What's your toughest obstacle?

Just getting on myfitnesspal...

Lost 55 pounds two years ago and have kept it off. Had to exercise hard and completely change the way I eat. Some folks call me the carb Nazi! The Y is my second home.

My toughest obstacle is finding the right workout routines for my goals. You're supposed to switch them up every few weeks for the best results, but it takes me four weeks to nail a routine.


    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    The toughest one for me would be the scale, I work out all week and eat way under my cal goal and excersice to the fullest and the scale will make me happy one week and lie the next. I know my body is changing and doing its ups and downs. For me, its the scale we have a love hate relashonship.
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Nursing School....Nuff said =/
  • your picture is an inspiration, you look really fit, it is nice to have the king of encouragement
  • you look really fit , your picture is an inspiration, yes you are right, it is the carbs that get you.
  • trigger456
    trigger456 Posts: 9 Member
    For me, it is definatly candy!! ahh!
  • keep doing what you are doing, and don't let the scales decide what kind of day you are going to have.
    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    My biggest obstacle by far is that I am incredibly impatient. Also, I'm good at watching calories and weight lifting but so bad at cardio.

  • my biggest obstacle in the past has been consistency, because that is the key, be consistent everyday one day at a time, i am trying to work on it.
  • Hanging with my guy and maintaining my diet. I was failing at that and putting on and taking off the same five pounds or so week after week. With MFP I am able to splurge in moderation, take the lead in encouraging some exercise on his days off, and I am finally having success. The past three days he's been off I maintained my weight with no gain and one day even lost 2/10th of a pound. Now I can move forward with my goals instead of yo-yoing back and forth!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Probably the only obstacles that come up for me are unexpected changes in my schedule. Especially ones that interfere with my workout routine.
  • Brad0672
    Brad0672 Posts: 2
    That scale can be a "B." When you are using weights, doing cardio, and watching calories, it does have a tendency to lie. If you are doing those things right, ignore the scale. I bet your measurements show the real story.

    I'm 5'11" and weigh 185 lbs. According to the BMI formula I'm considered overweight! But I have a 33" waist and am in the best shape of my life. The muscle throws it off.
  • dojeagle
    dojeagle Posts: 6 Member
    Not allowing the job to dictate my eating and exercise schedule. Work alot of late nights where I eat late meals and skip workouts. I've been doing MFP for a month and find it really helps keep me on track. Looking for friends so please invite me.
  • My obstacle is focusing on the scales. I want to lose ten more pounds. But I have been weight training and doing cardio, eating right and never felt better, so I shouldn't complain. It is how you feel that is important. You look really healthy yourself.
  • binging. I do SUPER all week, and then by the weekend I'm making a b line straight for the peanutbutter and graham crackers I keep in the house for my son. By that point its all over, I'm stuffing my face with as many carbs and sugars as I can find (which usually also ends up being my son's cereals and crackers) I actually had a binge tonight and I know tomorrow is a new day but I can help feeling completely defeated when I know I'm just going to repeat the cycle next week if not sooner
  • kileykasper
    kileykasper Posts: 12 Member
    My toughest obstacle is gettting the baby to take a nap so I can hop on the tredmil lol
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    My biggest obstacle was that at the age of 41,I thought my body was too far gone and out of shape that It was too late for me to do anything about it. And also the lack of confidence that all the sacrifice and hard work would pay off and wondering if It was going to be all for nothing.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    ...my couch! Once I get settled, it's GAME OVER.
  • kdjboogs
    kdjboogs Posts: 5 Member
    My toughest obstacle is maintaining what I worked to hard to get to. I lost 40 pounds and met my goal but now its the keeping it off.. Grrr it was almost easier to lose weight.
  • Stress and boredom eating - I tend to snack more than I realize and having a seditary lifestyle packs on those pounds. Plus before I started this program I really felt that there was little use in trying since I have SO MUCH to loose and it takes a while. Now I realize that it is worth the time and effort. :)
  • The toughest one for me would be the scale, I work out all week and eat way under my cal goal and excersice to the fullest and the scale will make me happy one week and lie the next. I know my body is changing and doing its ups and downs. For me, its the scale we have a love hate relashonship.

    Try eating closer to your calorie goal, even on your high workout days. You may be not losing as quickly or as much because you are under-eating. Also, make sure you weigh yourself at the same time of day. The best time is when you first wake up. I have a habit of weighing myself before bed and once I wake up. It's amazing because in my sleep, I'll drop close to 5-7lbs. Your body fluctuates throughout the day, also. So different numbers will show up because of that! Regardless, keep up the hard work! :)