Carbs addict help



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Its actually alot easier than what people think. I dont miss those foods anymore because I got over the 'addiction' my body had for them.

    Instead of pasta/rice - I use: shirataki, spaghetti squash, threads of zucchini and/or summer squash
    Instead of bread - I enjoy more Korean-style dishes where they use lettuce as the holder
    Instead of corn (which is a grain, by the way), I simply select another food item that is NOT a grain...

    Its too easy

    Someone please stop this person from publicly lying and spreading this non sense.. it is absoltuely NOT easy to quit carbs..!

    I've quit smoking, alcohol, soda pop, processed sugar (all of which in their own right were tough to quit), and still, I cant quit these so called terrible starchy carbs such as corn, potatoes, breads..nor by the way do I find it necessary to.. if I dont eat at least some portion of starchy carbs in EVERY meal, I would simply remain hungry and endlessly eat. I also find my lifts (I exercise regularly) for the day will suffer dramatically without proper portioning of carbs specifically starchy carbs.. They didnt accidently call strong kids/people "corn fed" cause they ate their raspberries today. Just "food for thought" ..

    Btw I'm 31/M 6'2"/190lbs and I can squat 500lbs and bench 350lbs (basically i'm in shape, not trying to get there like many people on here who hear something they read once by some guy with abs in an advertisement and just blindly suggest it to you)

    You dont need to be rude to me. For me, it was easy where I was having bad reactions
  • ekaterinip
    ekaterinip Posts: 17 Member
    I tried to stick with it for three straight months guys. I will go back and check on you guy's ideas. And I really appreciate them. I know it is all in the body, how everyone endures how low they go. I went really, really low. Can any one of you share how low you go? If you want to share it. And did it cause you stomach flu? If it did, what did you do? Because I tried the salt, and water thing to make sure I had enough, but it did not work for me. I am slowly, slowly lowering them back down again. Unfortunately not low enough, the scale has escalated sky high for me. But, I am trying real hard not to give up. It works, for sure it does, and I loose the weight. It is just avoiding getting sick! I am going back and reading what all you guys are saying, and I am enjoying it, and glad the board is still going!
  • ekaterinip
    ekaterinip Posts: 17 Member
    Some people do get sick, or have bad reactions with their bodies. It all depends on ones system, you know. Some people have no problems and can loose, and some people might develop something in the long run. I have this trip toward the end of July, overseas. And two people one of which told me how I had let myself go. If we don't know what the other person goes through it is easy to say. I am just talking about me here, and my past trip. I am going to go back again! Spiritually let me tell you it is not going to be easy. I want to find the solution to my body, now for me it won't be easy. A lot of trial, and error will happen along the way. Well, again for me it did. Might be different for you. I think we can all be nice, and adults here. And I love talking to you girls, because in life that's how we learn. We all learn differently, and at our own pace. What do you guys think? I don't think my body can handle too many carbs guys, and I need all the help that I can get here! Can we all just be nice to each other?
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Someone please stop this person from publicly lying and spreading this non sense.. it is absoltuely NOT easy to quit carbs..!

    I've quit smoking, alcohol, soda pop, processed sugar (all of which in their own right were tough to quit), and still, I cant quit these so called terrible starchy carbs such as corn, potatoes, breads..nor by the way do I find it necessary to.. if I dont eat at least some portion of starchy carbs in EVERY meal, I would simply remain hungry and endlessly eat. I also find my lifts (I exercise regularly) for the day will suffer dramatically without proper portioning of carbs specifically starchy carbs.. They didnt accidently call strong kids/people "corn fed" cause they ate their raspberries today. Just "food for thought" ..

    Btw I'm 31/M 6'2"/190lbs and I can squat 500lbs and bench 350lbs (basically i'm in shape, not trying to get there like many people on here who hear something they read once by some guy with abs in an advertisement and just blindly suggest it to you)

    Whooooaa hold up there buddy, who the heck are you to call someone a liar. I am in the same boat as her and it's a lot easier than you think especially when it's your health at risk, both of the people on this thread are complaining of adverse reactions to carbohydrates and are asking for advise, they are receiving it from someone who has experience with that very thing. That does not mean she is lying. Did you get upset because it was easier for a girl than it was for a "big macho guy" like you claim to be with your claims of squating 500 and benching 350? Maybe you should be called out on that and someone should stop you from posting it until you can prove it.
  • sphinxdust
    sphinxdust Posts: 59 Member
    Limit carbs to vegtables and cut out anything wheat, corn and oat related. Don't eat anything "light" or "fat-free" as they try to make up for the lack of taste in the products (which happens when you take out fat) by adding a ton of sugar.
    Yes! That's why this app is great! Eat carbs from vegetables, input your meals, and you'll see what your carb intake is. If you cut out all added sugar, you will lose weight faster. Eat more protein and your metabolism will quicken as well. Good luck.
  • Leylaos
    Leylaos Posts: 136 Member
    thanks all for replys ive cut down on carbs n my face looking less bloated ,also drinking alot of water helps with bloating. the calorie counter is very good i have been in my limit with carbs but i didnt relise i go over my sugar intake ,i dont each much sweet so didnt relise but i go over it abit each day from ceral,yogurts n fruit mostly so i know now i need to variety it n change my routine abit,also im thinking to have a allergy test done as i do get itching skin n eyes so maybe i could have a food allergy also.

