navajo.... he called it a NAV-A-JOE instead of nav-uh-hoh. :)

    My other thing would be to learn French. I want to go to Paris one day. I need to get Hooked on Phonics.... might put that on my Christmas list! :) Paris would be a great reward when I meet my ultimate goal. Sweet!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Modeling. oh and winning the lottery.
  • DameVenus
    DameVenus Posts: 70
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    Drawing to an inside straight. :)

    Seriously, sports. Especially all the sports at which I've previously broken bones (mine, that is - I have yet to break anyone else's :ohwell: ).


    Wilderness hiking.

    All the stuff I used to be able to do when I was younger. (Okay, maybe not *all* of it :wink: ).
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    The Camino de Santiago
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    roller derby. but as a girl with no health insurance if i were to break a bone, i'm not going there.
  • Hailei
    Hailei Posts: 86 Member
    winning the lottery.

    Lol, brilliant! Why didn't I think of that :tongue:
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    Oh, and brokering a lasting peace in the Middle East. :)
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member

    This, even though I'll try in a few years regardless...
    I would love to try sky diving... not failing meaning I wouldn't die.
    I'd love to try climbing a "waterfall" in a jeep... A waterfall is a dry spot where water once ran and it's very bumpy and can be steep... not failing would mean I wouldn't flip the jeep over while climbing up the waterfall... This is climbing a waterfall in a Jeep... http://s156.photobucket.com/albums/t23/rokrash/Jeep Stuff/Wheelin Pics/Moab 08/?action=view&current=MOV00325.mp4
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    My fear of failure and a bit of lacking funds keep me from learning to swim and learning to ride a bike. I want a bike so badly, but haven't found one I could afford. My friends are trepidatious to say the least about letting me borrow theirs because they know that I don't know how to ride and don't want me to ruin theirs in what I can only think is a huge fiery crash a la stuntman movie in their imagination. Swimming is a biggie. The only place close enough for me to go would be a friend's pool (only one of mine has one and her husband is a d!ck) or the Y which is over an hour away. I'd feel so ashamed if I drove that far just to have a panic attack in the parking lot and go home. My friend keeps inviting me to the pool at her gym but that's a very long way from my house too.... even farther than the Y. I have had an extreme and unreasonable fear of drowning since I was about a year old which was magnified when I fell in at a creek at age 5, hit bottom and only popped above water one time. Had to be rescued and it still haunts me.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    My fear of failure and a bit of lacking funds keep me from learning to swim and learning to ride a bike. I want a bike so badly, but haven't found one I could afford. My friends are trepidatious to say the least about letting me borrow theirs because they know that I don't know how to ride and don't want me to ruin theirs in what I can only think is a huge fiery crash a la stuntman movie in their imagination. Swimming is a biggie. The only place close enough for me to go would be a friend's pool (only one of mine has one and her husband is a d!ck) or the Y which is over an hour away. I'd feel so ashamed if I drove that far just to have a panic attack in the parking lot and go home. My friend keeps inviting me to the pool at her gym but that's a very long way from my house too.... even farther than the Y. I have had an extreme and unreasonable fear of drowning since I was about a year old which was magnified when I fell in at a creek at age 5, hit bottom and only popped above water one time. Had to be rescued and it still haunts me.
    i almost drowned once too...it was a small river with a very strong current....my bro pulled me out or otherwise X|
    i'm not scared of water though and i can swim
  • ljma84
    ljma84 Posts: 12 Member
    Becoming a writer :frown:

    Me too, I would love to have that gift.