what keeps you going?

hey all.

i haven't been on in a while. was here last year after having my son, lost 28 pounds, had another 30 to go but got pregnant with my 4th. finally after 3 boys i have a beautiful healthy baby girl. but god and yummy food left me with 60 pounds to lose a 2nd time around. and i can't find the motivation. every time i get on the scale and it doesn't move i get depressed and feel like i'll be this size forever.

i hate myself like this. i've become a hermit, i won't leave the house, i completely let myself go. i feel like what's the use. looking for tips or stories on how all of you stay motivated, anything is welcome.

looking forward...


  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I was you this time last year. I was stuck in the mentality that I would always be fat because I was just made to be that way. I didn't like getting dressed in nice clothes or going out. My social life suffered, my relationship with my husband suffered, but I read a quote that now is on my signature that reminds me what I'm working for.

    "A year from now, you may wish you had started today."

    Well I can tell you I am 'a year from now' today and I love it. I haven't lost much weight at all (I have medical problems that make it difficult), but my body thanks me every day by feeling energetic, confident and strong.

    Its not about how long it takes, its about what waits at the end. At the end I will be healthy forever, instead of for a week. Days pass regardless of whether you are watching what you put in your mouth. So isn't eventually better than never? :flowerforyou:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    What keeps me going? Knowing that I'm setting a good example for my kids. Not wanting to be the "fat mom" when they get old enough to realize. Knowing that if I help me kids be healthy eaters they won't have to be on MFP when they get older :) Last BUT not least...Feeling better about myself when my pants are looser

    It took me 4 years to be able to leave my kids (to work out) without feeling guilty. You just had a baby and your hormones are probably not helping you feel any better. Just remember you didn't gain all that weight in 2 weeks so it'll take more than a few weeks to take it off.

    Best of luck and email me anytime you need help keeping going!
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I was you this time last year. I was stuck in the mentality that I would always be fat because I was just made to be that way. I didn't like getting dressed in nice clothes or going out. My social life suffered, my relationship with my husband suffered, but I read a quote that now is on my signature that reminds me what I'm working for.

    "A year from now, you may wish you had started today."

    Well I can tell you I am 'a year from now' today and I love it. I haven't lost much weight at all (I have medical problems that make it difficult), but my body thanks me every day by feeling energetic, confident and strong.

    Its not about how long it takes, its about what waits at the end. At the end I will be healthy forever, instead of for a week. Days pass regardless of whether you are watching what you put in your mouth. So isn't eventually better than never? :flowerforyou:

    Hannah - I LOVE that quote!!!:love:
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't have the answers you need because I struggle everyday to love myself. And what honestly gets me by is that I have a loving and supportive husband. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone and I wanted to send you a hug.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I tried for 25 years - only I always failed. And the bottom line is this:

    I was doing it for other people, or other reasons. Not for myself

    This time it's for me. It's a bit selfish sure. But success means that I can better serve my daughter, my parents, my place of work, and the important things in my life. I will be worth more in all walks of life because I will be healthy.

    I threw AWAY the guilt that kept me fat. I decided that I am worth the time and effort. And I decided that I can be at LEAST as good to myself as I am to others.

    So I'm doing it for me, that's what keeps me going.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I don't have the answers you need because I struggle everyday to love myself. And what honestly gets me by is that I have a loving and supportive husband. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone and I wanted to send you a hug.
    Wow! I read this after I made the above post!

    I'm sending you a hug too!!!

    I'm betting you're a 'care taker'. But take just one moment to consider that you can be at least as kind to yourself as you are to others.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hannah - I LOVE that quote!!!:love:

    I know! I think I'm motivated by the possibility of regret. This is your ONE life. There will never be another year 2009. Every second of every day should count. :flowerforyou:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Just getting started is often the hardest part!
    So take a deep breath....... and just begin.

    YOU Can Do it!!! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • farrahmelanie
    i just wanted to say thank you so much. ... i'm actaully crying reading these posts, it helps to know that i'm not alone....thank you for the hugs!!! i really needed them. and to be reminded that I count too..
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    It's not easy - sometimes hungry, sometimes bored, sometimes don't wanna grab the iron or get on the elliptoy.

    I like the feeling that I'm in control of myself. I don't have to be a fat guy - I don't have to be miserable - I don't have to be unattractive. I can be any size I want to be. I can work out and look better and feel better and live longer and take better care of myself.

    Pride, strength of character - knowledge that we can succeed where so many fail. It's powerful stuff. To quit and go back to eating too much and not getting any exercise would be a form of defeat - it would be quitting. Not doing it, and that keeps me going.

    You can do it. You just decide to do it, and do it. What was that thing Yoda said,,, ""Do - or do not - there is no 'try' ". :smile:
  • cyndijoy
    cyndijoy Posts: 27
    "Do, or do not..there is no try"...yes, Yoda is a wise little Jedi. I love you guys' posts. Every day I'm on here I'm learning something new. And that "a year from now you'll wish you had started today " is so true. I've been meaning to get in shape for YEARS now, and never seemed to find the time or willpower. Just think of all that time I've wasted...I could be one hot gramma right now. But here I am, finally. It's slow going, but with every success ( substituting a fatty item for a leaner item, or walking 3 miles when I really feel like sitting on my tushie) I feel that much better. I've been recommending this site to everyone. :smile: