


  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I live by, "If it sounds too good to be true, it is." Just like "get rich quick" scemes don't work neither do "Lose weight fast". Just my thoughts. I wish you luck :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    There are these magic things called "kidneys" and a "liver" that do a pretty great job of "detoxing" without paying extra money...
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Some people are very unsuportive, If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all! You do what makes you feel good :) Happy Dieting!

    If some people dont want to hear others opinions then they shouldnt post on a public forum at all.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    It's a waste of money and there is no biological evidence that things you eat can remove "toxins" from your body. What are these "toxins" specifically anyway? They never say.

    Your liver is quite well equipped to do that.

    Would you buy those foot pads that supposedly draw toxins from your body while you sleep? Does that sound like hooey? Why is that?
    Spend your money how you want, but it's all just garbage meant to separate you from your money.
  • syam3000
    syam3000 Posts: 37
    This has probably already been mentioned, but just in case...

    I used to be all about the Master Cleanse... I LOVED the lemonade recipe and had no problem limiting myself to drinking just that. Longest I went was 20 consecutive days. However, after experimenting with other ways of detoxing, I've found better ways... my favorite now being juice feasting (yes, feasting not fasting :P). Juice feasting is a great way to detox, because while you are losing weight (and at a slower, healthier weight than you would with Master Cleanse), you also get to drink as much juice as you want and you are also getting tons of different nutrients that you really, really need to healthily function. In my opinion, I don't believe that the Master Cleanse gives you the same nutrients as a juice feast (and less health benefits), even though in the book it claims to. With juice feasting, all you need is a juicer (or a blender, actually!) and fruits and veggies! You have SO much more to choose from, so you avoid boredom and also get to eat tons of great veggies/fruits. Another great way to detox is by drinking Green Smoothies. See link below:

    If you want to attempt a juice feast or green smoothie detox, I would recommend getting some blood work done before you start and then after so you can REALLY see how this works! Also, you will notice a hugeeee difference in your skin tone. Pre-detox, I never have much of a "glow", but after an awesome detox most people get a beautiful healthy glow and clearer skin. So take some before and after pics! Just make sure if you want to do this to make sure you get enough greens!!!!! Don't just do a cleanse on fruit juice, and make sure the juice is freshly made (i.e, not from a bottle, but made yourself or from a juice bar)! :)
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    There's no such thing as "detoxing" your body. Your body has a perfectly capable system for removing toxins from your body, and the best thing to assist it is water and some fiber. Faddish "systems", " cleanses" or "detoxes" are money-grabs for gullible desperate people. "my friend said she lost 10 pounds in one week"? Really? Well I have a friend who takes up smoking to lose weight. That's not a brilliant idea either. Besides, we are mostly water and carry between 5-15 pounds of waste in our intestines/bowels. Any snake oil mix with a diuretic and laxative thrown in will make it look like you just lost a bunch of weight, but its not FAT.

    agree with this!!

    I, too, have always heard that the body does not need to be "detoxed."
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I just thought it would be a grea way to rebuild myself! I've been reading a lot of the material and I'm about to order the books! Thanks for the advice guys!

    Why bother posting on a forum? You got advice - "do not do it" - and you are doing it anyway.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It's a waste of money and there is no biological evidence that things you eat can remove "toxins" from your body. What are these "toxins" specifically anyway? They never say.

    Your liver is quite well equipped to do that.

    Would you buy those foot pads that supposedly draw toxins from your body while you sleep? Does that sound like hooey? Why is that?
    Spend your money how you want, but it's all just garbage meant to separate you from your money.

    Ooooo - where can I get those from?:tongue:
  • syam3000
    syam3000 Posts: 37
    There's no such thing as "detoxing" your body. Your body has a perfectly capable system for removing toxins from your body, and the best thing to assist it is water and some fiber. Faddish "systems", " cleanses" or "detoxes" are money-grabs for gullible desperate people. "my friend said she lost 10 pounds in one week"? Really? Well I have a friend who takes up smoking to lose weight. That's not a brilliant idea either. Besides, we are mostly water and carry between 5-15 pounds of waste in our intestines/bowels. Any snake oil mix with a diuretic and laxative thrown in will make it look like you just lost a bunch of weight, but its not FAT.

    agree with this!!

    I, too, have always heard that the body does not need to be "detoxed."