    please add me peeps n i made a group Halal Tasty Low Fat Recipes (Homemade)

    its for us all to share healthy recipe ideas :) i put halal but all recipes welcome
  • Monti_e_lmt
    Monti_e_lmt Posts: 189 Member
    As I had previously said, if I go like 20-30net carbs I have stomach flu like symptoms,, really bad. If I had no choice, and was ill I would go that low, but for me, my body won't allow it. I know I have a wheat sensitivity or allergy to the sense of the word my body weight won't budge to loose, not even with low calories. I have found out the hard way with too many years of yo-yo dieting. Even 50 total carbs is still too low for me. But I find with 70-120 net carbs I do a lot better. I just have to play it by ear and see. It will be a trial, and error thing. For the 3 starches per day is still too much for me. That was just an example, someone else more active or not might be fine with it. Like I said it is merely an individual thing. I am so glad I totally did not give up with low card, and for good, because I was about to do that. Hopefully we can still support each other, with how ever we can come to the boards. I myself have not been on too many so far. Good luck to all in finding the right carbs for their bodies, and still loose the weight!

    ^ I agree. Carbs are on an individual basis just like calories are and work out routines are. Everyone has different body types. Some do really well with high carb diets and counting just calories, some do well with balanced carb and calories, and some have to concentrate on avoiding carbs. A big thing that is widely unknown is a gluten allergy. It can make you blimp up. Ask your doctor for the best advice for you. Now I do know for a fact, from personal experience, that too little carbs with too much protein could do kidney damage. Again ask your doctor for what is right for you.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    thanks all for replys ive cut down on carbs n my face looking less bloated ,also drinking alot of water helps with bloating. the calorie counter is very good i have been in my limit with carbs but i didnt relise i go over my sugar intake ,i dont each much sweet so didnt relise but i go over it abit each day from ceral,yogurts n fruit mostly so i know now i need to variety it n change my routine abit,also im thinking to have a allergy test done as i do get itching skin n eyes so maybe i could have a food allergy also.

    please add me peeps n i made a group Halal Tasty Low Fat Recipes (Homemade)

    its for us all to share healthy recipe ideas :) i put halal but all recipes welcome

    Im a definite advocate for trying new cultural type foods.. Ive been interested in Halal but we have nothing in our immediate area despite the fact my city has over 80 different cultures represented...

    Yeah, Rachel thanks for coming to my defense as well as others... It IS easy when after doing the necessary blood work to see what reactions can occur with lab results. Im thankful to understand all of it - Ive got co-workers who are amazed at the appeals I can do with insurance companies knowing what labs are representing, what values they are, how to read complex surgical notes, etc... When I read my own labs I nearly crapped myself... The Endo knew I was going to be compliant not just because I understand the medical necessity of it, but because I work in the same industry as she does, she knows compliancy will never be an issue...
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Someone please stop this person from publicly lying and spreading this non sense.. it is absoltuely NOT easy to quit carbs..!

    I've quit smoking, alcohol, soda pop, processed sugar (all of which in their own right were tough to quit), and still, I cant quit these so called terrible starchy carbs such as corn, potatoes, breads..nor by the way do I find it necessary to.. if I dont eat at least some portion of starchy carbs in EVERY meal, I would simply remain hungry and endlessly eat. I also find my lifts (I exercise regularly) for the day will suffer dramatically without proper portioning of carbs specifically starchy carbs.. They didnt accidently call strong kids/people "corn fed" cause they ate their raspberries today. Just "food for thought" ..

    Btw I'm 31/M 6'2"/190lbs and I can squat 500lbs and bench 350lbs (basically i'm in shape, not trying to get there like many people on here who hear something they read once by some guy with abs in an advertisement and just blindly suggest it to you)

    Whooooaa hold up there buddy, who the heck are you to call someone a liar. I am in the same boat as her and it's a lot easier than you think especially when it's your health at risk, both of the people on this thread are complaining of adverse reactions to carbohydrates and are asking for advise, they are receiving it from someone who has experience with that very thing. That does not mean she is lying. Did you get upset because it was easier for a girl than it was for a "big macho guy" like you claim to be with your claims of squating 500 and benching 350? Maybe you should be called out on that and someone should stop you from posting it until you can prove it.

    Well said! A person's reason for quitting often reflects on the difficulty in that area. Again, good point!