I need motivation...HELP!!

I am new to this site, I am to the point that I want to get a lap band surgery, Im only 24 and my friends and family feel that I don't need this surgery. What do you think?


  • Chr1ssey
    Chr1ssey Posts: 1 Member
    Honey banding is the very last resort. You can do this! Every diet is hard especially if you don't feel great about yourself in the first place, but then that should be your motivation. You don't have to go running and go crazy. Set yourself a realistic goal say for example go down a clothes size. Stick to your calories and walk daily. After a week weigh yourself and you will see a difference. Healthy weight loss is gradual.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!
  • I really used to be skinny, it's starting to hurt me to look into the mirror. I am very depressed and very unhappy with myself. I have came to a point that I don't really know what else to do.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Looking at your profile you've set a goal to lose about 65lbs. When you look at some people on this site who have lost 100 or even 200lbs just by diet and exercise....65lbs does not seem so much!
    Take baby steps - you didn't gain the weight over night and you will not lose overnight. Start moving more, start eating better - soon you'll notice your energy level has increased and you'll be able to walk/run further and add other exercises to your routine.

    Lap Band surgery should be your ultimate last resort. I'm not trying to sound mean, but don't take the easy way out. Be dedicated and be motivated....the weight will come off!! THis site has amazing suggestions and amazing people to offer support.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • jwilson2001
    jwilson2001 Posts: 80 Member
    I have seen people who got the surgery and put the weight back on! Sure they put it on slower but they didn't get the diet and exercise! But, the band should be a last resort! If you only need to lose 65 pounds, you can do this! I started on here with 50 pounds to lose (down 14 - slow and steady) but I know I need to get my diet and exercise in the right spot. Starting on this website is a huge step! Just start watching what you eat and logging it. So what if you have "red" calorie days here and there, strive to be a little better the next day! This is not a marathon but a life journey! There are soooo many supportive people on here that encourage the best in you! Grow your friends on here! Please feel free to add me for support.
  • I am new to this site too. I need to lose a lot of weight. I have tried other things. Now I have a mantra. If I put this into my mouth, will it be worth having to work it off? AND... when I berate myself about my weight, I ask myself an honest question. Did you move today? In other words, did I do ANY form of excercise at all today? I make myself answer those questions. The answer will come when I start to lose. It's only been three days now, but I can see a change in my attitude and the way my clothes fit.

    You can do this! If you go the route of surgery, will you have the skills necessary to keep it off?
  • mollydubs
    mollydubs Posts: 205 Member
    I really used to be skinny, it's starting to hurt me to look into the mirror. I am very depressed and very unhappy with myself. I have came to a point that I don't really know what else to do.

    The first step is diet and exercise. I imagine logging your daily food intake will be an eye opening experience that will help you figure out why you aren't currently losing weight.
  • Thank You all for the motivation.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Definately don't do lap band right now. You are far too young to be thinking of this as a possibility and it will hinder your life forever. I have had clients get the lap band and its terrible for them. You can barely eat, any pills you take have to be crushed, and you can end up stretching it out to where it was a pointless surgery. It also can cause a lot of health problems later in life.
    Since you are so young still (i'm the same age as you btw) your best bet is the old fashioned way with diet and exercise.

    Feel free to add me, I'll help keep you motivated :-)
  • shushour
    shushour Posts: 16 Member
    All I have to say is the mfp is wonderful..I have lost 24lbs and 25 inches in 3months ...its hard to change they way we eat and don't exercise ...but this site helps you be accountable for what u do..when look at your freinds post and see that they burnt 400 calories it will motivate you to get up and move!!!! YOU CAN AND WILL SUCCEED put your mind to it and don't worry if you have a bad day just kick it up and do better the next day!! Slow and steady wins the race!
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
    You can do it! I need to lose 180 pounds. I have lost 11 pounds in 25 days. Become my friend we can help each other; Healthy fresh food in, stay away from sugar and processed foods~ EXERCISE. It is flawlessly logical. WE CAN DO it. DON't give up!!!
  • manymes
    manymes Posts: 4 Member
    I once served as a juror on a medical malpractice suit. The woman couldn't digest food and the procedure to correct it did not work and she sued. The point is, if you are healthy, can eat and digest, don't mess with your body...change your mind set. Not easy but it's truly the only thing that works. Take care.