    I agree that we are made to detox ourselves, but we don't really allow our bodies to do it. How can someone fully detox when they are eating processed foods, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, etc? These are things our bodies ARE capable of detoxing, but the process is much, much slower for these foods as compared to whole foods that have not been processed such as veggies, fruits, etc. Our bodies may be able to detox that crap in time, but I don't see the harm in eating healthily, juicing and having a diet with less processed foods and weird crap that you can't even pronounce in our food. Avoiding that stuff will surely help one's body detox more and faster! I'm not saying that you have to use some weird foot pads or do the Master Cleanse, because I am definitely discouraging that. But my point is that there are healthy ways to detox that should not be written off immediately just because "the body can detox itself"...
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    As an aside, I'm not for detoxing, unless your an addict in rehab.

    But this brings up a good point. To get ones self off of drugs or alcohol, to detox, what do you do? Smoke crazy stuff? Drink weird concoctions? No?

    No. You simply stop using drugs and alcohol.

    So what do you need to detox yourself from? Highly processed crap foods? Too much candy and sugar? Soda?

    Want to know how to detox that? Stop eating and drinking the toxins. Start eating and drinking healthfully. That is the only true way to detox ones body.

    I'm always so confused when people detox for weight loss. The two do not seem mutually inclusive.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    There's no such thing as "detoxing" your body. Your body has a perfectly capable system for removing toxins from your body, and the best thing to assist it is water and some fiber. Faddish "systems", " cleanses" or "detoxes" are money-grabs for gullible desperate people. "my friend said she lost 10 pounds in one week"? Really? Well I have a friend who takes up smoking to lose weight. That's not a brilliant idea either. Besides, we are mostly water and carry between 5-15 pounds of waste in our intestines/bowels. Any snake oil mix with a diuretic and laxative thrown in will make it look like you just lost a bunch of weight, but its not FAT.

    agree with this!!

    I, too, have always heard that the body does not need to be "detoxed."

    I agree that we are made to detox ourselves, but we don't really allow our bodies to do it. How can someone fully detox when they are eating processed foods, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, etc? These are things our bodies ARE capable of detoxing, but the process is much, much slower for these foods as compared to whole foods that have not been processed such as veggies, fruits, etc. Our bodies may be able to detox that crap in time, but I don't see the harm in eating healthily, juicing and having a diet with less processed foods and weird crap that you can't even pronounce in our food. Avoiding that stuff will surely help one's body detox more and faster! I'm not saying that you have to use some weird foot pads or do the Master Cleanse, because I am definitely discouraging that. But my point is that there are healthy ways to detox that should not be written off immediately just because "th e body can detox itself"...

    I'm doing the sun dried liver and ma huang detox. It's working for me. I have lost almost all my electrolites in only three days! Don't let the haters hate.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There's no such thing as "detoxing" your body. Your body has a perfectly capable system for removing toxins from your body, and the best thing to assist it is water and some fiber. Faddish "systems", " cleanses" or "detoxes" are money-grabs for gullible desperate people. "my friend said she lost 10 pounds in one week"? Really? Well I have a friend who takes up smoking to lose weight. That's not a brilliant idea either. Besides, we are mostly water and carry between 5-15 pounds of waste in our intestines/bowels. Any snake oil mix with a diuretic and laxative thrown in will make it look like you just lost a bunch of weight, but its not FAT.

    agree with this!!

    I, too, have always heard that the body does not need to be "detoxed."

    I agree that we are made to detox ourselves, but we don't really allow our bodies to do it. How can someone fully detox when they are eating processed foods, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, etc? These are things our bodies ARE capable of detoxing, but the process is much, much slower for these foods as compared to whole foods that have not been processed such as veggies, fruits, etc. Our bodies may be able to detox that crap in time, but I don't see the harm in eating healthily, juicing and having a diet with less processed foods and weird crap that you can't even pronounce in our food. Avoiding that stuff will surely help one's body detox more and faster! I'm not saying that you have to use some weird foot pads or do the Master Cleanse, because I am definitely discouraging that. But my point is that there are healthy ways to detox that should not be written off immediately just because "the body can detox itself"...
    "Detoxing" doesn't mean what you think it means. The human body's ability to digest, process, and detox has absolutely no bearing to whether you can pronounce the words or not. Cleanses and detoxes do absolutely nothing.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Detoxing off what? Opiates, Alcohol, benzos?

    If you are talking about a cleanse, everyone is right, it is not fat but poop you are losing. I lost 10 lbs my first colonic.

    I will be the first to say I love a good colon cleanse. I use a 14 day acia product from Costco. Not everyone is a fan of them but they work grand for me, as I have digestive issues and get some hard stool here and there.

