How to eat well when those around you don't

Everytime I come home from college, I am reminded of how badly my old eating habits were. My family doesn't necessarily eat unhealthy food, but they eat large portions. My mom is overweight and binges like I do, and this has a very negative impact on my eating habits. My brothers and Dad are all thin, but they are much bigger than me (height-wise) and can therefore eat more food. I find it hard to limit myself at meal times when my brothers are piling the food onto their plates.

Does anyone have any tips or ideas as to how I can keep my eating under control when everyone around me is eating huge portions and constantly snacking?


  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Increase your protein and fiber intake and you will find yourself less hungry.
    The fiber should mainly come from vegetables.
  • Longtobeslim
    Longtobeslim Posts: 67 Member
    Drink a big glass of water before you start eating. Or start off with soup or salad first, then you will eat less of everything else. Also, eat slowly. Spend time talking in between each bite,. It takes about 20 minutes for our brain to get the message that we are full. If you eat slower, you will eat less because you will feel full.

    Also, eat your meal on a smaller plate, that way you can put less on it to start with. Once you are done eating, clear your dishes away from you. You can still sit at the table and visit with your family but you will be less tempted to take a second plate.

    Just a couple of thoughts.

  • sassy_sparkles
    I'm in grad school and live my parents, and my Mom comes home from work and binges on chips and brownies. My Dad and finace can eat whatever they want and stay skinny. Not fair.

    I've let my family in on my weight loss and health goals. They've been super supportive of me.

    I've found that if I ask my Mom to put healthy food that I like on the grocery list, she will buy it. Simply having healthier options in the house makes a big difference. Having produce, lean meats, and good carbs around makes my Mom eat better too.

    Family meals are sometimes a challenge. I never refuse to eat the food that I like, but I limit my portions of the heavy stuff. My family doesn't mind if I opt out of the main entree and make a black bean burger or protein shake instead.

    Good luck :-)
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    Wow you could literally be my twin.. Fortunately you don't live with yor parents.
    I do.. I still go to college but I'm living with them /:
    Anyway my moms a binge eater to.. She eats one large meal a day and when I say large I mean all
    Out binge. My brother and dad are thin as well and they eat double even tripple the amount of food I do and all JUNK!
    Its unfair and it's hard to maintain our healthy habits when surrounded by these type of people. Sure I feel like crap and
    Want to eat all the things they ate eating but they don't have a weight problem. At first I get mad at them then I realize it's not their fault. Im the one that shouldn't feel offended. this IS what I want. I know what I want to look like and eating the crap they do wont get us there..

    I just have learned to except my family and their eating habits. I've already tried to help them change but
    They will never give their lifestyle up. Made improvements though! All I can say is that some days it's easier to refuse and
    Other days I feel like it's a challenge to even put the extra piece of cheese cake down. It's normal.
    Just remind yourself about why your trying to lose weight.. Is it because of looking good or feeling good?

    In the end, you will get through it. Believe it or not... I used to be the biggest binge eater (very unhealthy foods)
    And I've improved a lot. I've only binge once in 50 days. (:
    So it does get easier! Believe in yourself!
  • kwahom03
    kwahom03 Posts: 10
    Load your plate up with salad and veggies (making sure to avoid the calorie laden extras like butter and dressing, go light if you can) When I come home, I always give myself those kinds of things 'free' because a lot of the choices i could be making are a lot more unhealthy. snack on air popped popcorn (huge servings for not a lot of calories). i've found low cal drink mixes to help a lot with my sweet tooth. and, if you put your fork down after every bite and really let yourself enjoy what you're eating, you'll not only eat slower but be probably be full and not even notice that your brothers are eating so much in comparison!
  • fragilestrength
    I wish I had good advice. I just found a way to mentally shut out everyone else, and just do what I had to do. That also included shutting off the comments about IS THAT ALL YOU'RE EATING, ARE YOU SURE YOU DONT WANT MORE. etc etc.

    Stay strong. :)
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I wish I had good advice. I just found a way to mentally shut out everyone else, and just do what I had to do. That also included shutting off the comments about IS THAT ALL YOU'RE EATING, ARE YOU SURE YOU DONT WANT MORE. etc etc.

    Stay strong. :)

    Thats pretty much what i do. Or if someone does make a comment on my small portion I comment back on their excessivly large portion. hehe