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what's everyone's acne story ?



  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I'd get the occasional pimple and my sister pushed apricot scrub at me, which made me into pizza face. My brother told me to quit washing my face and since then, I get the VERY occasional pimple. The only soap to hit my face in the last, oh I don't know, 7-8 years has been shampoo suds that ran down onto it.

    Clear skin since I quit washing it.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I'm allergic to benzoyl peroxide (main ingredient in Proactiv and all the other acne creams that work) so I have had acne problems nonstop for the last ten years. If anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear it.

    salicylic acid is the alternative, and if you dont want to spend money testing out, get some CHEAP asprin (non coated), grind it up with a little water into a paste and massage onto a damp face. It acts like a mild exfoliator and contains salicylic acid. I scrub it for a minute then leave it to dry on my face for 10 minutes, then rinse and cleanse with a mild facewash.
    Make sure to moisturise after, it can really dry you out.
  • sparklefly74
    sparklefly74 Posts: 40 Member
    I always had clear skin as a teen. I washed my face with baking soda (which I still do on occasion, love it!). About a year ago (age 37) I started breaking out terribly around the lower part of my cheeks/chin/starting down my neck (probably stress related). I was going to pick up some Proactive, but I found that Wal-mart makes it in the Equate brand, so I spent about 1/3 the money and it cleared my skin right up.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I'd get the occasional pimple and my sister pushed apricot scrub at me, which made me into pizza face. My brother told me to quit washing my face and since then, I get the VERY occasional pimple. The only soap to hit my face in the last, oh I don't know, 7-8 years has been shampoo suds that ran down onto it.

    Clear skin since I quit washing it.

    I was told that using the scrubs when you have acne usually just spreads the bacteria which in turn causes more breakouts. The scrubs are not recommended on a daily basis, maybe once a week. I'll use the scrub but maybe a couple of times a month, none currently since I'm all out.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I've had acne of varying degrees since I was about nine. Eating healthier (less sugary junk) and regular exercise definitely help the most.

    As far as products go, I really like the Very Clear line by Derma-e (http://www.dermae.com/fc_portals/cgi-bin/fccgi.exe?w3exec=dfc.portal&CMD=DEI.DPRODUCTS&SESSIONID=1616656345A&PN=3700ea&WHICH=fc_cl). My skin is both very sensitive and quite oily. Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid often cause me as many problems as they fix. The main active ingredient in these products is Tea Tree Oil. I find it to be a very effective anti-bacterial without causing me other issues (dry, flaky, irritated skin) that I can get with many other products.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    I was told that using the scrubs when you have acne usually just spreads the bacteria which in turn causes more breakouts. The scrubs are not recommended on a daily basis, maybe once a week. I'll use the scrub but maybe a couple of times a month, none currently since I'm all out.

    I definitely have to agree with this. I was using a scrub every day and it cause my skin to get so dry I had eczema like patches. I cut back to once a week if that. I just use the neutrogena makeup wipes and wipe my whole face. I also use Bare Minerals makeup, and now I have very little acne, just a few small bumps on my chin.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I only break out during TOM. :grumble:
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    I had this humongous zit on my back the other day. Like size of a Volkswagen bug huge. At night, I swear it whispered to me. Told me things like, "Get out of bed and eat some cereal." Finally it reared it's ugly head. It made a fatal flaw in being within reach of my left hand.
    Summing up all the bravery I could muster, I took on this monster by the head. I squeezed and squeezed. Tears immediately sprang to my eyes. Oh this bad boy would not go quietly. I think I actually whimpered.
    Suddenly...release. Guts spewed forth like...well you know being a male, like something else spewing forth. It shot onto the mirror and when I turned around, it appeared to be all over my face, which made me extremely uncomfortable.
    It was a tough battle, but I claimed victory.

    You painted such a vivid picture in my head. I saw it happening while I was reading. :wink:
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Every month one or two on my chin :grumble:
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I've struggled with acne since early puberty, and have seen a dermatologist since I was 12! LOL I've been on tons of antibiotics and topicals, and after many years they tried accutane treatment. The first time i tried accutane, it was a very low dose...so it worked, but only for about 2 years. Then the acne came back. About 2 years ago I went on a second course at a higher dose, and since then my cystic acne issues have pretty much resolved (except for maybe a few big zits a year).

    I do believe that cleaning up my diet has helped as well! :)
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I had alot of crap on my forehead while I was in middle school but thankfully it went away on it's own after awhile.
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I've always struggled with acne but it wasn't ever really that bad. What sucked was the cystic acne I used to get. They would literally keep me in the house for a week because I was too embarrassed to be seen in public. I did see a dermatologist when I was in college, he would basically inject something into my cheek (wherever the cystic acne was) and it would be gone or at least shrink down significantly.

    As an adult now, 29 yrs old, I still get them from time to time. Not the cystic but normal acne. I started ProActiv about 6 months ago. LOVE IT! At first I thought it was really expensive but my 3 month supply lasts me longer than 3 months. So it's not nearly as painful as I expected.

    Truth is - I'd pay whatever the heck I had to because my self-esteem is worth it!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    every now and then i still get zits. nowhere near as bad as when i was younger, but eating right and working out has definitely helped. i also learned that a little oil on my face (not like, olive oil, but made by my skin oil) is good because then my skin stops making more to keep me moisturized.

    i got my first giant zit at age 10, right before picture day. lucky me.
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and one of the possible symptoms is severe acne. It started in 4th grade, and starting getting worse every year. By 16, MAN, did I get it bad! I tried everything - proactive, over the counter medicine, prescribed creams and oral medication - NOTHING worked, and I mean NOTHING.

    I was on Accutane for 6 months when I was 17 (which is a drug that they don't put people on unless it's really really really bad). Even though I wasn't sexually active, I had to sign a contract saying I would use 2 forms of birth control because if I got pregnant, the baby would be severely deformed and probably wouldn't live. I had to get monthly blood tests to make sure my liver was functioning properly as well. It dried out my skin BAD, and I was constantly putting Aquaphor on as lotion and chap stick, a few times a day. It was a rough 6 months. BUT, my results were AMAZING. Now I am 21, and I maybe only get one pimple every few months.


  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,079 Member
    I had horrid acne!!! then i got on birthcontrol and it got WORSE!!!! now its not as bad but if i go outside i get acne(no matter how many times i wash my face >.< idk wth is wrong xD
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    nutrogena naturals.
    turns out im allergic to many many many things
    finally found stuff that works
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    My started at about 13, my doctor put me on Birth Control at 16 and that made it 1000x better but I still break out around TOM.
    Since I started working out and eating differently though it's better. I rarely break out, maybe a small blemish here or there.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    The summer I turned 15 my acne was HORRIBLE, it eventually cleared and then when I was 17 it started to return. So my mom started taking me to a spa to have a facial every couple months and that has helped tremendously! Now my skin is clear most of the time and I only get zits when I'm PMSing. I still have acne scars though. :( Luckily, they're not that bad and I can just cover them with foundation.