    But if you are bound and determined to do this, please, by all means, keep a blog about it so your progress can be tracked. I have yet to meet someone that this type of thing actually worked for.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I just thought it would be a grea way to rebuild myself! I've been reading a lot of the material and I'm about to order the books! Thanks for the advice guys!

    Why bother posting on a forum? You got advice - "do not do it" - and you are doing it anyway.

    She had already made up her mind before posting the thread.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I just thought it would be a grea way to rebuild myself! I've been reading a lot of the material and I'm about to order the books! Thanks for the advice guys!

    Why bother posting on a forum? You got advice - "do not do it" - and you are doing it anyway.

    She had already made up her mind before posting the thread.

    Agree with you on that - makes you wonder why bother starting a thread at all.
  • StephyJarn
    StephyJarn Posts: 34 Member
    What are you even talking about ? I work in Obstetrics which has nothing to do with detoxing...
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    There's no such thing as "detoxing" your body. Your body has a perfectly capable system for removing toxins from your body, and the best thing to assist it is water and some fiber. Faddish "systems", " cleanses" or "detoxes" are money-grabs for gullible desperate people. "my friend said she lost 10 pounds in one week"? Really? Well I have a friend who takes up smoking to lose weight. That's not a brilliant idea either. Besides, we are mostly water and carry between 5-15 pounds of waste in our intestines/bowels. Any snake oil mix with a diuretic and laxative thrown in will make it look like you just lost a bunch of weight, but its not FAT.

    agree with this!!

    I, too, have always heard that the body does not need to be "detoxed."

    I agree that we are made to detox ourselves, but we don't really allow our bodies to do it. How can someone fully detox when they are eating processed foods, preservatives, hydrogenated oils, etc? These are things our bodies ARE capable of detoxing, but the process is much, much slower for these foods as compared to whole foods that have not been processed such as veggies, fruits, etc. Our bodies may be able to detox that crap in time, but I don't see the harm in eating healthily, juicing and having a diet with less processed foods and weird crap that you can't even pronounce in our food. Avoiding that stuff will surely help one's body detox more and faster! I'm not saying that you have to use some weird foot pads or do the Master Cleanse, because I am definitely discouraging that. But my point is that there are healthy ways to detox that should not be written off immediately just because "th e body can detox itself"...

    I'm doing the sun dried liver and ma huang detox. It's working for me. I have lost almost all my electrolites in only three days! Don't let the haters hate.

    Jesus Christ, wait, what??. Do you mean electrolytes? You realize electrolytes are necessary and that your body requires a very careful balance of them yes? It's not about haters hating, though I know that seems to be the go to around here when anyone is doing something incredibly stupid to their bodies and doesnt want to hear it.

    In physiology, the primary ions of electrolytes are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), chloride (Cl−), hydrogen phosphate (HPO42−), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3−). The electric charge symbols of plus (+) and minus (−) indicate that the substance is ionic in nature and has an imbalanced distribution of electrons, the result of chemical dissociation. Sodium is the main electrolyte found in extracellular fluid and is involved in fluid balance and blood pressure control.

    All known higher lifeforms require a subtle and complex electrolyte balance between the intracellular and extracellular environment. In particular, the maintenance of precise osmotic gradients of electrolytes is important. Such gradients affect and regulate the hydration of the body as well as blood pH, and are critical for nerve and muscle function. Various mechanisms exist in living species that keep the concentrations of different electrolytes under tight control.

    Both muscle tissue and neurons are considered electric tissues of the body. Muscles and neurons are activated by electrolyte activity between the extracellular fluid or interstitial fluid, and intracellular fluid. Electrolytes may enter or leave the cell membrane through specialized protein structures embedded in the plasma membrane called ion channels. For example, muscle contraction is dependent upon the presence of calcium (Ca2+), sodium (Na+), and potassium (K+). Without sufficient levels of these key electrolytes, muscle weakness or severe muscle contractions may occur.

    Electrolyte balance is maintained by oral, or in emergencies, intravenous (IV) intake of electrolyte-containing substances, and is regulated by hormones, generally with the kidneys flushing out excess levels. In humans, electrolyte homeostasis is regulated by hormones such as antidiuretic hormone, aldosterone and parathyroid hormone. Serious electrolyte disturbances, such as dehydration and overhydration, may lead to cardiac and neurological complications and, unless they are rapidly resolved, will result in a medical emergency.
  • StephyJarn
    StephyJarn Posts: 34 Member
    Of course not detoxing off drugs! I've never done anything like that (colon treatment) and the books said detoxing that why I used that terminology!
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    People on here either give good advice or act like snob know-it-alls. Unpleasant.