Success on Weight Watchers?

I just wanted to know who out there has had success on the new Weight Watchers PointsPlus? How much have you lost? What do you like / dislike about the program?


  • ltruscott
    ltruscott Posts: 5 Member
    The program is good, but I struggled with it. I found it discouraging when some people dropped 4 pounds and only cut out soda. For me I lost 13 pounds in 9 months, and have kept it off for the past year. The first 5 came off then i was up 2 down 2 for about 6 weeks. Then I started running. The running has dropped another 5 off, but I have toned up and am healthier. I need one on one, to be more accountable. I have started another weight loss journey, with a nutritionist-as I need to drop the weight because of the running-but I also need to properly fuel for my runs. In a nutshell, I didn't feel I got enough out of weight watchers. But many people have succeeded with their program.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    I had great success with WW. Years ago (2005?) I joined and lost 64 pounds. The program taught me how to eat, like portion sizes. What was the most important to me is the accountability about weighing in every week.

    I went back to my old unhealthy habits then gained most of it back. Rejoined again in April 2011 and down 55 pounds.

    BTW-it's free for me now because I am a lifetime member (hit that first time).

    I still weigh in once a month but decided to try MFP for something different which I am liking.
  • MammaC66
    MammaC66 Posts: 132 Member
    I lost 35 pounds using WW points plus. I think it is a good plan, but decided I could do it on my own and not have to pay a monthly fee. In looking for a place to log my food, I found Myfitnesspal. I just switched to MFP about a month ago, and have done great. I like using MFP better. For one thing, it is free, and also, the database is much larger and easier to use. Another thing about using MFP is, for me at least, it is easier to just get the calorie information off a label than to have to figure the points. I am essentially eating the same as I was on WW. I am just counting calories instead of points.
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 87 Member
    I liked the WW Points Plus, but couldn't afford the meetings every week. I liked the accountability, too. Which I like at MFP, I feel accountable for every bite I put in my mouth, and I, too, like the large variety-database. I actually liked the Points Plus better than the original Points system because I do better with higher protein. When I first started MFP, I was used to thinking "points" so I went back and forth with the calories vs. points at the end of the day when viewing my food diary, they run very similar as I am still eating a higher protein, lower carb, veggie based program. From the firrst of 2012 until I joined MFP in the first week of March, I had lost about 12 pounds on Points Plus. But, being a "Chunky" most of my life, I know I always lose more the first couple months than I do as time goes by, so, I can't say WW is actually better than MFP. I have been blessed to meet some wonderful, supportive friends on MFP, and I like that I can "go to someone" anytime I want to get on the computer, share experiences. :) What are your thoughts on WW Points Plus?
  • Lisanibs
    Lisanibs Posts: 1 Member
    I just wanted to know who out there has had success on the new Weight Watchers PointsPlus? How much have you lost? What do you like / dislike about the program?

    I was on the points plus for a while and lost 4 stone, then I stopped and could not loose any more I am still grateful for that but found after a while I was cutting points on nutrition to have fun and stayed the same for 8 months. Worth a try : )
  • mamaparks87
    mamaparks87 Posts: 54 Member
    I lost 30 lbs in 6 months on the old program. They switched to the new one and I fell off the wagon after a few months of not losing a single pound. I gained all 30 lbs back and am now right back where I started. After being on MFP I find that it is easier to track calories than to have to pull out a point calculator or slider every time I eat. With WW you need to know cals,fat,fiber to then calculate a points value. It is basically taking cals and making them more difficult. WW will work but for me this is easier and cheaper.